02-13-2010, 04:10 AM
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
تنظيم الصور الرقمية في ألبومات ومجلداتStudioLine Photo Classic
برنامج StudioLine Photo Classicهو برنامج متميز ومتنوع لمحبي الصور. يمكنك من خلال البرنامج تنظيم الصور الرقمية في ألبومات ومجلدات. ويتميز البرنامج بإمكانية البحث عن الصور بمنتهى السهولة. ويشتمل البرنامج على 30 أداة متخصصة للصور وهي أدوات مدمجة لتحسين التعامل مع مشكلات الصور من حيث الوضوح وظهور العيون باللون الأحمر ومشكلات الألوان. هذا ويمكن طباعة الصور أو إرسالها عبر البريد الإلكتروني وعرضها في عروض على الشاشة أو تحميلها في عروض أو ألبومات على الإنترنت. هذا ويمكن إعداد تقاويم وبطاقات وتصميمات أخرى. كما يشتمل البرنامج على إمكانية إعداد نسخ إحتياطية
StudioLine Photo Classic Plus v3.60.30.0 | 64.6 MB
StudioLine Photo Classic Plus - multifunction program for organizing and c onducting photo archives with the ability to edit and enhance digital fotografiy.V StudioLine Photo Classic is a large number of tools for working with images, allowing to remove red eye, enhance color tones, brightness, contrast, and t . n has the ability to add de******ions to photos, to search the database, view photos in slideshow mode, including at two monitorah.Krome this straight from the StudioLine Photo can send selected photos to e-mail, print them on a printer create a web gallery or a backup copy of the entiredatabase of photos, burn it to CD or DVD.
StudioLine Photo Classic comes with an impressive array of professional editing tools. A few simple steps you can turn a set of images in a slide show, greeting cards, calendars and covers for CDs, burn to CD / DVD or send them to friends and relatives by e-pochte.Krome addition, StudioLine Photo Classic has built extensive print functions for any format and size izobrazheniy.StudioLine generates brilliant sketches, whose dimensions can be changed in the slider from 50x50 up to 1000x1000 pixels.
• 32 professional tool for working with images.
• dual-monitor support to remedy the problems of exposure.
• The original photo always remains untouched.
• Improved image with numerous effects and filters.
• Supports Alpha Channel.
• Support for EXIF and IPTC / NAA.
• Sending an email directly from the archive of images.
• Web-galleries.
• filters for creating special effects.
• Advanced printing options.
• Slideshow.
• Ability to download images from digital cameras, scanners, CD / DVD, hard drive or other media.
• StudioLine Photo Classic 3 supports many file formats, including:
(TIFF, JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG, PSD, PCD, RAS, RAW (to popular models of cameras), WAV, AVI, MOV, MPEG, MP3).
• Supported formats (RAW) popular cameras: Canon, Fujifilm, Konica-Minolta, Nikon, Olympus, Pentax, Sony, Sigma and other brands. Extended color space allows you to lossless kachastva edit your images in RAW format.
What's new in this version:
• Newly added keywords can immediately be applied to currently selected images.
• Improved speed of opening image archive folders if content of suborders is included in display.
• Improved speed for large data stores during startup and when viewing recycling bin.
• Corrected display of links for dynamic image viewer for Opera and Internet Explorer.
Program Information
Title: StudioLine Photo Classic Plus v3.60.30.0
Year: 2010
Platform: Microsoft ® Windows ® Vista / XP / 2000
Language: English
Medicine: There
Size: 64.6 Mb