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قديم 04-21-2011, 05:58 AM
الصورة الرمزية vjeopro1  
رقـم العضويــة: 89352
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2011
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افتراضي After Effects CS3 Best plugin collection

After Effects CS3 Best plugin collection


After Effects CS3 Best plugin collection | 425.66 MB

2D3SteadyMovePro v1.3SteadyMovePRO - a plugin that allows you to stabilize the digital image captured by the camera uncommitted, and eliminates the effect of shaking the camera.
ABSoft Neat Video is designed for noise reduction of video.
AlienSkin EyeCandy v3.2
Eye Candy for After Effects is a set of 20 time-saving special effects that will enhance any film, video, animation or multimedia project.
Sophisticated texture, production and distortion effects have never been easier. Eye Candy for after Effects creates fire, smoke, carves, bevels, and more. Create dazzling effects in a fraction of the time they used to require.
Eye Candy for After Effects automatically adapts to irregular floating objects, modifies layer opacity information, and allows users to draw outside layer boundaries without precomposing. Users can also apply effects based on transparency information from other layers.
Forge FreeForm
Forge FreeForm - an effect that can be attributed to the fast-growing class of plug-in Adobe After Effects effects, allowing to manipulate three-dimensional space while being in a familiar environment, Adobe After Effetcs. The effect will help you create a scientifically speaking, "an animated three-dimensional textured plane or in the jargon of" ... all sorts of "delicious" cloth, so trendy right now ...".
Genarts Sapphire V2.041
Genarts Sapphire - more than 175 plug-ins for image processing and synthesis. All plug-ins have multiple options and parameters that can be modified and animated to create an unlimited range of effects.
DigiEffects Aurorix v2.1
AgedFilm. Creates the effect of "old movie" with a 100% realistic, ie, apply the standard attributes of old films such as: zernistot, dust, fibers, jitter, distortion of brightness, Coloring and scratches.
VideoLook. Simulates the television interference.
3D Lighting. Creates three-dimensional lighting effect, using an image as a relief map. With this effect you can get a realistic three-dimensional surface without the aid of specialized programs of three-dimensional modeling.
Color SpotLights. Creates three independent light sources of red, blue and green. You can control the size and brightness of each source.
LightZoom. The effect is used to scale the image blur and defocus.
SpotLights. Creates three independent light sources of white. You can control the size and brightness of each source.
Bulgix. Creates the effect of convexity, which differs somewhat from the standard effect "Spherize". "Bulgix" enables independent control of vertical and horizontal dimensions.
Earthquake. Creates the effect of "shaking" of the camera.
Flitter. Creates a distorting effect of random noise.
Infinity Warp. One type of deformation of the image with which you can create an effect similar to the stars suck into a black hole. Also, with this effect, you can create a psychedelic passages and destroy the image of a spectacular manner.
Turbulent Flow. The effect is used to create beautiful textures with smooth animation.
Warpoid. The effect creates a moving mirror images.
Whirlix. With this effect you can create a "spinning", the deformed image.
Chaotic Noise. The effect is to create a chaotic noise texture. Ideal for creating colorful moving background.
Chaotic Rainbow. Creates a chaotic structure of the rainbow, with a high degree of structuring.
Electrofield. Simulates the electromagnetic radiation.
FractalNoise. Creates a smoky recursive noise on the three color channels (RGB). Noise generation is based on Brownian motion.
Interferix. Creates a model of interference. The model creates a series of 3 concentric circles repeating.
Interpheroid. Creates a model of interference. The model creates a series of 3 concentric circles randomly distributed warped.
Interpheron. Powerful tool for creating interference with which can simulate the birth and destruction of many universes, or something like that.
NoiseBlender. Effect is applied in cases where you need to create colored fuzzy noises in the image.
SoapFilm. Mylnoplenochnoy used to create texture.
Strange Nebulae. This is one of the most sophisticated filters, but yet very interesting to use. Filter creates a misty image type aura. Filter uses a nonlinear function.
WoodMaker. Creates realistic color texture similar to wood rings.
Infinity Zone. Effect creates an infinite number of images in mazaichnom order.
Tilos. Creates a duplicate in order mazaichnom images with a smooth transition.
DigiEffects Berserk.v1.12
Blizzard. Creates a simulated snowfall using a particle system.
BumpMaker. Used to create granular, convex surface, which can be used as backgrounds, textures and displacement maps.
Contourist. This effect makes the selection of the contour lines of the original image to the brightness and comes over the image colors selected by the user. You can select up to 5 contour lines.
Crystallizer. Creates a crystal model using the original image as a source of crystallization.
CycloWarp. Creates the effect of cyclic oscillatory strain images.
Edgex. Creates posterization image by threshold segmentation, each color channel (RGB).
FogBank. Mimics the effect of fog or smoke.
GravityWell. Creates a swirling image, using a system of particles.
Laser. Creates a light beam like a laser beam.
Newsprint. Creates a grayscale image, where all aspects of the process of dithering may be animation, including gray-scale forms, shift (offset), the size of halftone dots, dark and light colors.
NightBloom. Simulates the effect of "depth of field." Basically, this effect is used for night shooting, but it can be used for daytime.
OilPaint. Creates a simulated pictures, oil paintings.
Pearls. The effect is used to create beautiful textures with smooth animation. To create this effect using the particle system.
Perspectron. The effect of deformation at which the image is converted to a "rubber" sheet, after which stretches from the given control points.
Ripploid. Creates a ripple effect of distortion.
Spintron. The effect is used to create a winding deformation.
Squisher. One of the effects of wave-like type.
StarField. Simulates a flight through the stars.
StillNoise. It is used to create the effect, in which the noise in motion pictures do not change over time.
VanGoughist. Mimics the picturesque image. When using this effect, you can choose different types of brushes.
DigiEffects CineLook v2.1
CineLook set of plugins to add or video effect like in the movies, the ability to emulate shooting on film of any width: 8, 16 and 35 mm. Support After Effects.Podderzhka Win.
DigiEffects Damage v1.0
Damage - a package designed for professional video editing, and bears four visual effects, the combined themes of causing all sorts of video damage.
Blockade: gives the material similarities with a video intended for playback on a tiny screen of a mobile phone / PDA: Record looks obscenely compressed while preserving the integrity of vital parameters (resolution, etc.).
Artifact: designed to add visual defects (lost frames, falling blocks and other amenities that can be seen, for example, a picture of satellite TV in bad weather).
Interference: creates the effect of de-interlacing for example a television signal. Also lets you add / remove noise, adjust color balance, etc.
Skew: reminds us of Grandpa "Record" with the indoor antenna. Adds a video effect of ghosts, ranges, noise, shaking pictures and other black and white pleasures.
DigiEffects Delirium v1.12
DE Bubbles. With this plugin you can easily create as bubbles pop, and the bubbles created by the motion of a shark.
DE Camera Shake. Using this plugin will help to simulate a sharp blow to the in camera, the effect can be figured using exaggerate blur.
DE Channel Delay. Shifts the position of the color channels RGB.
DE COP Blur. Used in cases where you want to hide any part of the subject, such as is used in cases where people do not want to see his face.
DE Day for Night. Emulates a standard method of film production shooting night scenes, where daylight is lunar.
DE Electrical Arcs. Used to create electric arcs and lightning.
DE Fairy Dust. The most commonly used to create the "magic dust" around a magic wand, or a fall from the sky Cameta.
DE Film Flash. Emulates a slow motion picture camera, allows you to set each scene more or less light.
DE Fire. This plugin helps make the simulation of fire.
DE FireWorks. Simulates fireworks.
DE Flicker and Strobe. Uses a strobe effect and flicker.
DE Flow Motion. Creates organic transitions.
DE Fog Factory. Creates a fog effect.
DE Framing Gradients. Used to create the gradient of the frame.
DE Glower. Simulates the effect of heat.
DE Grayscaler. Plug-in converts color izobazhenie in grayscale with an opportunity to further adjust the brightness.
DE HLS Displace. Modifies the hue (Hue), Brightness (Lightness) and saturation (Saturation) to create a displacement map and further blending the original image.
DE HyperHarmonizer. This plugin can be used to create incredible mesmerizing geometric objects.
DE Lens Flares. Simulates light scattering in the lens.
DE LooseSprockets. Simulates the effect of shaking the image.
DE MultiGradient. Used to create animations and color gradients.
DE Muzzle Flash. Used to create the flash is fired from the weapon.
DE Nexus. This plugin creates animated graphics from geometric constructions.
DE Puffy Clouds. Used to create clouds.
DE RainFall. Simulates rain.
DE Retinal Bloom. Simulates the effect of glare optics chamber, ie, you can create a lot of flashes in the picture.
DE Schematic Grids. This plugin is used to create an editable grid schematic.
DE ShowChannels. Using this plug-in allows you to simultaneously display on one screen breakdown by the alpha channel and RGB color channels.
DE Sketchist. The plugin creates the effect of painting.
DE Smoke. Simulates a realistic smoke.
DE SnowStorm. Creates a realistic simulation of a snowstorm.
DE Solarize. Creates the effect of solarizatsii.
DE Sparks. This plugin fully simulates the spark.
DE Specular Lighting. Simulates glowing plastic surface.
DE Thermograph. Infokrasnogo simulates the effect of radiation.
DE Turbulent Noise. It is used to obtain the effect of distortion and texturing.
DE VideoMalfunction. Creates the effect of television interference.
DE Visual Harmonizer. Creates the effect of randomized sine waves, consisting of particles or simple lines.
DE Wave Displace. The effect of wave distortion of water.
Tilt 3D Tools. TILT - a set of plug-ins to manipulate 3D objects directly in After Effects. You can add cameras, light sources, objects, animate and to calculate the 3D objects using standard management tools After Effects.
DigiEffects Fantazm v1.14
Set transition effects include Simonize, Shredder, Taffy, Stream, FlyThru and a number of effects Pixxy. Other effects include BrownianMotion, ColorGrabber, BluePrint and Stream.
Full list of included plugins:
Digital Anarchy
Digital Anarchy 3D Assistants v1.3.0
Allows the user to easily manipulate, animate and arrange layers in three dimensions. 3D Assistants Pro contains dozens of functions the package offers affordable and intuitive way to use 3D within Adobe After Effects.
Digital Anarchy Anarchy Toolbox v1.2.0
A set of nine tools for creating a variety of complex effects, including the original blurred images, blurring, lighting effects, distortions, bias.
Digital Anarchy Geomancy v1.3
A set of filters to create geometric shapes and lines. These elements are most common in graphic animation, and although a relatively easy, the animation may take a long time.
Digital Anarchy Psunami Water v1.3.0
Psunami Water includes all the tools for simulation and rendering of water surfaces, such as oceans and rivers. Also allows you to generate a circular and curvilinear wave.
Digital Anarchy Resizer v2.03
ReSizer allows you to convert SD to HD, maintaining high quality and minimizing loss of time. The plugin works in Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, and now Final Cut Pro and Motion from Apple, using a plug-in architecture of Apple's FxPlug.
Digital Anarchy Text Anarchy v2.3.3
Plug-in for After Effects and Final Cut Pro for professional video editing. Text Anarchy is the latest version of the plug-selling of Digital Anarchy, and includes a set of enhanced features for creating and animating text.
Digital Anarchy ToonIt v1.0.1
ToonIt! produces a simulation of video animation. A large number of styles: Flat Cartoon, Graphic Novel, Line Art, Stipple and Pen & Ink.
Digital Film Tools
Digital Film Tools 55 mm v7.0
This set of plug-ins designed primarily for photo editing (although there is also a version for video editors) and is intended to replace all the facilities enjoyed by photographers in an era of film - lenses, optical filters, etc. The new version added twelve new 55mm filters, as well as improved tools familiar to users of the package earlier. Among the new filter to create the effect of old photographs, pencil drawings, dual fog, the effect of X-rays.
Digital Film Tools Power Matte v1.0
This plug-in to separate the object from the background. The plugin allows you to achieve good results even if the video is so complex elements such as smoke, hair, or reflection, as well as in the case, if the background is not the same color.
Digital Film Tools Power Stroke v1.0
Power Stroke plug-in designed to simplify various operations associated with better pictures. With the help of the plugin you can delineate areas of the image that you want to perform the correction, instead of paint over all the fragments with a brush. Using the Power Stroke, you can colorize black and white photos, change colors, lubricate the image discolor selection, etc.
Red Giant
Red Giant Composite Wizard v1.2
Composite Wizard allows you to "seamlessly" integrate the image. Jagged edges and fuzzy masks will no longer spoil your nastoenie. Composite Wizard allows you to automate most of the effects of color correction, blur the edges of the image boundaries and removing unwanted artifacts.
Key features Composite Wizard.
Composite Color Matcher. A few mouse movements you can customize the colors of the clip to the line with the composite environment by blending its tonal areas.
Deluxe Edge Finder. With this filter, you can create a precise line on the alpha channel, which at one time is a control layer which allows you to control the values of the color balance, sharpness, and transparency of the edges of the compound.
Denoiser. Applies a function of averaging pixels to reduce noise video and film material.
Edge Blur. Corrects jagged edges and creates a schedule that causes an animation and text to a more realistic view.
Light Wrap. Creates the illusion of light reflection background to the foreground as if they were sfotografirovanny under the same conditions.
Matte Feather. Creates a gradual transition from opacity to transparency on the edge of the layer alpha channel. Used to correct the jagged edges and softening hard to make the objects of the natural kind.
Matte Feather Sharp. Used to smooth the boundaries of layers containing hard geometric and compound lines without losing any geometric shape.
Miracle Alpha Cleaner. Removes artifacts and contamination of the alpha channel.
Re-Matter. Allows you to merge into a single set of masks.
Smooth Screen. Apply a smoothing effect on the blue or green screen to reduce lighting and surface roughness.
Spill Killer. It is used to eliminate unwanted Prokeivanie, which usually occurs with fine detail or motion blur.
Super Blur. Ensures the quality of Gaussian blur filter, but is 5 times faster.
Super Compound Blur. Allows you to create a separate control layer blur.
Super Rack Focus. Creates a realistic effect of depth of field.
Wire / Rig Zapper. Removes unwanted objects by cloning the pixels from the surrounding areas.
Zone HLS. Returns the color of the image at the desired level.
Red Giant Film Fix v1.0
Film Fix contains a set of plug-ins, allowing users to restore the damaged image, damaged by dust and dirt lots and tidy archival film and video, copied from the film. The recovery process is as automated and, according to developers, shows excellent results.
Red Giant Image Lounge v1.2
Plugin which contains more than 20 stylistic filters to create dynamic images.
Red Giant Knoll Light Factory v2.5.2.Pro
Knoll Light Factory plug-in designed for creating lighting effects, mainly glare - reflections from bright light sources, for example, from the Sun. Such effects can also be used for creating logos and other text effects.
Red Giant Magic Bullet Colorista v1.0
The plugin is designed for color correction and, according to the developers to work better than the standard color correction tools in a video editor. In addition, the addition is much easier to configure than the standard system, and offers advanced tools for determining the fragment frame you want to apply color correction. Moreover, a sufficiently powerful computers, all of which are produced by the plugin, you can watch in real time.
Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 2.1
Magic Bullet - it works with the frame rate, resolution, interlace.
Look Suite - stylized color. It is not used instead of color correction, and is used after the color correction to use one preset to the entire video without keyframes.
Opticals - Organization filmopodobnyh fade to black and white, by analogy with Cross Dissolves.
Letterboxer - is used to trim your video under a standard format, regardless of the pixel aspect ratio of your composition.
MisFire - is used to simulate damage to the film, such as grain, scratches, dust, etc. You can easily create the illusion of archival film, which was damaged, etc. There is full support for 16bit. Contains 13 film damage.
Red Giant Primatte Keyer Pro v4.0
Plugin for creating effects of fire, smoke, sky and much more.
Trapcode 3D STROKE V2.5
The main purpose of the effect of 3D Stroke - controlled by drawing lines along the masks, which can rotate freely along any of the three axes, using the camera Adobe After Effects. Masks can be dynamic, the user configures which should be the starting point and stop the stroke at a certain time. Working with vector graphics can be transferred to objects from Adobe Illustrator into Adobe After Effects. All the transformations taking place in one layer. The plugin has a built-in camera for AE41 and Combustion 3 and can use the camera tracks AE5.
Trapcode ECHOSPACE V1.01
Echospace is used to duplicate, manage and animate layers
Trapcode FORM V1.0
Trapcode Form plug-in designed for creating animation effects, in which there is fire, smoke, sand and wind.
Trapcode LUX V1.01
Lux module simulates the effect of reflection of light in a translucent medium, also known as "visible light". This effect can be observed in cases where the air is not entirely transparent, like on stage during a concert or a foggy night on the street.
Lux module uses the built-in mechanisms lighting Adobe After Effects to create a visible beam of light whose intensity depends directly on the source of illumination. Appendix Lux reads properties such as layout, color and cone angle for all sources of lighting and projectors and performs their visualization.
Trapcode PARTICULAR V1.5
Powerful tool for generating three-dimensional particle systems, indispensable in creating a variety of special effects (from a realistic smoke and explosions to simulate the movement of various elements of design).
Tight integration with Adobe After Effects software allows for bouncing of particles from three-dimensional layers, emitting streams of particles from layers and lights, and use the layer as a particle.
The physics engine is able to calculate the behavior of particles with aerodynamic drag, gravity and turbulence, which ensures maximum realistic special effects. Physics Time Factor feature lets you stop time and freely move the camera within a scene.
Trapcode SHINE V1.5
Shine - a quick tool for creating lighting effects. When viewing the finished materials with the audience the illusion of surround illumination, despite the fact that in reality the effect is completely two-dimensional. At your disposal are special controls that allow to simulate blinking and set the color gamut backlight. This effect is often used in television programs and in the credits for movies. Previously, to achieve such an effect was possible only with applications for use with three-dimensional graphics (allowing to create the present volumetric lights) or plug-ins that are not characterized by high productivity.
Trapcode SOUNDKEYS V1.1.2
Sound Keys fundamentally differs from the key frame generator built into After Effects. Sound Keys is applied as a common effect and keyframes are generated into its own output parameters and then link to the selected parameters. The advantage of this plug-in that his settings are saved with the project.
Trapcode STARGLOW V1.5
Starglow provides quick visualization of the effect of radiance. Realization of this effect is to create a star-glare around the most vibrant areas of the facility.
RevisionFX DENoise v1.0
The plugin can help in removing different types of noise - the digital, the low-quality capture, and up to dirt and fingerprints on the old film. Working with DE: Noise, you can choose from eight types of filtration, pre improve contrast video. There is also an opportunity to improve image clarity, if the repair operation noise were lost some parts.
RevisionFX Fieldskit V2.0
This plugin will allow for deinterlazing on vysokm level.
RevisionFX ReelSmart Motionblur Pro v3.24
Reelsmart Motionblur analyzes the difference between the previous and subsequent frames, and in accordance with this imposes directional blure into separate areas on images.
RevisionFX REFlex v3.1.4
The plugin is designed to morph and transform images
RevisionFX Shade Shape v3.0
The plugin allows you to convert two-dimensional drawing into three-dimensional image. For ready-made models generated by the program, you can apply a bump map and reflections, set the parameters of the diffuse and ambient color.
RevisionFX SmoothKit v2.0
Set of filters that are complementary to "Blur" set host. SmoothKit "s with a very precise process control by filtration to obtain a good image.
RevisionFX Video Gogh v2.8.1
The program provides an opportunity to feel yourself a real artist, and to impose on the visuals drawn images. The program has flexible configuration and allows you to manage the size of brushes, apply effects selectively change the transparency of the hands, as well as the distance between the strokes. Video Gogh offers a choice of three styles of drawing and lets you apply different styles on different layers. The brush sizes and transparency can be animated. The latest version fixes bugs with combustion.
Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator Pro v4.5.0
3D Invigorator - a kind of 3D Max in AAE. Moreover, this 3D-editor strongly "incarcerated" is below the video. Ie what is needed for the video he is doing very well and at the same time, it is not overloaded with useless features or infrequently used in the videographers. For example, the most typical problem is the animation of volumetric logos Invigorator'om solved "at times." A subtle and sophisticated tools for working with light (results of which are on TV almost not visible) are absent. Or, given the popularity of all sorts of reflections on the logo, they are "drawn" too bright for real life. Too bright for real life, but perfect for the television picture. Or work with a camera in Invigorator'e set so that it seems more logical videographer. Opportunities Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator is very broad: full editing of the text (each letter can have its own attributes - font, size, kerning, tracking, baseline shift, verikalnoe and horizontal scaling, color, bevel, and volume), the blurring of objects in motion, creating objects of three-dimensional entities, work with reflections, shadows, wire frame in the photo-realistic and cartoon mode, a global palette of styles, colors, light sources, import models from third-party 3D applications.
Zaxwerks ProAnimator v4.5.0
ProAnimator - decoder, intended to create animated 3D titles and logos. With ProAnimator you can glue, assemble and cleave the 3D animation after their creation. 3D objects are included in the clips that are automatically adjusted for each modification. ProAnimator supports import of 3D objects from other popular applications such as Maya, 3D Studio, Lightwave and SoftImage, is available as a standalone application or plug-in for AAE. Intuitive, tactile animation, integrated text engine and the free movement of objects and the camera do the work in ProAnimator simple and convenient. The results are rendered in QT with alpha channel.
Zaxwerks Reflector v1.0.0
Make any 3D plane reflective
Reflect any number of 3D layers
Apply falloff to fade the reflection based on distance
Combine other 2D effects to simulate various reflective materials
Use Zaxwerks advanced 3D products in your scenes
Hide specific layers to prevent unwanted reflections.

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