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قديم 02-07-2011, 07:56 PM
الصورة الرمزية business2010  
رقـم العضويــة: 75419
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 34
المشـــاركـات: 558
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي Accessory Software File Viewer v8.5

[MULTi] Accessory Software File Viewer v8.5 | 9.6 MB.

File Viewer is an multi purpose Disk/File Management Program with functions for finding, viewing, printing, emailing, and organizing Pictures, Images, Text, Documents, Database, and Spread Sheet Files. Multimedia Files, including MP3, AVI, MPG, MOV, WMF, WMA, MID, RMI, and WAV, are easily located, played and Organized using File Viewer. Separate Play Lists are available for Music and Video Files. Picture editing as Flip, Rotate, Resize, Crop, Brightness, Color, and Hue.

Apply editing to entire picture or region of picture. Organize Files over a local area network in database by type and search word with descriptions and comments for each File. Find and Unzip Zip files. Package files in Zip file to send by E-Mail over the internet. Great File Utilites include copy, delete, rename, move.

Files can be managed individually or many files selected for batch disk management. Batch Copy Files to RW CD Rom, Zip, or another computer on the network. With File Viewer you can view and print database files by index. View Pictures and multimedia files on the internet. Organize your entire disk by catagories such as Pictures, Documents, Text, Database, Spread Sheets, etc.

Create your own file groups adding descriptions, search words, and comments for each file. Organize accessible Files over the local area network. View Files in the Organizer by File Size and Date Modified. Complete Help Text with quick tips, and set colors for File Viewer Windows and Window Components. FTP Client support.

Multiple Windows Explorer-like windows. Run Multiple Catalogs for disks, devices, folders selecting files by file type or combinations of file types. Convert between MPG, AVI, MOV, MP3, WMA, WMV, and WAV Files.

Here are some key features of "File Viewer":
آ· File Viewer - Search for many common file types, or groups of file types, display, print, organize or send files over the internet.
آ· Find and Display Pictures, Videos, Sounds, Music, Text Files, Documents, Spread Sheets, Database, and System Files, Locally over the LAN or on the Internet.
آ· Picture File Types supported are JPG, CMP, GIF, uncompressed TIF, TIFF, BMP, ICO, CUR, PCX, DCX, PCD, FPX, WMF, EMF, FAX, RAW, AWD, XPB, XPM, IFF, PBM, CUT, PSD, PNG, TGA, EPS, RAS, WPG, PCT, PCX, CLP, XWD, FLC, ANI, SGI, XBM, MAC, IMG, MSP, CAL, ICA, SCT, SFF, SMP, etc.
آ· View Text, DOC (Word), HTM, HTML, SHTML, SHTM, ASP, PNP, PDF, RTF, WRI, SYS, BAT, BAK, LST, INI, DOS, WPS, DBF (DBase, FoxPro), DB, MDB (Access), and XLS (Excel 2000) together in a Multiple Document Interface window.
آ· Find phrases, letters and numbers in Database, Text and Document Files.
آ· Quick Color editing and resizing of pictures or images. Add Text and Shapes to pictures. Cut and paste sections of pictures and add to other pictures.
آ· Find and Play WAV, MID, RMI, WMA, WMV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, MOV, MP3, ASF, AIFF, MP2, and M1V files with Microsoft Media Player Component.
آ· Separate and multiple Play Lists for Music and Video Files.
آ· Some Image Editing features as Contrast, Brightness, Resize and Rotation.
آ· File Utilities as Save As, Rename, Delete, Move, Copy, and File Properties Window.
آ· Quick Print of Pictures, Text, Documents, Database and Spreadsheet files that are viewable by File Viewer.
آ· Print a list of all occurrences of a file or searchable file types on your disk or CD Rom, and save in a Text File.
آ· Send Files you can find with File Viewer by E-Mail if you use a stand alone E-Mail Program as Outlook Express in Zip File.
آ· Receive Files over the internet by same E-Mail Control in Zip File Format.
آ· Organize any number of files in groups you create, and define in your own file database, with easy tabular viewing for quick location, and retrieval of frequently used files.
آ· Organize files over a computer network in a simple easy to access database. Click on a file in the database and open that file for viewing, printing or sending.
آ· Create a Database of your computer's files or files on another computer over the network. Sort and View Files by Name, Description, Search Word, and Groups you define.
آ· Organize your entire disk with one procedure, automatically grouping files as Pictures, Sounds, Music, Video, Text, Documents, Database, or Spread Sheets.
آ· View pictures and multimedia files on the internet, saving URL for future viewing.
آ· Batch Rename, Copy, Move, Delete, and Zip files selected from multiple folder locations.
آ· Set your own colors for Windows, List boxes, Entry Fields, and ThumbNails.
آ· Complete Help Text and Quick Tips for easy program use.
آ· Window's Explorer Style Interface, and double click viewing of supported files.
آ· Find and UnZip Zip Files.
آ· Easily Zip Files for EMail and copying to CD Rom or DVD !
آ· Supports Access 2000 / XP and Excel 2000 / XP Files !
آ· Supports Adobe PDF Files
آ· Create and Maintain Multiple Catalogs for devices, disks, folders using combinations of File Types.
آ· FTP Client Support.
آ· Multiple Folder/File Explorer Windows.
آ· Play CDs and DVDs.
آ· Tracking History of all files viewed by Date.

Language: English
OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7
Homepage: http://anonym.to/?http://www.accessoryware.com/



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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Accessory Software File Viewer v8.5:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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