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Xilisoft iPhone Transfer v2.1.38.1030

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 11-20-2009, 07:00 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي Xilisoft iPhone Transfer v2.1.38.1030

Xilisoft iPhone Transfer v2.1.38.1030 | (5.63 MB)

Xilisoft iPhone Transfer is a smart tool for synchronizing your iPhone to your computer. It’s the ideal iPhone manager to backup music and video to your computer, match your iPhone contents to iTunes and seamlessly copy files from computer to your iPhone.

The iPhone Transfer tool now supports the latest iPhone OS 3.1. Import and export your computer files to your iPhone for viewing and playing, you can also deal with your files via iTunes 9.0. Besides music, video and file synchronization, you can even treat your iPhone as a portable hard disk when Xilisoft iPhone Transfer software is installed.

Fully supports iPhone OS 3.1 and iTunes 9.0
Backup iPhone contents to computer
Export computer files to iPhone
Synchronize iPhone music with iTunes 9.0 library
Treat iPhone as a portable hard disk

iPhone – Computer – iPhone How to transfer from PC to iPhone, transfer music from iPhone to computer
Backup iPhone Contents to Computer
Copy iPhone music, movies, videos, pictures, podcasts and other files to you computer and vice versa. Synchronize files to and from iPhone to your computer.
iTunes 9.0 and iPhone 3GS
Supports all generations of iPhone and iPod, you need not worry because we are always updated with the latest version to support your needs.
iTunes Support
Not only does it support between iPhone, iPod and computer, but it also syncs with iTunes 9.0.
Synchronize Seamlessly Make use of iPhone for flash disk, and recognize your iPhone's information automatically
Supports All iPhone and iPod
iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone 2G/3G/3GS.
iPhone as Hard Disk
Explore your iPhone files by treating it as a hard disk, browse through files using your Windows Explorer .
Display Details
You can view your device's properties and information on the main interface: type, generation, serial number, format, version and others.
Manage iPhone Files Quickly view and search your iPhone files, create and edit playlist like iTunes
Create and Edit Playlist
Create playlists for your iPhone, edit them as you wish. Playlists are good for the gym, office, travel and others.
Different View Modes
View your iPhone/iPod files in thumbnails like album artwork or list view for easier organizing.
Quick Filter and Search
Search through your files by genre, artist's name, album name, album year and others. For searching your library, just type in a keyword or the beginning of a title to filter through songs and files.
Manage iPods simultaneously Intelligent, easy and fast iPhone transfer, iPhone management software
Connect Several iPhone or iPods
Manage several iPod or iPhone devices simultaneously without conflicting each other's files. Copy files from other iPods without erasing other iPod files.
Fast Transfer Speed
Synchronize between files in fast transfer speed, no need to worry of your computer slowing down or conflicting other programs.


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