أرشيف قسم البرامج هذا القسم خاص لجميع المواضيع القديمة والمنتهية من جميع الاقسام، وبالإضافة للمواضيع المخالفة للقوانين العامة والخاصة . |
![]() بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Opera Web Browser 10.70 Build 3483 Beta حصريا المتصفح العملاق فى أحدث نسخة بتاريخ 9-8-2010 و متصفح اوبرا Opera المتصفح الشهير والغني عن التعريف والذي يحتوي على المميزات الخرافية وينافس الكثير من المتصفحات العالمية العملاقة ويعتبر افضلها و يتميز بالسرعة العالية و الحماية الكبيرة أثناء التصفح و مع كل هذا المتصفح يتميز بأسطورة من الجمال و المتصفح قمة فى الروعة. ![]() مميزات المتصفح 1- السرعة العالية أثناء التصفح و فى الفتح. 2- الحماية من المواقع و الأشياء الضارة أثناء التصفح. 3- الروعة و الجمال. ما الجديد فى النسخة * CORE-10146 (WF2 autofocus attribute should be optional) * CORE-19728 (Rename -o-text-overflow to text-overflow, and support ellipsis on multi-line blocks) * CORE-24184 (Persistent Storage implementation for User javascript) * CORE-24896 (Update Unicode support to Unicode version 5.2) * CORE-27509 (Reflow crash in opera:config when SVGCacheSize=0) * CORE-28592 (Server-Sent Events are not working) * CORE-28847 (Link: Crash when synchronizing typed history without "last typed") * CORE-29377 (Widgets not loading (config.xml not found)) * CORE-29982 (Compressed plugin streams are never cached) * CORE-30118 (Plugin related crash with "submit form to insecure server" warning) * CORE-30193 (Memory problem related to certificates (verisign.com)) * CORE-30257 (Memory problem with regular expression literals) * CORE-30310 (Carakan syntax error if the do-while statement was the true branch of an if-statement with an else) * CORE-30352 (Windowed Flash on Youtube not mouse accessible) * CORE-30372 (Broken PKCS #12 certificate import) * CORE-30391 (JIT related memory issue at dn.se) * CORE-30488 (Clean up Application Cache better when closing window) * CORE-30489 (Application cache request sent twice for a single Window, and cancel message sent with wrong id) * CORE-31175 (Ensure correct prototype chain for Dragonfly) * DSK-294403 (Mail: multipart/alternative parts that are not true alternatives are invisible) Performance * CORE-16099 (Faster traversal of relatively positioned elements) * CORE-29469 (Slowdown on vg.no traversing and changing CSS properties) * CORE-29547 (Selector performance regression) * CORE-29510 (Style properties/presentation attributes (vg.no)) Layout * CORE-28440 (Freeze caused by nested tables, overflow, and align) * CORE-30229 (Crash caused by huge BMP image with CSS height:0) * CORE-27808 (Crash when reflowing pages) * CORE-30661 (Crash trying to find the offsetParent of an element without a layout box) * CORE-29750 (getClientRects returns wrong offsets for tables) * CORE-30667 (TinyMCE insertHR test regressed) * CORE-30672 (Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar caused by tall block with absolutely positioned child) الشرح باللغة الإنجليزية One of the fastest, smallest and smartest full-featured web browser The most full-featured Internet power tool on the market, Opera includes tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking, integrated searches and advanced functions like Opera's groundbreaking e-mail program, RSS Newsfeeds and IRC chat. And because we know that our users have different needs, you can customize the look and content of your Opera browser with a few clicks of the mouse. The Opera Web browser offers several new features for functionality, security, usability, customization, searching, saving, taking shortcuts and accessing Web content. Whether you're going to work, working from home, developing Web sites, or just looking for a quick, solid browser that can help you quickly access the Internet, Opera delivers a superior Web experience for every aspect of your online life, with lots of tech tools for power users. What The New * CORE-10146 (WF2 autofocus attribute should be optional) * CORE-19728 (Rename -o-text-overflow to text-overflow, and support ellipsis on multi-line blocks) * CORE-24184 (Persistent Storage implementation for User javascript) * CORE-24896 (Update Unicode support to Unicode version 5.2) * CORE-27509 (Reflow crash in opera:config when SVGCacheSize=0) * CORE-28592 (Server-Sent Events are not working) * CORE-28847 (Link: Crash when synchronizing typed history without "last typed") * CORE-29377 (Widgets not loading (config.xml not found)) * CORE-29982 (Compressed plugin streams are never cached) * CORE-30118 (Plugin related crash with "submit form to insecure server" warning) * CORE-30193 (Memory problem related to certificates (verisign.com)) * CORE-30257 (Memory problem with regular expression literals) * CORE-30310 (Carakan syntax error if the do-while statement was the true branch of an if-statement with an else) * CORE-30352 (Windowed Flash on Youtube not mouse accessible) * CORE-30372 (Broken PKCS #12 certificate import) * CORE-30391 (JIT related memory issue at dn.se) * CORE-30488 (Clean up Application Cache better when closing window) * CORE-30489 (Application cache request sent twice for a single Window, and cancel message sent with wrong id) * CORE-31175 (Ensure correct prototype chain for Dragonfly) * DSK-294403 (Mail: multipart/alternative parts that are not true alternatives are invisible) Performance * CORE-16099 (Faster traversal of relatively positioned elements) * CORE-29469 (Slowdown on vg.no traversing and changing CSS properties) * CORE-29547 (Selector performance regression) * CORE-29510 (Style properties/presentation attributes (vg.no)) Layout * CORE-28440 (Freeze caused by nested tables, overflow, and align) * CORE-30229 (Crash caused by huge BMP image with CSS height:0) * CORE-27808 (Crash when reflowing pages) * CORE-30661 (Crash trying to find the offsetParent of an element without a layout box) * CORE-29750 (getClientRects returns wrong offsets for tables) * CORE-30667 (TinyMCE insertHR test regressed) * CORE-30672 (Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar caused by tall block with absolutely positioned child) ![]() شرح التنصيب + إثبات النسخة ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() الحجم: 12 ميجا. تاريخ الإصدار: 9-8-2010. التوافق: مع كل عائلة ويندوز. الترخيص: مجانى. ![]() ![]() http://www.6ybh-upload.com/0hkuknfz2...70_3483_in.exe |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
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الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
حصريا Avant Browser 2010 Build 101 المتصفح العملاق فى أحدث نسخة بتاريخ 28-7-2010 | eset_105 | أرشيف قسم البرامج | 0 | 07-28-2010 06:02 PM |
حصريا المتصفح الاكثر من رائع Opera 10.00 Build 1601 Beta فى اخر نسخة باخر تحديث | العاشق 2005 | أرشيف قسم البرامج | 0 | 06-25-2009 07:10 PM |
نسخة جديدة بتاريخ اليوم: 2008/09/26 من Avant Browser 11.7 build 15 | العاشق 2005 | أرشيف قسم البرامج | 0 | 09-26-2008 07:10 PM |
نسخة جديدة بتاريخ اليوم: 2008/09/17 من Avant Browser 11.7 build 11 | العاشق 2005 | أرشيف قسم البرامج | 0 | 09-17-2008 08:51 PM |
اصدار جديد لعملاق التصفح اوبرا ( Opera 9.60 Beta ( Build 10427 بتاريخ 14-9-2008 | Al3asq | أرشيف قسم البرامج | 0 | 09-14-2008 04:14 PM |