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Zoom Player Business Edition FLEX 7.00 FINAL (+SPANISH)

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 12-05-2010, 03:57 PM
الصورة الرمزية business2010  
رقـم العضويــة: 75419
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 33
المشـــاركـات: 558
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي Zoom Player Business Edition FLEX 7.00 FINAL (+SPANISH)

Zoom Player FLEX is the ultimate, all-inclusive toolsetfor professional users who will not compromise on power, performance or features and demand the best in all categories. This "Swiss Army Knife" for media processing, display and management combines all the best and most powerful features, functionality, playback and display options, configuration options and navigation interfaces found in MC and DS models.

Zoom Player offers the following features:

* Increased system stability and reliability - a perfect experience, every time,
* The shortest media load-times in the industry,
* Full DVD playback & control functionality with variable playback speed,
* DVD playback from any source (USB/memory card/disk on key/HD),
* Selection from multiple audio and video decoders,
* Flexible non-linear 16:9/4:3 video scaling (w/ EVR),
* Pattern calibration system with White Wash support,
* Windows Media (WMV/WMA) DRM support,
* Control over secondary monitors,
* Easy, intuitive configuration & fast set-up,
* Unlimited display mode options (for aspect ratio, video parameters, etc),
* Complete, easily accessible controls over any playback & display parameter (e.g., rendering, quality, A/R, size, color, speed, etc)
* Easy control over all features / functions / parameters using smart Navigators,
* Friendly full-screen navigation,
* Advanced Smart Play controls,
* Smart Auto-repeat options,
* DVD position memory,
* Auto-Save of definitions file per-disc (including Aspect Ratio, Video Position, Color Values, etc),
* Comprehensive language & subtitle support,
* Auto media file stream selection for audio and subtitles,
* Audio re-sync function,
* Remember/resume from last media position,
* Play history logging & display,
* Playback of incomplete AVI files,
* Playback of files locked by third party programs,
* Auto playback of multi-segment files,
* Auto extract & play of archived media files,
* Category-based media library with smart navigation options,
* Video chaptering system,
* Fast Go-To interface with instant access to any location in the file,
* Advanced screen saver and screen damage-prevention options,
* Infinite OSD display options including child-proof, safe modes,
* Closed captions support in media files,
* Easy scene-cut Interface for virtual audio/video editing,
* Comprehensive playlist editing and control options,
* Extensive command-line options & parameters for flexible operation modes, endless automated operation and playback possibilities,
* Bookmarking system with auto-load bookmark options,
* Network path mapping into navigation interface,
* Password-protected parental control,
* Display of file download progress,
* Communication & Control API (TCP/IP or WinAPI's SendMessage) functionality,
* More features and version comparison chart,


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Zoom Player Business Edition FLEX 7.00 FINAL (+SPANISH):
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