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The Cleveland Show S01E12 720p HDTV x264-IMMERSE

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 02-01-2010, 09:07 PM
الصورة الرمزية jquimx  
رقـم العضويــة: 31833
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 38
المشـــاركـات: 138
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي The Cleveland Show S01E12 720p HDTV x264-IMMERSE

Series Sinopse:
This FOX animated comedy is a spin-off of the much-loved series Family Guy . The series features the adventures of Peter Griffin's neighbor Cleveland Brown. Many years ago, Cleveland made a promise to his old high school sweetheart, Donna. Cleveland, along with Cleveland Junior, move to Stoolbend,… More VA to start a new life with Donna and her two children. The Cleveland Show is produced by 20th Century Fox Television in association with Fuzzy Door Productions. Theme song: "My name is Cleveland Brown, and I'm proud to be, right back in my home town, with my new family". "There's old friends and new friends and even a bear, through good times and bad times it's true love we share! So I found a place where everyone will know, my happy mustache face, this is The Cleveland Show! .
Episode Info:
Season 1, Episode 12 – Aired: 1/31/2010 Our Gang Cleveland takes a group of delinquent teens under his wing, to the thanks of their frustrated parents. He and Cleveland Jr. create a new club to try and keep the kids on the straight and narrow. However, things don't turn out so well.
http://hotfile.com/dl/26713332/cf19bb4/tcs.s01e12.720p.hdtv.x264-immerse.part1.rar.html http://hotfile.com/dl/26726250/edc6c41/tcs.s01e12.720p.hdtv.x264-immerse.part2.rar.html http://hotfile.com/dl/26725665/a7aef2f/tcs.s01e12.720p.hdtv.x264-immerse.part3.rar.html
No pass, enjoy

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الساعة الآن 01:47 PM.

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