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أرشيف قسم البرامج هذا القسم خاص لجميع المواضيع القديمة والمنتهية من جميع الاقسام، وبالإضافة للمواضيع المخالفة للقوانين العامة والخاصة .

قديم 01-12-2010, 01:20 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي لمن اراد التجربه برنامج انتى فيروسCA.InternetSecuritySuite20106.0.0.261

اخوانى جديدنا برنامج انتى فيروس انترنت سكيورتى سويت اسم البرنامج سى اى من العمالقه وليس مشهور فى بعض المنتديات البرنامج قوى فى صد الهجمات والديدان من اراد التجربه فليتفضل وقد رفعته لكم على ملتى ابلود للفائده

CA Internet Security Suite 2010 | 77 Mb

CA Internet Security Suite provides comprehensive protection against viruses, *******, identity thieves, spyware, spam, offensive web sites, and other online threats that can jeopardize your privacy, your data, and your PC's performance. It also helps ensure your important files, photos, music, and PC settings are safe, by letting you easily back them up, restore them. CA Internet Security Suite Plus combines easy-to-use, business-strength technology with preconfigured settings and automatic updates that take the guesswork out of PC security.

CA Internet Security Suite :
- User-Friendly Interface offers simplicity and superior ease-of-use, helping you quickly and easily set preferences, check program status, and maintain a secure PC
- New! In-product Tutorial helps educate you on the key features and functions of each application within the suite
- Low System Overhead with a total install of only 150 MB and low usage of system resources, CA Internet Security Suite installs quickly, saves hard drive space, and scans efficiently
- Secure Now provides proactive protection by monitoring critical program functions and settings, and reminding you to keep your security at an optimal level
- Continuous Protection to keep your computer protected from the latest internet risks by automatically renewing your sub******ion at the then current renewal price (plus applicable tax), so you don't have to (for more information, click here)
- Threat Outbreak Warning System provides real-time content feeds from the CA Security Advisor, giving you detailed, up-to-the-minute information on the most recent and most prevalent virus and spyware threats
- Quick Tips provide you with helpful, at-your-fingertips answers to commonly asked questions, easing the burden of searching the Help file or contacting Support for assistance
- Supported by the CA Security Advisory Team our worldwide research labs work 24 x 7 to detect threats before they can damage your PC, helping ensure protection from the latest threats

CA Internet Security Suite features:
• Supports up to 3 PCs
• Anti-Virus
• Anti-Spyware
• Personal Firewall
• Anti-Spam
• Anti-Phishing
• Parental Controls
• Data Backup and Transfer

- Daily, Fully Automatic Updates easily and effectively address the #1 reason PC users suffer attacks: out-of-date signature files
- Automatic Email Scanning protects against viruses that arrive via Email, before they can cause damage
- Scheduled and On-Demand Scanning allow you to run a scan at any time, or schedule scans at pre-selected intervals to meet your needs
- Real-time Scanning proactively stops viruses by scanning files when they are opened, closed or saved to your PC
- Advanced Heuristic Scanning helps detect new threats even before virus protection updates are created
- Interactive Virus Detection Messages provide links to helpful resources in the CA Virus Information Center when threats are detected
- File Quarantine removes threats from their current location to a secure quarantine area to allow you to further review the file
- File Exclusion List allows you to exclude specific files and folders from scans
- Archive Scanning allows you to scan compressed files in a variety of formats
- Certified by Independent Testing Organizations ICSA Labs, West Coast Labs, and Virus Bulletin for effective virus protection

- Comprehensive Spyware Detection and Removal provides comprehensive protection against a wide range of spyware, adware, keyloggers, browser hijackers and other threats
- Real-time Protection detects and removes spyware running in memory, prevents and removes unwanted Browser Helper Objects and browser toolbars, and prevents spyware from making malicious changes to the Registry
- Frequent Automatic Updates help ensure you're protected against the latest threats
- Detailed Scan Results show the specific threat level of any spyware found, and allow you to link to the CA Spyware Information Center for more details
- Scheduled and On-Demand Scanning allow you to run a scan at any time, or schedule scans at pre-selected intervals to meet your needs
- Custom Scans allow you to select specific drives, files and folders to scan
- File Exclusion List allows you to exclude specific files and folders from scans
- Certified by Independent Testing Lab West Coast Labs for effective spyware protection

Personal Firewall:
- Pre-loaded Security Settings give you optimal protection right out of the box, and reduce firewall warnings for known programs
- Application Control informs you when programs attempt to access the Internet, and lets you allow or deny access
- Detailed Alerts allow you to decide how to handle attempts by programs to access the Internet, intrusion attempts, and other security events
- Automatic Network Detection identifies the addition of a new network, and helps ensure proper protection for your local network or router configuration
- Ad Blocking cuts out annoying pop-up and pop-under ads, letting you surf in peace
- ID Theft Protection helps you store sensitive personal information, alerts you when it is about to leave your PC through the Internet or email, and helps you block the transmission if desired
- Email Protection identifies and quarantines potentially harmful email attachments, and prevents mass-mailing worms from propagating
- Cache Cleaner removes sensitive browser history and file clutter, making your PC more efficient and protecting your privacy
Mobile Code Protection allows you to block malicious or untrusted mobile code (java******, Active X, VB******, etc.)
- ****** Control prevents websites from tracking your behavior
- Backup and Restore saves, exports, and imports your entire firewall security policy with the click of a button
- Application Hardening offers advanced sandboxing technology to protect CA Personal Firewall from attacks by *******, allowing the application to run more safely and securely
- Enhanced Whitelist Technology identifies known ‘good’ and ‘bad’ applications, allows good applications to function without prompting, and blocks ‘bad’ applications from functioning if desired
- Certified by Independent Testing Lab West Coast Labs for effective firewall protection

- Blocks Unwanted Spam by allowing only messages from your approved senders list to reach your Inbox - all other mail is quarantined for you to review later
- Helps Prevent Phishing Attacks and Email Fraud by verifying the authenticity of messages, and displaying a clear visual warning on suspicious emails
- Works Simply and Easily no complicated content filters to set up or manage
- Protects Multiple Email Accounts for all of your Microsoft Exchange and any POP3 mail accounts you have configured in Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail
- Integrates Seamlessly with Microsoft Outlook/Exchange with easy access to all features directly from the toolbar in Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail
- Email Search creates a search index of all information stored in your email program, so you can quickly and easily find messages, attachments, contacts, appointments, journal entries and notes. For English-language Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail only
- Spam Score helps determine which messages are most likely to be spam, resulting in less time reviewing quarantined mail, and less likelihood of missing a good email
- Supports Sender Score Certified allows mail from valid senders of commercial email (such as order confirmations from Amazon.com) to be delivered to your Inbox
- International Language Support automatically displays German, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese based on your Windows language settings, and properly filters spam sent in any language
- Import/Export Approved Senders allows you to easily migrate your list of approved senders from one PC to another

*The CA Anti-Spam product is shipped with two libraries licensed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL), CLucene and libspf2. These libraries support the search and anti-phishing components of CA Anti-Spam.

Anti-Phishing (CA Website Inspector):
- Provides protection against fraudulent and malicious websites by showing you who owns the site you are visiting, warning you when you’re accessing a potentially unsafe site, and providing you with an easy-to-understand risk assessment
- Browser Toolbar shows you the physical address of the owner of the site you're viewing, and provides the appropriate risk assessment and rating
- Link Advisor works within email, instant messenger, web and office applications to show you information about the sites you intend to visit before you even click on them, simply by placing your mouse cursor over the link
- Advanced Site Analysis Technology uses multiple databases, algorithms and site owner information sources to analyze web pages and identify risks
- Risk Assessment Indicators provide a color-coded visual warning indicating whether the site is safe, low risk, or high risk, and offer in-depth information on the potential risks associated with the site
- Rating and Alert Indicators evaluate the site’s consumer rating and warn of potential problems on the site
- Data Protection helps guard against sending your personal information to risky sites, providing an alert that lets you decide if you want to send the information
- Personal Information Protection allows you to define any word or phrase you want to keep private (for example, your address, phone number, account numbers, or social security number), warning you when you try to submit it to an untrustworthy site
- Customizable Protection Levels choose to be alerted when you try to send a password, and/or information you've marked as personal, to an unapproved site
- Optional Warning Sound plays a warning beep when you attempt to send protected information to unapproved sites, or when you visit a High Risk site
- Report Submissions allow you to view and contribute to CA's site database, informing CA of dangerous sites or trustworthy sites that you feel have been mislabeled
- Application Support works with a variety of applications including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Microsoft Word, Outlook and Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Yahoo! Instant Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, and more

Parental Controls:
- Advanced Filtering Technology provides real-time dynamic content filtering, helping to ensure protection from inappropriate content at all times, regardless how recent the content is
- Multilayer Filtering combines advanced filtering technology with a pre-classified database, URL cache categorization, tagging capabilities, and customized site lists to help provide comprehensive Internet coverage
- Flexible User Profiles allow you to create and define up to ten user profiles, each with its own password-protected login and filtering profile
- Time Restrictions allow you to limit the time each child can spend on the Internet on a daily basis
- Selectable Filtering Categories offer 9 filtering categories for commonly blocked types of websites (Adult, Weapons, Gambling, Chat, Webmail, Hate, Drugs, Sport, Dating)
- Advanced Filtering Policies allow you to define filtering policies for each child’s profile, including personalized allow/block lists; the ability to block access to all sites, except the ones explicitly specified; and restricting Internet access during certain parts of the day
- Customizable Features including setting the blocking message to be presented, controlling product updates and advanced settings
- Security Controls help ensure that children cannot disable or uninstall the product, or change their filtering profile - all administration functions are password protected, all reports and logs are encrypted, and the product is password protected against uninstallation
- Extensive Reporting Capabilities allow you to easily generate several types of reports for each child’s profile, providing details on web activity, including all sites that were accessed, which sites were allowed, and which sites were blocked
- Supports Leading Content Rating Systems including ICRA and SafeSurf
- Automatic Updates provide up-to-date coverage

Data Backup and Transfer (CA Desktop DNA® Migrator):
- Easy-to-Use Wizard Interface quickly guides you through the steps to perform a data backup or transfer (migration)
- Backup and Restore allows you to run scheduled or on-demand backups of your PC’s DNA (data, settings and preferences), save it to a CD or DVD to protect it from an unforeseen incident, and easily restore it if necessary
- Data Migration allows you to quickly stream your PC’s DNA directly from your old PC to your new PC using an Ethernet crossover cable; or, create a DNA file to transfer to your new PC
- Typical and Custom Backup and Migration Types let you perform a backup or migration of your most popular settings and data in just a few easy steps, or customize exactly what you want to backup or transfer
- Cross-Operating System and Application Migration allow you to seamlessly migrate the settings you have customized on your old PC and in the older versions of your applications, to the new version of the operating system and application
- Self-Extracting Files for easy data restores and deferred migrations, a self-extracting DNA file is created, allowing you to restore your DNA or transfer the DNA file to your new PC over a network or from a CD or DVD. Once the DNA file is on your new PC, simply double-click on the file and the migration will take place automatically transferring your DNA to your new PC.
- Automated Disk-Spanning automatically spans DNA files to the size of a CD and places the files in a folder on the desktop, for easy movement to a CD, DVD, or other removable media
- Summary Screens provide a comprehensive logging feature to track the progress and success of the backup or migration
- Undo File allows you to easily return your PC to its pre-migration state
- Web Update Feature keeps your software up-to-date



http://hotfile.com/dl/23791972/90959...0.261.rar.html =================
قديم 01-14-2010, 04:37 PM   #2
عاشق محترف
الصورة الرمزية عاشقة انيمي ناروتو
رقـم العضويــة: 30773
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 26
المشـــاركـات: 455
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10

افتراضي رد: لمن اراد التجربه برنامج انتى فيروسCA.InternetSecuritySuite20106.0.0.261

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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع لمن اراد التجربه برنامج انتى فيروسCA.InternetSecuritySuite20106.0.0.261:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
لمن اراد التجربه برنامج انتى فيروسCA.InternetSecuritySuite20106.0.0.261 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 1 01-14-2010 04:37 PM
لمن اراد التجربه برنامج انتى فيروسCA.InternetSecuritySuite20106.0.0.261 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 1 01-14-2010 04:37 PM
لمن اراد التجربه برنامج انتى فيروسCA.InternetSecuritySuite20106.0.0.261 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 1 01-14-2010 04:36 PM
برنامج متجدد :اخر مفاتيح الكاسبر انتى فتيرس - انتى سكرتى واتحداكم لو قلتو مش شغال العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-20-2009 06:00 PM
عندي افاست و نود محتاج انتي فيروس اخر انصب ارجو من اهل الخبرات و التجربه ان يدلوني!!! العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-02-2008 10:22 AM

الساعة الآن 06:56 PM.

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