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قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة قسم خاص بجميع المواضيع المحذوفة و المُكررة والتي لاتنطبق على الشروط والقوانين والتي لا شأن لها في أي قسم من أقسام المُنتدى

قديم 11-03-2008, 06:54 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي MediaShare v1.2 include Video Grabber Plugin الشهيرررررر

دا اسكربت بيعمل موقع فديو زي اليوتيوب

ودي المعلومات

List of Features
Public Area

* Secure forms, protected template files
* Search engine friendly URLs


* Today's video recommendation
* User friendly (Ajax) tabs: featured audios, featured images, featured videos
* User friendly (Ajax) tabs: most played audios, most viewed images, most viewed videos
* User friendly (Ajax) tabs: top rated audios, top rated images, top rated videos
* Member authentication / password recovery
* Most popular tags (cloud tags)
* User friendly tabs: last users online, who is online now
* Advertisement Areas

My Audios, My Images, My Videos

* Details about each file: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating, type, tags
* Time sorting filters
* Edit title, de******ion, tags, categories
* Edit file options: file type, allow comments, allow ratings, allow embedding, allow bookmarking
* Edit thumbnails
* Delete files
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Grid View/List View
* Manage multiple files using checkboxes

My Inbox

* Internal messaging system, allowing users to send and receive messages from other members or from administrative staff
* Displays messages received from other users or admin
* Message Blocking
* Message Attachements
* Message details: sender profile link and avatar, message ****, reply option
* Delete, mark as read/unread
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Manage multiple messages using checkboxes
* Send messages to multiple users

My Favorites

* User friendly tabs: my favorite audios, my favorite images, my favorite videos
* Details about each file: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating, type, tags
* Delete from favorites
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Manage multiple files using checkboxes
* Grid View/List View

My Friends

* Displays the current user's list of friends
* Entries that are active and confirmed can access the private files of the current user
* Entries can consist of other website members, or invited members. Invites can be sent to anyone, and they are code ****d. The person who receives an invite must sign up using the invite code received (or decline the invitation) and the friend's list will get updated accordingly.
* Statistics about each entry: no. of audios, images, video (with direct link access)
* Enable/disable entries, send message, delete
* Enable/disable file ratings and comments for entries
* On the fly sorting: most audios, most images, most videos, online, offline
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)

My Playlists

* Files are added automatically to playlist
* User friendly tabs: my audio playlist, my image playlist, my video playlist
* Details about each file: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating, type, tags
* Delete from playlist
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Manage multiple files using checkboxes
* Grid View/List View

My Profile

* Set/delete avatar (gif, jpg or png formats)
* Password configuration (with password meter tool)
* Personal information configuration: ****, email, ********, phone, website, gender, date of birth/calendar, de******ion
* Delete from playlist
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)

Audios, Images, Videos

* Details about each file: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating, tags
* Sort by: most recent, most viewed, recently featured, most discussed, top favorites, top rated, random
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Time filtering options
* Grid View/List View


* List of available/active categories
* Total number of audio, image or video files in each category
* Category details, most active users in category
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)


* List of registered members
* Country flag shows if the option is enabled under Admin/General Settings
* Statistics with links for each member: registered date, last login, active, online, audios, images, videos
* On the fly sorting
* Member images on mouse over member's ****, links to member profile pages
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)


* Allows uploading of files
* Easy steps to follows, with instructions included
* Real-time upload progress bar with detailed statistics
* Support for the most common and used audio, image and video formats
* Background processed file conversion


* Search for audios, images, videos, members, tags, or all
* Filter results: most commented, most played, most recent, top rated

RSS Feeds

* Feeds for categorized groups of files (most recent, most played, top rated)

User Public Profile

* Shows user details with corresponding access links
* Audios, images, videos, favorites, friends, add to friends, send message, visit website
* Details about the most popular files: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating, type, tags

View Image/Audio/Video Page

* Flash video player with: buffering, play, pause, rewind, volume, time display, full-screen, logo overlay (optional), video ads system (optional), video playlist, watch again
* Flash audio player with: buffering, play, pause, volume, time display, background image (optional), logo overlay (optional), fake equalizer (optional)
* Lightbox ****** show to display the image file types
* Rating, flagging (featured, inappropriate), commenting (comments can be delete by file owner), bookmarking, emailing page, permalink, auto generated embed code, real-time sorting of related, commented, most viewed, top rated and by that user files, display related tags

Admin Area
Audios, Images, Videos

* Details about all files: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Can be sorted to show user videos, category videos, or all videos
* Sub-sorting by: all, active, comments, date, featured, inactive, inappropriate, private, public, rating, views
* Preview files, change file details and options on the fly
* Change file details: title, de******ion, tags, categories
* Change file options: type, approved, featured, inappropriate, recommended (only for videos)
* Permanently delete files

* Featured and inappropriate requests are also shown - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Details about the files: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating
* Sub-sorting by: all request, active requests, closed requests
* Preview files, change file details and options on the fly
* Change file details: title, de******ion, tags, categories
* Change file options: type, approved, featured, inappropriate, recommended (only for videos)
* See request reason, close active request
* Delete requests

Players: Audio Player

* Edit audio player settings: auto-play, equalizer (it's fake, mostly for visual purposes), player size, logo overlay size, background image/delete background image

Players: Audio Watermark

* Manage the entries used as logo overlays for the audio player - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Supported formats are: *.gif, *.jpg, *.png
* Unlimited entries can be added, displayed randomly
* Enable/disable, edit and delete entries

Players: Video Ads

* Manage entries used as video ads, displayed before/after video playback - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Supported formats are: *.jpg, *.swf
* Unlimited entries can be added, displayed randomly
* Adding entries: **** of entry, de******ion, URL to be accessed on click, duration of ad (works only with *.jpg types), select file to add
* Enable/disable, edit and delete entries
* Statistics such as: views, clicks, click rate

Players: Video Player

* Edit video player settings: autoplay, playlist, title bar, share option, repeat option, show ads position, player size

Players: Video Watermark

* Manage the entries used as logo overlays for the video player - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Supported formats are: *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.swf
* Unlimited entries can be added, displayed randomly
* Enable/disable, edit and delete entries
* Specify position and transparency, set URL to be opened on click


* Manage list of categories, specifically set which file types are allowed in what categories - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Add categories: specify ****, de******ion and an image (*.gif, *.jpg, *.png)
* Enable/disable, edit and delete (once a category is delete, all the videos in it are delete as well)
* Number of audios, images and videos in each category, with access links


* Manage list of registered members - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Show/sort by id, user****, last login, active, online, audios, images, videos
* Country flag shows if the option is enabled under General Settings
* Enable/disable, email, message, delete (once a member is delete, all of it's files are deleted as well)
* Member details: id, user****, email, active, logged in, registered, last login, from ip, ****, gender, de******ion, ********, country, website, phone
* Access links to members audios, images, videos
* Message all members, email all members
* Create any types of messages using advanced WYSIWYG editor

Settings: Ad Settings

* Configure the advertisement placeholder areas across the site
* Enable/disable and edit using advanced WYSIWYG editor

Settings: Editable Templates

* Edit the email template files used by the ****** when signing up, inviting friends, emailing file link, using password recovery, email notifications templates
* Edit the static page template files used to show various information: about us(1), help(2), terms and conditions(3), copyright information(4), privacy policy(5), some tables with **** seen when signing up or logging in, the logo used in the header
* The 5 static page template files can easily be enabled/disabled, re****d or relinked in any way
* On-screen instructions and notes
* Edit using advanced WYSIWYG editor

Settings: General Settings

* Configure the general behaviour of the site
* Set site ****, admin email, admin ****, new password (password meter displayed), password recovery, **** tags, **** de******ion, site theme
* Enable/disable: audio module, image module, video, members module, inbox/messaging module, rss feeds, country flags, signup captcha, signup email verification process
* Sort best audios, best images, best videos, shown on homepage by comments, ratings, views
* Enable/disable: audio approval, image approval, video approval
* Enable/disable: audio uploads, image uploads, video uploads
* Configure other settings: character length of several input fields used throughout the site
Example: search string min/max length, file titles min/max length, file de******ion min/max length, and many others

Settings: Guest Account

* Configure the settings of the guest account (guest is synonym to browsing the site, not being logged in)
* Allow guest access to the following public area sections: audios, images, videos, category details, members, member profiles, search
* Enable band***** limit (once reached, no more files can be accessed that day by the guest's IP address)
* If limiting is enabled, statistics are displayed, showing the IPs, country, date, time, used band*****, and can reset or deleted (*p)

Settings: Language Settings

* Manage the list of languages (*p)
* Configure the default language, or add other entries
* When adding a new language, a **** for it must be set, and a php file must also be ****d, and it will automatically get created
* When a new language is created, the *******s of English file are copied to a file set by the admin, which then can be edited accordingly
* Unlimited entries can be added, enabled/disabled, edited and deleted
* The entry marked as default cannot be disabled or deleted

Settings: Paging Settings

* Configure the number of items per page you want displayed on each of the following sections:
My audios, my images, my videos, inbox, outbox, my favorites, my friends, my playlists, file comments, audios, images, videos, categories, members, user's favorites, user's friends, search results, homepage best files, homepage featured files

Settings: System Settings

* Configure the system settings: audio conversion settings, video conversion settings, file settings, thumbnail settings
* Audio conversion settings: lame path, bitrate, sample rate, better quality option, error protection option
* Video conversion settings: paths of mencoder, mplayer, flvtool2, php along with video bitrate, sample rate, video resizing option, enable/disable the use of the -bframes option when converting files (this option should be disabled when using newer versions of Mplayer)
* File settings: set to delete or keep original uploaded audios, images, videos and set the file delete method
* Thumbnail settings: set ***** and ****** of: user avatar, category thumbnails, file thumbnails and select images to be used as the default audio thumbnail and the default user avatar image
* System Tools: Diagnostics, Cleanup, File and Folder size information


* search for audios, images, videos, members, tags, or all
* filter results: most commented, most played, most recent, top rated

وجاء وقت التحميل


الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)

تعليمات المشاركة
لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

BB code is متاحة
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كود HTML معطلة

الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع MediaShare v1.2 include Video Grabber Plugin الشهيرررررر:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
Photoshop Plugin Plugins Collection العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 07-01-2009 03:00 PM
برنامج YouTube Video Grabber v1.4 مجااانا العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 06-29-2009 02:00 PM
اغلق مجلداتك السريه واذا حد فتحها تعال طخني KaKa Folder Protector 5.39 include العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-11-2009 02:10 PM
اغلق مجلداتك السريه واذا حد فتحها تعال طخني KaKa Folder Protector 5.39 include العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-11-2009 11:51 AM
كل جديد للفايرفوكس Plugin رائع شوف شو يعمل العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-09-2009 11:00 PM

الساعة الآن 07:39 AM.

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