عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 02-13-2009, 01:40 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي حصريا .. ادخل وحمل PhotoShop & windows Xp وأشياء اخرى ..

بســم الله الرحمن الرحــــــــيــــــم ..

اقدم لكم

De******ion :
# This 3GP mobile video convertor
# ImTOO 3GP Video Converter is highly easy-to-handle 3GP converter software which makes 3GP conversion
a breeze by automating all tasks with high quality.

# No other 3GP converters like ImTOO 3GP Video Converter supports so comprehensive video/audio files including
AVI, MPEG, GIF, WMV, H.264/AVC, 3GP, MP4, MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, AAC, OGG, etc., with abundant built-in codecs.

[RS]Newtek_Lightwave_3D_v9.3 {one link}

Used to create 3d objects and animations.
http://rapidshare.com/files/193070832/Newtek_Lightwave_3D_v9.3_mikey188_warezshares.com. rar[/URL]


Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (32-Bit)

Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (32-Bit)
This is the original genuine version of Windows XP Professional. It includes Service Pack 2. It does not require any cracks or tools to pass the validation process. This is an untouched version of Windows XP Professional. The genuine serial number works only for this version. It may not work if you try to upgrade or dual-boot with this serial number. For more info about Windows XP, please visit the site below.

Extra Info : http://www.microsoft.com/windows/pro...p/default.mspx

-Download all the "inventicus-Xp32" links.
-With "WinRar" extract only the first file. After extraction, you should get two files.
-The file that you will get is a Nero image (.NRG). You need to burn this with Alcohol, Nero or ImgBurn on a blank CD.
-After that, download the Windows XP Cover and extract it.
-A picture (.PNG) should show up. Get the genuine serial number from it.
-Write it on a piece of paper or something.
-After that, put the burned CD in the CD/DVD-ROM/RW.
-Boot from CD.
-Install fresh copy of Windows XP (Format your PC).
-Register with the key.
-Use and enjoy a lifetime genuine Windows XP.

OnOne Plug-In Suite 4 for Adobe Photoshop

This Professional Suite Includes:
- Genuine Fractals 5 Print Pro for high-quality enlargements.
Enlarge your images over 1000% with no loss in image quality. Genuine Fractals 5 simply produces higher quality and sharper results than traditional scaling methods in Photoshop or in any other third party product.

- PhotoTools 1 Professional Edition. As a photographer, you know there\'s no such thing as having too many lenses, filters or other accessories. The same is true of your Photoshop tools (plug-ins and effects filters) as well. The more effects plug-ins you have the more options you have for being creative and achieving that one-of-a-kind look to help you stand out.
With the PhotoshopA® plug-in PhotoTools, you can instantly give your photos the professional look. Jack Davis (Photoshop Hall-of-Fame member and instructor) has teamed up with onOne Software to bring you this indispensable Photoshop Plug-In that includes over 150 traditional and modern photographic effects. But there is much more to PhotoTools Professional than just effects.
Select, preview and stack multiple effects to get the perfect one-of-a-kind look and then start up the powerful PhotoTools batch processing engine to quickly enhance an entire shoot at once. Get PhotoTools today and save time, energy and money while getting the creative quality you dream of.
- Mask Pro 4 for removing backgrounds. Mask Pro allows you to cut out a subject from the background by assigning keep and drop colors and simply painting away the background. Mask Pro makes it easy to create masks, selections and clipping paths on difficult subjects like hair, glass and fog all in real-time. The built-in tutorials allow you to quickly learn how to mask even the most complex images.
- PhotoFrame 3.1 Professional Edition for the perfect finishing touch to your
photos. Now it\'s easy to add realistic film and darkroom edge and border effects to you images. Add the perfect finishing touch to separate your images from the rest with PhotoFrame.

PhotoFrame Professional Edition extends the power of PhotoFrame by adding over 200 additional frames designed exclusively by some of the top photographers and Photoshop professionals including Dave Cross, Jack Davis, Jim DiVitale, Laurie Excell, Helene Glassman, Kevin Kubota, Rick Sammon and Vincent Versace.
- PhotoTune 2 for professional quality color correction. Quickly and dynamically enhance images to make them look their best. Bring several Photoshop dialog boxes into one so you can easily fix your images ****d on dynamic before and after previews.
- FocalPoint 1 for adding selective blur and vignettes to your photos. FocalPoint plugin for Photoshop gives photographers a way to create realistic depth of field control, plane of focus control and selective focus to any image after it is photographed allowing for more control and precision.
FocalPoint also allows you to add a vignette, either lighter or darker around the sweet-spot. You control the amount and size in realtime. No need to make another layer or use complicated effects or actions. You can even use FocalPoint just for vignetting without blurring the image at all.


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Cyber Cafe Pro v5.250

CyberCafePro internet cafe software is designed for Cyber Cafe owners of who need to control, charge for, and report on the use of computers for gaming, Internet access or any program usage for up to 200 computers. Purchase package includes Server and Client software. CCPro easily block local drives or any other window that you wish your customer not to have access to. Customize all programs, buttons, backgrounds, colors, sounds, and rates for the client interface, as well as languages for both the server and the client software (Language Module Editor available to create your own language). A Print Manager add-on is now available. HTML sales reports can be generated, viewed, exported, and printed from any browser. All employee activities and sales are logged to help protect your profits and the integrity of your cafe.
CyberCafePro - Internet Cafe Software
Designed to manage any internet cafe, cyber cafe, gaming center, hostel, library, computer area, lan house or any timed computer atmosphere. CyberCafePro internet cafe software manages, times, secures, inventories and administrates your business. A full 160 item Point-of-Sale System (Printer, Cash Drawer & Touch Screen ready) ensures you do not have to spend extra money on expensive point-of-sale software.


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Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) Premium With Key

Download Accelerator Plus enables you to pause and resume downloads, and to recover from a dropped Internet connection.
In addition, DAP searches for mirrors and implements the downloads from the best or most responsive mirrors. It is configured by default to automatically Integrate into your Explorer or Netscape browser when it is installed, and to self-activate each time a download is performed.
No further configuration or action is required on your part - simply use your browser to access the desired site, click on the download file, and respond to the self-explanatory DAP dialogs that appear.
Advanced options enable you to tailor the operation and responses of the application to your needs. You can choose to trigger specific responses such as messages, queue update, closing the application, and disconnecting after the download is completed or is not available.
DAP is fully integrated into the browser, providing the best possible performance from ANY Internet connection, broadband and narrowband (cable, DSL / ADSL, T1, dial-up etc.).
DAP will allow you to benefit from a faster and more reliable download experience, optimize your download performance, and help you to recover interrupted downloads. DAP is available in two versions: a Free version (ads. supported) and a Premium version (with a richer set of features and no ads.).
This download is marked as adware because it displays advertisement banners or other type of commercials while running.

Download DAP & get SpeedBit Video Accelerator.
More speed per connection.
Resume broken downloads
Preview files while you download
Security checks by Webroot for every site and application you download!
Multilingual: English, Spanish, French, Italian, etc
Clean crack,

http://rapidshare.com/files/191115953/Download_Accelerator_Plus_8.6.7.1_Full_www.warezsh ares.com.rar[/URL]

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Norton Ghost Suite v11.0.0.1502 (Portable)

Save the stuff you care about with the new Norton Ghost. From photos and music to tax documents, Norton Ghost automatically backs up and recovers everything on your computer.
Key Features
Backs up everything on your computer - digital music, photos, financial documents, applications, settings, operating system, etc. - in one easy step
Recovers your system and data even when you can\'t restart your operating system
Makes incremental backups to maximize space and save time
Makes backups on the fly, without restarting your system
Backs up to almost any media, including CDR/RW and DVD+-R/RW drives, USB and FireWireA® (IEEE 1394) devices, and IomegaA® ZipA® and JazA® drives

New Features
Automatically creates an initial backup schedule ****d on your computer\'s configuration
Automatically detects storage devices, analyzes your system, and offers \"best practice\" backup advice during installation
Automatically monitors and optimizes backup disk space
Triggers backups on key events, like new program installations or user logins
Creates new backups on demand with One Button \"Back Up Now\"
Encrypts backups to help keep them secure
Task-****d interface simplifies management and monitoring
Displays all scheduled backups - plus the degree of backup protection for each drive on your computer - in one convenient view
One-step setup wizard makes installation and configuration quick and easy
Begins backing up to Maxtor external drives by simply pressing the Maxtor OneTouchâ?¢ button

http://rapidshare.com/files/191115973/Norton_Ghost_Suite_v11.0.0.1502_www.warezshares.co m.rar[/URL]

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WebcamXP Pro

WebcamXP is a powerful webcams and ip cameras management and streaming software for private and professional use. it offers unique features and unequaled ease of use to let you broadcast and manage multiple video sources on the same computer. it is the perfect tool to secure your goods.

supported devices:

- usb webcams (WDM driver required)
- tv, analog or multi-input capture cards (WDM driver required)
- ip cameras (JPEG/MJPEG/MPEG4)
- Windows Media streams (ASF)
- local video files (AVI/WMV/MP4/MOV/...)
- wowwee rovio (mobile ip camera) new !

supported streaming modes:
- still jpeg images for low-tech devices
- flash client (compatible with most operating systems and handheld devices)
- ********** clients (MJPEG or JPEG PUSH)
- Windows Media streaming
- Windows Mobile 5.0 / 6.0 client new !

additional key features:
- local and remote pan & tilt control (Logitech Orbit, Creative LiveMotion! and IP cameras)
- supports FTP/FTPS and HTTP/HTTPS Post
- motion detector (optical or acoustic) with many possible ways to handle *****s (local recording, ftp, http post, launch external applications)
- advanced users manager to grant limited or unlimited access.
- overlay editor supporting picture in picture, animated gifs, alpha-blending and **** editor.
- DVR (permanent recording deleted after X hours)
- run as service new !
- interract with PowerHome automation software new !


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Real Player v. Gold Premium Multi-Media Full 2008

Real Player plays all major media formats including RealVideo, RealAudio, Windows Media and Quicktime. This makes it easier for end users to decide on the media they want to access, not the format or software. We take universality a step further by providing RealPlayers for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Unix, mobile phones, portable devices, set top boxes, DVD players and gaming consoles.

Fast Facts about the New Real Player:
* Consumers can use the innovative, single-click process to quickly download and save videos for later enjoyment.
* Consumers can download multiple videos simultaneously with RealPlayer, allowing people to save time and easily multitask. Users can also start downloading in the middle of watching a video, and the entire video will be captured.
* Consumers donâ??t need to worry about video format compatibility issues â?? the new RealPlayer supports videos created in the most popular formats, including Flash, Windows Media, QuickTime, and Real.
* Consumers can easily burn videos to CD (or to DVD, using RealPlayer Plus). The Video CD format used by RealPlayer can be played in most DVD players.
* Consumers can send links of their favorite videos to their friends with a convenient â??Share with a Friendâ?? feature. The link that arrives in their friendsâ?? email will direct them to the online source of the video ******* their friend downloaded.
* RealPlayer supports both downloading and recording for popular streaming format (Windows Media, Real, and QuickTime)
* RealPlayer will only download/record video that is not protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management) systems.
* RealPlayer features an improved look and feel, a streamlined installation process and faster video playback.
* RealPlayer will first be released for Windows, and will work with both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Real plans a version for the Mac to be released later in the year

http://rapidshare.com/files/191098678/Real_Player_11.0.9.372_Gold_Premium_SO_SA_www.ware zshares.com.rar[/URL]

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Eset Nod32 Antivirus 3.0.621 + Fix ( Vista + XP )24647 days

ESET NOD32 Antivirus System - Integrated, Real-Time Protection against viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, phishing, and *******. Best detection, fastest performance & smallest footprint.
NOD32 Antivirus System provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running various platforms from Microsoft Windows, through a number of UNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino and other mail servers.

ESET solutions are built on ESETâ??s one-of-a-kind ThreatSense technology. This advanced heuristics engine enables proactive detection of malware not covered by even the most frequently updated signature-****d products by decoding and analyzing executable code in real time, using an emulated environment. By allowing malware to execute in a secure virtual world, ESET is able to clearly differentiate between benign files and even the most sophisticated and cleverly-disguised malware.
Users of MicrosoftA® WindowsA® can experience the power and elegance of NOD32\'s ThreatSense Technology with ease and comfort. Our single optimized engine offers the best protection from viruses, spyware, adware, phishing attacks, and more. Keep tomorrow\'s threats at bay with our proactive detection technology.
Unique to ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus V3.0:
â?¢ Hands-on service â?? All ESET customers receive the same level of excellent technical support service, whether an individual computer user or an SMB.
â?¢ Ease of installation â?? ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus V3.0 scanning engines are quick and easy to install, no matter what solution is currently running.
â?¢ Advanced threat protection network â?? ESET solutions are backed by ThreatSense.Net, a global early warning system built into the products. ThreatSense.Net extends the power of ThreatSenseâ??s powerful analytics by automatically submitting samples of and information about new malware to ESET researchers for analysis, thus helping to close the window of vulnerability opened by new threats.


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The End