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Half-Life 2 Fakefactory v10.94 + Adult Pimper v4.01

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 12-06-2010, 01:22 AM
الصورة الرمزية farfor767  
رقـم العضويــة: 60825
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 34
المشـــاركـات: 175
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي Half-Life 2 Fakefactory v10.94 + Adult Pimper v4.01

Language: Eng, Rus | PC | Developer/Publisher: Valve Sotware \ Fakefactory | 11 Gb
Genres: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person

Your attention is a new version of the modification for Half-Life 2 called Cinematic Mod for authorship FAKEFACTORY. This mod is a resuscitation of the trilogy of Half-Life 2 with improved graphics, high definition textures and high polygon models. The new version update author tried to increase the detail of open spaces, adding a large number of objects in the background, as well as changed the geometry to increase the level of detail themselves.

Description of original and its sequels
• Half-Life 2: The game continues the story of adventures of Gordon Freeman, a research scientist, fighting with the inhabitants of other worlds, invaded the world of men. Gordon embarks on a journey during which he is faced with fighting vehicles of the Alliance, frightening aliens and modified people, fulfilling the will of the invaders. He manages to raise the rebels to open war against the oppressors and perform many other important things ...
• Half-Life 2: Episode One: This is the first new episode created by Valve, extending the already incredibly rich game world of Half-Life. You will find yourself again in the role of Gordon Freeman, who will face the consequences of their destructive actions in City 17 and the Citadel of the Alliance. Along with Alex and her faithful robot dog, Gordon will continue to help the rebel forces in the fight against the powerful alliance ...
• Half-Life 2: Episode Two: the continuation of the famous saga, telling the further adventures of Dr. Freeman and his charming co-Alix. Be witness to a fascinating battle tanks in the depths of the White Forest, and then made a fantastic trip with Alix in a new buggy, enjoying the best game series Half-Life ....

Description fashion Fakefactory Cinematic Mod
Famously conversion for Half-Life 2 and epizodam.Dovedennaya to perfect graphics (character models and extras, consisting of more than 40000 polygons, texture resolution 4096x4096), HDR for HL2 maps, unified for all three version of the engine Source, a new Hollywood soundtrack and highly individual author's style ...
With Cinematic Mod 10 graphics Half-Life 2 was even better: one of the most interesting features is the new improved model of Alix, which was done on the basis of appearance Jamil Mullen, which became the prototype of the original model of Alyx in Half-Life 2. Also present a model based on the exterior of Adriana Lima. All versions of the model proposed by Alix have a very realistic eye to the effect of moisture and diffused reflection of the environment. In combination with excellent facial animation system from Valve on the move characters look quite alive.
A 10-second versions Cinematic Mod Fakefactory also altered many of the texture. These textures are of very high resolution and are used for the NPC, and for other objects. In addition, was added HDR rendering of Episode 2, and shaking the camera during acceleration Gordon Freeman.

New in version 10.94:
- Fixed Launcher_EP1 (was starting EP0)
- Added support for spanish audio language
- Fixed startup crash with STEAM ingame overlay enabled
- Fixed (hopefully): "MountAppFilesystem () failed: You dont? T have all GCFs needed to play this game."
- Fixed: Missing LoRes Combine
- Fixed: Some Missing dialogue

New in version 10.90 (the new base release):
- Fixed: take aim weapons disappear when the map changes
- Fixed: targeting key is now associated with the button on the sight crossbow
- Fixed: Incorrect position of the player appears on the map d1_canals_01
- Fixed: bug VALVE themselves with the missing shadow on the Odessa Kebbedzhe
- Fixed: bug VALVE themselves with the disappearance of armored cars combine under certain viewing angles
- Corrected: Errors VALVE themselves with the emerging areas are not displayed on some maps
- Fixed: bug themselves VALVE map d1_trainstation_05: Bryn did not rise during a series of teleportation
- Fixed: bug themselves VALVE map d1_trainstation_05: Kleiner was looking in the wrong direction after teleporting
- Fixed: strange effect of the force field on the map ep1_citadel_01
- Added enhanced the effect of particles on the impact of bullets
- Added enhanced blast effect
- Added enhanced bloom effect (see the configurator)
- Added modeled instead of the painted window sills
- Added a full cycle of changing light on the coast with a buggy in HL2
- rebuilt and prepared for * all * the cards for the new version of Source Engine 2009
- Reworked most of the cards with the open spaces to improve their appearance
- Improves the brightness on some maps
- Processed more maps with dynamic lights for better performance
- Reworked startup program to check the wrong language settings
- Updated the setup of multiple cores to improve the system of particles
- Added another version of the HD model Mossman
- Replace the HD model Alex (Lima), with a few new variations for compatibility with the Source Engine 2009
(Models from the pre-release 10.85 are no longer fully compatible. I will update older models coming soon)

FAQ - read strictly to all!
1. Of complete and quality Russification.
In the folder with the mod open the file fakefact.ini
That's all below prescribes for the Russian voice.

AppId = 420
GCF = half-life 2 buka russian.gcf
GCF = half-life 2_russian.gcf
AppId = 420
GCF = half-life 2 buka russian.gcf
GCF = half-life 2_russian.gcf
GCF = half-life 2 episode one russian.gcf
AppId = 420
GCF = half-life 2 buka russian.gcf
GCF = half-life 2_russian.gcf
GCF = half-life 2 episode one russian.gcf
GCF = half-life 2 episode two russian.gcf

Observations from the author RePacka. Please read carefully!
1. the most important - the game Steam must be turned off completely! and run strictly from the shortcut!
2. Game crashes or does not start game (error pops up)
- Check the settings of the game. For it is recommended to 2GB of RAM. There are also crashes if a small amount of RAM to deliver high tektsur Merchant. generally play on a 32-bit windsurfing - a sort of lottery - lucky or not. Creator mode ensures a stable work only on 64bit WIND (proper for such systems, modes and create)
- experimenting with the settings in the configurator
- cause of missions can also be Adult Pimper (I recommend to go with the rules of the game models, and then poizvraschatsya)
3. To change the model, run the Character Pimper, at the top of the game and select the desired location, choose a lower model. And to set ponravivshuyusyu click the left mouse button a larger image on the right and agree to the installation.
4. How to install Adult Pimper.
Run APsetup302.exe and unpack in papkuts with a game. questions about replacing agree. Then go to the folder with a game \ Character Pimper and run Start_Adult_Pimper.exe. We are waiting for a while and then juzat as Character Pimper.

Minimum System Requirements:
- Operating System: Microsoft آ® Windows آ® XP / Vista / Seven
- Processor: Pentium 4 with frequency of 3.2 GHz
- Memory: 1.5 GB
- Video: nVidia 6800 / ATI X1650 with Shader Model 3.0 and 256 MB of memory
- Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
- Free space on hard disk: 30 GB
(NOTE: When playing with RAM less than 3 gigabytes or 32-bit systems should set the textures on average, and the level of smoothing x2 or x4, or the game will take off!)

Features RePacka:
- present the original Half-Life 2 and its two continuation of Episode One and Episode Two
- repak compiled on the basis gfc-files, patched to the latest version (from 11/29/2010)
- Do not cut / no recoded
- version of the Cinematic Mod 10.94
- the opportunity to write to 3hDVD5
- present Adult Pimper (nudity adds to the game to install, run APsetup302.exe and unpack in a folder with a game)
- Changing the language of the text / voice acting in any combination
- the installation of 30 min.
- RePacked by [RG Catalyst]


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Half-Life 2 Fakefactory v10.94 + Adult Pimper v4.01:
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الساعة الآن 09:17 PM.

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