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خبــر Quantm Of Solace - Full Iso Reloaded

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 11-13-2008, 07:40 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي خبــر Quantm Of Solace - Full Iso Reloaded

System Requirements

For Microsoft® Windows( R) XP
3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers*
Microsoft® Windows( R) XP
Pentium® 4 2.4GHz or Athlon XP™ 64 2800+ MHz or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better
512 MB of RAM
600 MB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games)
A 100% Windows® XP-compatible computer system including:
DirectX® 9.0c (Included)
100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers
100% Windows® XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers
*Supported Chipsets for Windows XP
All NVIDIA® GeForce® 6600 128 MB RAM and better chipsets
All ATI® Radeon® 9800Pro 128 MB RAM and better chipsets
Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported.
For Microsoft® Windows VISTA( TM)
3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers*
Microsoft® Windows VISTA™
Pentium® 4 2.4GHz or Athlon XP™ 64 2800+ MHz or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better
1024 MB of RAM
600 MB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games)
A 100% Windows VISTA-compatible computer system including:
DirectX® 9.0c (Included)
100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers
100% Windows VISTA-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers
*Supported Chipsets for Windows VISTA™
All NVIDIA® GeForce® 6600 128 MB RAM and better chipsets
All ATI® Radeon® 9800 128 MB RAM and better chipsets
Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported.

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الانتقال السريع

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الساعة الآن 03:31 PM.

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