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قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة قسم خاص بجميع المواضيع المحذوفة و المُكررة والتي لاتنطبق على الشروط والقوانين والتي لا شأن لها في أي قسم من أقسام المُنتدى

قديم 12-31-2011, 03:34 AM
الصورة الرمزية mamislimen  
رقـم العضويــة: 104833
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
العـــــــــــمــر: 31
المشـــاركـات: 3
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 11
افتراضي JSS TRIPLER ... Look at how they EARN Continously!

Click Here And Join Now!

Just Been Paid The site includes several programs: Synergy Surf JSS, JSS Booster Warp JSS, JSS and JSS Triple Test Drive is a demonstration program ($ 1,000 are awarded virtual and gains are also generated). We will make a presentation of Triple JSS program, which was launched February 17, 2011 and who happens to be the program of interest.

The act of registering is free and gives you access to training: there are three and they are in English:

* The first is open to all members: "Upgrade your Brain"
* The second is for members who have upgraded their account at Level 1 (see below): "The Big Breakthrough Success"
* The last is for members who have upgraded their account with Level 2: "Killer Tricks success (1-7)."
They are on the home page of the site: just click on the red tab "products".

Brief presentation:

Just Been Paid is the main program
JSS (Synergy Surf) is the "purse Site for Just Been Paid, JSS-Booster, JSS and JSS-Warp-Tripler and the program that allows you to get your positions available (see later)
JSS Triple: $ 10 position that pays 2% for 75 days

How Triple JSS:

1) you register (free)
2) you buy at least one position at $ 10 (either via Alertpay or SolidTrustPay): You can buy up to 250 positions at a time and up to 500 positions per day. You can have up to 25 000 active positions
3) you receive 2% per day for each position purchased for 75 days, after which time your position is declared "mature"
4) to earn even more you can buy new positions with daily earnings generated when you are at least $ 10 of earnings (the compounding or reinvestment).

In conclusion: an investment of $ 10 will earn you $ 15 a gain of 150%.

All this is available free to members. To earn more, you can upgrade your main account Just Been Paid.

How much is it?

There are two levels:
- An upgrade: $ 15 for 3 months ($ 5 per month)
- Upgrade 2: $ 57

Why upgrade your account Just Been Paid in 1?

Every time your positions 4 JSS Tripler will mature (after 75 days), you will have a position that will be generated and will be placed in the JSS system Synergy Surf: This position will earn you $ 60 when it released the matrix (it is a 2x2 matrix), or $ 15 for Triple position (as a position for four positions Tripler JSS) and so you have tripled your original bet: $ 15 with Triple (quick wins) and $ 15 with JSS Synergy Surf (gains in the longer term) is ultimately 300% gains

And level 2?

Honestly, I advise against it because it will bring nothing. The $ 57 goes directly to your sponsor if he himself has upgraded its Level 2, otherwise it will be the first person in your upline who has upgraded their account at Level 2, which will affect the $ 57. Personally, I think it's like throwing money away but everyone is free, of course.

You will earn commissions on 2 levels of sponsorship:

- $ 1 for each position purchased by your referrals in the first level
- $ 0.50 per position acquired by each of your 2nd level referrals
- $ 5 each time a position JSS (for all programs even if you are not part) of one of your 1st level downline cycler
- $ 2.5 each time a position JSS (for all programs even if you are not part) of a second of your referrals cycle-level

Click Here And Join Now!

To make your first payment and to withdraw your winnings, you must have either:
- An Alertpay account: attention given the difficulties encountered since early October, payments by Visa or Mastercard are not possible. This will require that you have funds in your account Alertpay
- Solid Trust Pay an account
- A Liberty Reserve account

1) Puis allez jusqu'à "Click Here And Join JustBeenPaid! for FREE Now!" et cliquez

2) Remplissez les 3 cases du formulaire : nom, prénom et votre adresse mail

3) Et pour finir, cliquez sur le bouton "Sign Me up NOW"

Voilà c'est fait. Surveillez votre boîte mail. Vous allez devoir confirmer votre inscription.

Prochaine étape : alimenter votre compte et acheter une ou des positions Tripler.

How to withdraw funds
The first thing to be able to withdraw funds, is to have at least $ 20 of earnings on his account.

The second is to make sure that you have returned the mail to your Alertpay account (or your Liberty Reserve account) in your back office: main connection and then click the "profile" and fill in the appropriate box.

Then you have to do the reverse operation as the one made in the purchase of your positions, meaning that you credit your account JSS Synergy Surf by transferring your money from your account Tripler and then you request a payment.

So in practice:

1) you connect to your account Tripler and you click the second button at the top "financial"
2) You move down to the last table (just before the details of your transactions) and you click the right button "Proceed to transfer funds"
3) in the table in the middle of the page you click "start my withdrawls request". In the box next to you the amount available on your account Tripler
4) Next to "submit" you enter the amount you want to transfer and then you click "submit"
5) Turn on the main page (the one where you get) when you connect
6) click the red "JSS"
7) click on the first "click here"
"Click Here to Go Directly To The Five JSS Programs"
8) click JBP Synergy Surf (JSS)
9) click "enter the JSS Member area"
10) click the third button "financial"
11) in the last table just before the movement of your account, click the "request Withdrawal of funds"
12) in the table in the middle click "start my Withdrawal request"
13) next to "submit" enter the amount you wish to withdraw
14) click on "submit"

alexa rank

Your money should arrive in your Alertpay account approximately 24 hours after application.


Click Here And Join Now!

visit the blog site for more info : http://blog.justbeenpaid.com/

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع JSS TRIPLER ... Look at how they EARN Continously!:
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