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قديم 09-25-2008, 02:51 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي فيديو شارج بنسخة محمولة VideoCharge Full 3.16 Portable

السلام عليكم..

فيديو شارج بنسخة محمولة VideoCharge Full 3.16 Portable

برنامج ضخم جدا للتعديل على ملفات الفيديو
وهو بنسخة محمولة أي لا تحتاج إلى ثبيت

صيغ التحويل الذي يقوم بدعمها فيديو وصوت وصور

خيارات إنشاء الملفات

بعض خيارات لدقة الصوت

وبعض من مميزاته
1- يمكنك إضافة كتابة كحفظ للحقوق على الفيديو
2- يمكنك وصل وتقطيع الفيديو
3- يمكنك من إضافة شعار للفيديو
4- يحول أغلب صيغ الفيديو والصوت والصور
5- يقوم بإنشاء مصغرات للصور
6- يقوم بإنشاء البوم للفيديو
7- تعديل على مقاطع الفيديو


VideoCharge is a multifunction, easy in use software product for conversion of Video, Audio, or Image files sequences! VideoCharge was developed for people, who really need quick and qualitative conversion of Video/Audio/Image file(s) from one format to another, modifying any parameters of a specified format. VideoCharge represents a convenient mechanism for those persons who want to create licensed Video or Image file(s), when each frame/image is overlaid with a logotype (Watermark), title or ****. For those, who wants to produce video file with effect of 25th frame, and also for those, who wants to create several screenshots, capturing video frames. VideoCharge is essential for those people, who needs to create Video gallery with a set of thumbnails for each video clip. You can create thumbnails in automatic mode or specify some of them, make preliminary edition, and upload thumbnails to FTP server after their generation.

VideoCharge is a converter of Video, Audio, and Image files, that is allows you to convert multimedia files from one format to another. VideoCharge supports the following formats:
- AVI (Audio Video Interleave) allows you to work with any Video codec, installed into the system, and decode DivX, XVid and other type of files.
- Mpeg (Moving Picture Experts Group) supports cording into Mpeg1 and decoding into Mpeg1, Mpeg2. Works with DVD and makes possible previewing and decoding of .vob files separately or as a group (applying data of .ifo files).
- ASF, WMV, WMA (Advanced Streaming Format, Windows Media Video, Windows Media Audio) supports processing of Windows Media 7, 8, 9.
- Wave (WAV) - allows you to work with audio data in RIFF format. It transforms audio files into any of the installed audio codecs, for example, Mp3.
- Image files' formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF, JPEG.

Except conversion mechanism, VideoCharge is used to perform other additional operations:
- Merging Video, Audio or Image files sequences into single output file.
- Splitting up Video or Audio file(s) into several equal files (splits), according to specified time range or size in bytes.
- At the same time, if you use VideoCharge for Professional, you can preview all created splits and mark those of them which should be generated.
- Definition of timelines and saving them as separate Video or Audio files.

In addition VideoCharge includes the following functionalities:

- Thumbnails: creating of screenshots for Video files and thumbnails in automatic mode. In this mode Image file(s) will be automatically created for each generated Video file, basing on the first or once defined frame. In custom selection mode applying Editor you can preview all frames of video file and select more appropriate of them to create screenshots. It is also possible to produce screenshots without conversion operation.
- Watermark: VideoCharge allows you to add **** or image to output Video or Image files. Watermarks can be used for protection of Video or Image files. Applying Watermark editor you can form any logotype quickly and easily and place it on output frame as you wish.
- 25 Frame: VideoCharge allows you to create Video files with effect of 25th frame. It means that an image will be inserted into output file instead 25th (or other specified) frame.
- Filters: VideoCharge represents about 10 filters, optimized for modern processors. Filters are used to improve quality of output video, solve problem of Interlace Video (just apply de-Interlace filter). VideoCharge also contains a convenient filters' editor, where you can preview results of filters application on Video or Image files.
- Wizard: VideoCharge includes advanced Wizard, which can help persons to use the application without special background knowledge about Video treatment. Wizard includes 16 items, describing almost all scopes of the VideoCharge application.
- DVD: VideoCharge supports processing of DVD and can be used as a usual DVD ripper, to make copies of DVD disks in Mpeg4 or other format. Besides VideoCharge allows you to select necessary partitions of DVD disks, sound stream, work with VOB (.vob) files or with groups of VOB files, described by corresponding IFO files.
- Editor: VideoCharge represents a simple and easy in use editor to set time ranges, visually edit their boundaries, and select frames for Thumbnails. It is possible to preview all files, which will be generated, distribute files among folders, using drag-and-drop technology, set FTP parameters and so on.
- FTP: VideoCharge has a FTP client, which allows you to upload generated files to one or several FTP servers!
- Dynamic Path: VideoCharge represents technology of dynamic forming of output files ****s.
- Command Line: VideoCharge For Professionals supports work with command-line, that makes flexible application settings.

What's New in VideoCharge 3.16 (07.28.2008):
1. Added ability to process files with MKV (matroska) type!
2. Fixed bugs from previous version.

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع فيديو شارج بنسخة محمولة VideoCharge Full 3.16 Portable:
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