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أرشيف قسم البرامج هذا القسم خاص لجميع المواضيع القديمة والمنتهية من جميع الاقسام، وبالإضافة للمواضيع المخالفة للقوانين العامة والخاصة .

قديم 09-23-2008, 06:30 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي خبــر Mil Shield v6.0 Build.1618 الجديد لتنظيف الجهاز والانترنت وكل برامج الصور والمل

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اسعد الله اوقاتكم بالخير والمسرّات

Mil Shield v6.0 Build.1618

هذا البرنامج الرائع هو الحل لكل الأسئلة السرية. يحمي خصوصيتك بإزالة وتنظيف الحاسوب من اثار التصفح سواء على الإنترنت أَو اوف لاين.

-- تنظيف ملفات التعريف النصية المؤقتة (الكوكيز)

-- تنظيف محفوظات الهيستوري

-- تنظيف الذاكرة الوسيطة الكاش (ملفات الإنترنت المؤقتة)

-- حذف الاكمال التلقائي الذي يظهر الكلمة عند وضع حرف في محرك البحثAutoComplete وكذلك كلمات السر

-- تنظيف الاندكس و ملفات dat

-- تنظيف مسارات معظم التطبيقات الشعبية

-- تنظيف كل الانواع الاخرى من المسارات (اثار التصفح )سواء للانترنت او اوف لاين

-- جديد! التنظيف الإنتقائي بقائمة المواقع الموثوقة .

-- جديد! التنظيف الآلي.

-- جديد! جدولة التنظيف المتقدمة

تنظيف التصفح في البرامج التالية :

- Windows Media Player
- QuickTime Player
- NEW! RealPlayer
- NEW! BSplayer
- NEW! Outlook Express (deleted items and sent items)
- Microsoft Office
- ACDSee
- Irfan View
- WinZip
- WinRAR
- GetRight
- FlashGet
- Go!Zilla
- Download Accelerator Plus (DAP)
- Net Vampire
- Google Desktop web history records
- Google Desktop e-mail records
- Google Deskbar

Windows 98/2000/Me/XP/Vista

Supports Internet Explorer 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
Supports Firefox 1 and 2

موقع البرنامج


تحميل البرنامج + الكراك 2.81 م.ب
نتيجة فحص الكراك

Selective cleaning. Many of privacy threats come from Internet Explorer features that are good and convenient: Internet cache speeds up the browsing, ******s protect you from entering your user information over and over again, etc. Mil Shield 5.8 selectively preserves temporary Internet files, history and/or ******s for chosen by you safe Internet sites.
-- NEW! Support for Windows Vista. Mil Shield 5.8 works on all editions of the latest Microsoft operating system - Windows Vista.
-- NEW! Support for Internet Explorer 7. Mil Shield 5.8 cleans all tracks of Internet Explorer 7 (both on Windows XP and Windows Vista).
-- Cleaning of Firefox tracks.Mil Shield 5.8 cleans all kinds of Firefox tracks: cache, ******s, history, forms history, Search Bar history, downloads history, last download folder and saved passwords. It also resets start and search pages of Firefox. Note that all Firefox files are shredded before cleaning in order to make them irrecoverable.
-- Automatic cleaning. You can schedule background cleaning at each startup or shutdown, or when the Internet Explorer is closed. While running in background Mil Shield 5.8 is completely invisible.
-- Built-in scheduler. You can schedule Mil Shield 5.8 to clean at specific time intervals or once a day at specific time of day.
-- Advanced cleanup scheduling. For more advanced users Mil Shield 5.8 offers additional way to automate making of silent cleanups. You can use the command-line utility ShieldAgent.exe to schedule silent cleanups at arbitrary times using Windows Task Scheduler, other scheduling program or batch ******. This is very useful when automatic backups are made; when many computers need to be cleaned from user tracks (for example in computer classrooms) or when there is a need to clean the user tracks on remote computer.
-- Support for user accounts. On multi-user systems most of the tracks are user-specific. With Mil Shield 5.8 you can choose the user accounts that will be cleaned. This feature works both with user profiles in Windows 95/98/ME and with user accounts in Windows NT/2000/XP.
-- Cleans and shreds Index.dat files. Index.dat files are cache files used by Internet Explorer. When you visit a Web page, Internet Explorer saves the address of the page, time of visiting and even HTTP request for this page in few different Index.dat files. The ****** ****s and some other information is also stored in the Index.dat files. Later this information is not deleted even if you delete History and temporary Internet files folders *******. Everyone can see the *******s of these files with a binary editor program, which exposes all tracks of your browsing.
These files can not be found with regular file search and even if you find them, you can not delete them because they are used by Windows all the time. Mil Shield deletes the *******s of these files with low-level file operations to be sure that there are no traces left.
-- Boss key combination. Every now and then there are situations where you need to clean the tracks very fast. For example it may be your boss coming in while you are losing your time browsing the Internet. For such cases there is so called stealth key combination in Mil Shield 5.8. All you need to do is to press certain keys together and all open Internet Explorer and Firefox windows are closed and an invisible background cleanup is started.
-- NEW! In addition to all open Internet Explorer and Firefox windows, Mil Shield will close some other "embarrassing" programs when stealth key is pressed. This option is useful when you are afraid that your boss or someone else can come in and look at your display while you are doing something. In such case you can hit the stealth key combination and all embarrassing programs will be immediately closed. Here is the list of default applications that are closed when boss key is pressed:
- Windows Media Player. Both standard Media Player and classic Media Player (mplayer2.exe) are closed. Additionally, the Media Player update dialog is closed if it is shown.
- QuickTime Player and iTunes.
- BSplayer.
- RealPlayer.
- Irfan Viewer. This application is included because it is widely used to view pictures and video clips.
- ACDSee. This application is included because it is widely used to view pictures.
- Standard Windows Games. All standard Windows games that are shipped with Windows Vista (Chess Titans, FreeCell, Hearts, InkBall, Mahjong Titans, Minesweeper, Purble Place, Solitaire, Spider Solitaire) and Windows XP (FreeCell, Hearts, Internet Backgammon, Internet Checkers, Internet Hearts, Internet Reversi, Internet Spades, Minesweeper, Pinball, Solitaire, Spider Solitaire) are closed.
- MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger.
- Yahoo Messenger (Yahoo Pager).
- AIM (AOL Instant Messenger).
- Skype.
- ICQ. Both ICQ Lite and ICQ Pro are closed.
-- Cleans AutoComplete forms and passwords. The AutoComplete feature of the Internet Explorer saves previous entries you've made for Web forms (including your ****, e-mail, SSN, credit card information) and passwords. Then, when you type information in one of these fields, AutoComplete suggests possible matches. Obviously this is a major privacy threat. Mil Shield reliably cleans all AutoComplete records.
-- Restores home page of the Internet Explorer if it has been hijacked. Many Web sites change (also known as hijacking) your home page to their pages (usually full of ads and with many annoying pop-up windows). Mil Shield allows you to set a preferred home page that will be restored each time when a cleaning is performed.
-- Cleans all kinds of Web browsing tracks. Mil Shield cleans following Web browsing tracks:
- AutoComplete forms and passwords.
- All Index.dat files.
- Temporary Internet files (a.k.a. Internet cache).
- ******s.
- UserData records.
- Typed URL history.
- Browse history records.
- Most recently used download folder.
- Restores your home page (both on Internet Explorer and Firefox).
- NEW! Internet passwords (WinInet cache credentials).
- NEW! Windows DNS cache.
- Google Toolbar
- Yahoo toolbar (Companion)
- ICQ toolbar
- Windows Live toolbar (and the older MSN toolbar).
- AOL Toolbar
- NEW! IE7pro crash session recovery info.
- MyWaySearch PopSwatter Toolbar
- Firefox cache.
- Firefox ******s.
- Firefox history.
- Firefox forms history.
- Firefox Search Bar history.
- Firefox downloads history.
- Firefox last download folder.
- Firefox saved passwords.
- Google Toolbar for Firefox
- NEW! AOL Toolbar for Firefox.
- NEW! Yahoo Toolbar for Firefox.
- NEW! Firefox crash session recovery info.
-- Cleans all kinds of Windows tracks. Mil Shield cleans all kinds of Windows tracks:
- Recent documents history.
- Most recently used folders records of the Windows *****.
- List of most recently opened files of common file dialogs.
- File and computer search history of the Windows *****
- Start menu Run history.
- Start menu most frequently used (MFU) programs list (the list in the left part of Windows Vista and Windows XP Start menu).
- Recycle Bin at low level (not only through the Windows *****).
- Windows temporary files.
- Windows clipboard.
-- Cleans the tracks of some popular applications. Mil Shield cleans the tracks of the following applications:

- Windows Media Player
- QuickTime Player
- NEW! RealPlayer
- NEW! BSplayer
- NEW! Outlook Express (deleted items and sent items)
- Microsoft Office
- ACDSee
- Irfan View
- WinZip
- WinRAR
- GetRight
- FlashGet
- Go!Zilla
- Download Accelerator Plus (DAP)
- Net Vampire
- Google Desktop web history records
- Google Desktop e-mail records
- Google Deskbar
-- Works even on older computers. While Mil Shield takes full benefit of the new technologies in the latest versions of Windows and Internet Explorer, it fully supports and is completely tested on the older systems like Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0 and Internet Explorer 3.

الف شكر واتمنى للجميع الفائدة من البرنامج

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)
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تعليمات المشاركة
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لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع خبــر Mil Shield v6.0 Build.1618 الجديد لتنظيف الجهاز والانترنت وكل برامج الصور والمل:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
ارمي كل برامج استعراض الصور وجرب Picasa 3.5 Build 79.74 اناقة واحترافية في عرض الصور العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 2 07-13-2010 03:09 AM
Wise Registry Cleaner Pro 4.85 Build 227 لتنظيف الرجستري وتحسين اداء الجهاز العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-06-2009 01:20 PM
DivX Pro v. Build اقوى برامج الجيل الجديد من برامج تحرير الفيديو العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 04-20-2009 04:10 AM
لحماية اطفالك بالتحكم في الجهاز والانترنت والوقت العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-15-2008 04:22 AM
الاصدار الجديد Tracks Eraser Pro v7.5 من أقوى برامج تنظيف الجهاز Al3asq أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 09-14-2008 03:08 AM

الساعة الآن 11:40 PM.

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