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قديم 03-29-2012, 12:41 PM
الصورة الرمزية yassir_shihab  
رقـم العضويــة: 130910
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2012
العـــــــــــمــر: 28
المشـــاركـات: 12
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي reality

Some people can not believe the things that can not see and can not understand the purpose about the life if it is not clearly for the eye
The people have some creeds and dogma are morally true but for the one who understand the life with the true meanings can see these creeds are very wrong .
Some of the people finds excepting these creeds very hard on them because it is equals the rudeness .but it has the same meanings for who understand the reality on it is true face and excepting the write faith for him ,and making the true decisions and believe something is exsist in the world but it not appear for the eye of fool people who can not understand their foolish mind and create some morals and some are not true in write way they are cowards of their lives and the creeds that are simply easy but they have to make it very hard because their foolish minds.
Some of the people refuse a lot of things that may can not be convenient for them or their life style and some of the people forgot the life by using many different ways like love or be worshiper or the most common and easy way by using hatred and anger for to arrive and catch the climax with your hand but using love is not bad it makes you hopeful and happy and bring you happiness, but it is the same reasons that the humans could use to escape from the old and the same reality we hate every day and every hour so it is very clear that the humanity can not except the odd things that can appear in any time and shatter your world that you built it with your hands using your fake motives and confused mind.
So there is good words may it helps you with your future :
To rise by your self you must
Abject your past
Hate your present
Desolate your future and release from the burdens that you can hold it on your shoulders that makes you heavy and tiring you so much.
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