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قديم 01-22-2010, 12:00 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي لعبة جيمس بوند HF] James Bond 007 Quantum of Solace Full RIP

James Bond 007 Quantum of Solace Full RIP

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James Bond 007 Quantum of Solace Full RIP | 3.2Gb
James Bond: Quantum of Solace - new game based on Ian Fleming books, about the adventures of British spy, who is known since 1953. This character appearing in 14 novels and 22 films over the past few decades.

James Bond: Quantum of Solace will cover the subject of two recent films: Casino Royale and Quantum of Mercy. Treyarch takes a fairly standard approach to the game, in which Bond will be able to act as in the movie, fighting and shooting. Unfortunately, the game will not include the bed scenes, so that the inherent Bond.
Gameplay James Bond: Quantum of Solace varies by type of change between the first and third person.

Steps to secrecy and quiet look very good. It is also worth noting that the actions in the game did not provide any means of transportation, so the hero will have to move all the time on foot.

Visualization of James Bond: Quantum of Solace magnificent as Treyarch use the engine of Call of Duty 4. The powerful engine has proven to us the high level of visual effects and detail, as well as interactive elements such as destroying objects, changing tissue. A view from thirdperson is well demonstrated to us a detailed model of Daniel Craig. Treyarch spent much time on the re-establishment of a real model of the spy movie that does not deviate from reality.

Audio of James Bond: Quantum of Solace further evidence in favor of engine Call of Duty 4. Good sound design is a perfect complement to the visuals. Also, you will hear the familiar melody of films about James Bond. Cries the enemy during an exchange of players should enjoy. To preserve authenticity, Daniel Craig and Judi Dench will express the characters play.

Game features:
??” New Bond. For the first time in the games on the agent «007» found a new way of James Bond, Daniel Craig effectively detected. You'll see a hero like that, remember how it «Casino Royale» and «Kvante mercy».
??” The right to choose. Each new job is not like previous one. Never know for sure is how to do this time. Use different tactics depending on events and situations. Quietly remove the victim in a dark corner, vvyazatsya in the fierce fight, or to arrange cross the middle of the hotel lounge - it's up to you.
??” Looking from the outside. The most notorious scoundrel resist James Bond. Increase your chances of winning by using just two types - from the first and thirdperson.
??” As in the movie! Thanks to modern special effects, immersion in the charming and ruthless world of James Bond will be complete. Show angle, impressive explosions, stunts and graceful technique «Picture-in-picture» - this is far from complete list of graphic techniques.
??” around the world. You will visit Bolivia, Montenegro, Venice and Austria. Each area has its non-negotiable touch.
??” New Line! Quantum of Solace opens the way for large «dismantling»! Now you will collective battle over the network. Feel yourself as a hunter or a victim!

System Requirement
Operating System: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP / VISTA
• Processor: Pentium ® 4 2.4GHz or Athlon XP ™ 64 2800 MHz or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core
• Memory: 512 MB
• Video: 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX ® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB
• Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX
• DAEMON Tools
• Diskspace: 7Gb - 8 Gb

Recommended: Quote:
• Operating System: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP / VISTA
• Processor: Pentium ® 4 2.4GHz or Athlon XP ™ 64 2800 MHz or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better
• Memory: 1024 MB
• Video: 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX ® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video
• Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c
• DAEMON Tools
• Diskspace: 7Gb - 8 Gb

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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع لعبة جيمس بوند HF] James Bond 007 Quantum of Solace Full RIP:
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الساعة الآن 04:11 AM.

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