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قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة قسم خاص بجميع المواضيع المحذوفة و المُكررة والتي لاتنطبق على الشروط والقوانين والتي لا شأن لها في أي قسم من أقسام المُنتدى

قديم 11-03-2008, 06:54 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي MediaShare v1.2 include Video Grabber Plugin الشهيرررررر

دا اسكربت بيعمل موقع فديو زي اليوتيوب

ودي المعلومات

List of Features
Public Area

* Secure forms, protected template files
* Search engine friendly URLs


* Today's video recommendation
* User friendly (Ajax) tabs: featured audios, featured images, featured videos
* User friendly (Ajax) tabs: most played audios, most viewed images, most viewed videos
* User friendly (Ajax) tabs: top rated audios, top rated images, top rated videos
* Member authentication / password recovery
* Most popular tags (cloud tags)
* User friendly tabs: last users online, who is online now
* Advertisement Areas

My Audios, My Images, My Videos

* Details about each file: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating, type, tags
* Time sorting filters
* Edit title, de******ion, tags, categories
* Edit file options: file type, allow comments, allow ratings, allow embedding, allow bookmarking
* Edit thumbnails
* Delete files
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Grid View/List View
* Manage multiple files using checkboxes

My Inbox

* Internal messaging system, allowing users to send and receive messages from other members or from administrative staff
* Displays messages received from other users or admin
* Message Blocking
* Message Attachements
* Message details: sender profile link and avatar, message ****, reply option
* Delete, mark as read/unread
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Manage multiple messages using checkboxes
* Send messages to multiple users

My Favorites

* User friendly tabs: my favorite audios, my favorite images, my favorite videos
* Details about each file: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating, type, tags
* Delete from favorites
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Manage multiple files using checkboxes
* Grid View/List View

My Friends

* Displays the current user's list of friends
* Entries that are active and confirmed can access the private files of the current user
* Entries can consist of other website members, or invited members. Invites can be sent to anyone, and they are code ****d. The person who receives an invite must sign up using the invite code received (or decline the invitation) and the friend's list will get updated accordingly.
* Statistics about each entry: no. of audios, images, video (with direct link access)
* Enable/disable entries, send message, delete
* Enable/disable file ratings and comments for entries
* On the fly sorting: most audios, most images, most videos, online, offline
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)

My Playlists

* Files are added automatically to playlist
* User friendly tabs: my audio playlist, my image playlist, my video playlist
* Details about each file: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating, type, tags
* Delete from playlist
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Manage multiple files using checkboxes
* Grid View/List View

My Profile

* Set/delete avatar (gif, jpg or png formats)
* Password configuration (with password meter tool)
* Personal information configuration: ****, email, ********, phone, website, gender, date of birth/calendar, de******ion
* Delete from playlist
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)

Audios, Images, Videos

* Details about each file: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating, tags
* Sort by: most recent, most viewed, recently featured, most discussed, top favorites, top rated, random
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Time filtering options
* Grid View/List View


* List of available/active categories
* Total number of audio, image or video files in each category
* Category details, most active users in category
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)


* List of registered members
* Country flag shows if the option is enabled under Admin/General Settings
* Statistics with links for each member: registered date, last login, active, online, audios, images, videos
* On the fly sorting
* Member images on mouse over member's ****, links to member profile pages
* Paged results (web2.0 paging)


* Allows uploading of files
* Easy steps to follows, with instructions included
* Real-time upload progress bar with detailed statistics
* Support for the most common and used audio, image and video formats
* Background processed file conversion


* Search for audios, images, videos, members, tags, or all
* Filter results: most commented, most played, most recent, top rated

RSS Feeds

* Feeds for categorized groups of files (most recent, most played, top rated)

User Public Profile

* Shows user details with corresponding access links
* Audios, images, videos, favorites, friends, add to friends, send message, visit website
* Details about the most popular files: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating, type, tags

View Image/Audio/Video Page

* Flash video player with: buffering, play, pause, rewind, volume, time display, full-screen, logo overlay (optional), video ads system (optional), video playlist, watch again
* Flash audio player with: buffering, play, pause, volume, time display, background image (optional), logo overlay (optional), fake equalizer (optional)
* Lightbox ****** show to display the image file types
* Rating, flagging (featured, inappropriate), commenting (comments can be delete by file owner), bookmarking, emailing page, permalink, auto generated embed code, real-time sorting of related, commented, most viewed, top rated and by that user files, display related tags

Admin Area
Audios, Images, Videos

* Details about all files: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Can be sorted to show user videos, category videos, or all videos
* Sub-sorting by: all, active, comments, date, featured, inactive, inappropriate, private, public, rating, views
* Preview files, change file details and options on the fly
* Change file details: title, de******ion, tags, categories
* Change file options: type, approved, featured, inappropriate, recommended (only for videos)
* Permanently delete files

* Featured and inappropriate requests are also shown - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Details about the files: thumbnails with added date, views, comments, length, rating
* Sub-sorting by: all request, active requests, closed requests
* Preview files, change file details and options on the fly
* Change file details: title, de******ion, tags, categories
* Change file options: type, approved, featured, inappropriate, recommended (only for videos)
* See request reason, close active request
* Delete requests

Players: Audio Player

* Edit audio player settings: auto-play, equalizer (it's fake, mostly for visual purposes), player size, logo overlay size, background image/delete background image

Players: Audio Watermark

* Manage the entries used as logo overlays for the audio player - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Supported formats are: *.gif, *.jpg, *.png
* Unlimited entries can be added, displayed randomly
* Enable/disable, edit and delete entries

Players: Video Ads

* Manage entries used as video ads, displayed before/after video playback - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Supported formats are: *.jpg, *.swf
* Unlimited entries can be added, displayed randomly
* Adding entries: **** of entry, de******ion, URL to be accessed on click, duration of ad (works only with *.jpg types), select file to add
* Enable/disable, edit and delete entries
* Statistics such as: views, clicks, click rate

Players: Video Player

* Edit video player settings: autoplay, playlist, title bar, share option, repeat option, show ads position, player size

Players: Video Watermark

* Manage the entries used as logo overlays for the video player - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Supported formats are: *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.swf
* Unlimited entries can be added, displayed randomly
* Enable/disable, edit and delete entries
* Specify position and transparency, set URL to be opened on click


* Manage list of categories, specifically set which file types are allowed in what categories - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Add categories: specify ****, de******ion and an image (*.gif, *.jpg, *.png)
* Enable/disable, edit and delete (once a category is delete, all the videos in it are delete as well)
* Number of audios, images and videos in each category, with access links


* Manage list of registered members - Paged results (web2.0 paging)
* Show/sort by id, user****, last login, active, online, audios, images, videos
* Country flag shows if the option is enabled under General Settings
* Enable/disable, email, message, delete (once a member is delete, all of it's files are deleted as well)
* Member details: id, user****, email, active, logged in, registered, last login, from ip, ****, gender, de******ion, ********, country, website, phone
* Access links to members audios, images, videos
* Message all members, email all members
* Create any types of messages using advanced WYSIWYG editor

Settings: Ad Settings

* Configure the advertisement placeholder areas across the site
* Enable/disable and edit using advanced WYSIWYG editor

Settings: Editable Templates

* Edit the email template files used by the ****** when signing up, inviting friends, emailing file link, using password recovery, email notifications templates
* Edit the static page template files used to show various information: about us(1), help(2), terms and conditions(3), copyright information(4), privacy policy(5), some tables with **** seen when signing up or logging in, the logo used in the header
* The 5 static page template files can easily be enabled/disabled, re****d or relinked in any way
* On-screen instructions and notes
* Edit using advanced WYSIWYG editor

Settings: General Settings

* Configure the general behaviour of the site
* Set site ****, admin email, admin ****, new password (password meter displayed), password recovery, **** tags, **** de******ion, site theme
* Enable/disable: audio module, image module, video, members module, inbox/messaging module, rss feeds, country flags, signup captcha, signup email verification process
* Sort best audios, best images, best videos, shown on homepage by comments, ratings, views
* Enable/disable: audio approval, image approval, video approval
* Enable/disable: audio uploads, image uploads, video uploads
* Configure other settings: character length of several input fields used throughout the site
Example: search string min/max length, file titles min/max length, file de******ion min/max length, and many others

Settings: Guest Account

* Configure the settings of the guest account (guest is synonym to browsing the site, not being logged in)
* Allow guest access to the following public area sections: audios, images, videos, category details, members, member profiles, search
* Enable band***** limit (once reached, no more files can be accessed that day by the guest's IP address)
* If limiting is enabled, statistics are displayed, showing the IPs, country, date, time, used band*****, and can reset or deleted (*p)

Settings: Language Settings

* Manage the list of languages (*p)
* Configure the default language, or add other entries
* When adding a new language, a **** for it must be set, and a php file must also be ****d, and it will automatically get created
* When a new language is created, the *******s of English file are copied to a file set by the admin, which then can be edited accordingly
* Unlimited entries can be added, enabled/disabled, edited and deleted
* The entry marked as default cannot be disabled or deleted

Settings: Paging Settings

* Configure the number of items per page you want displayed on each of the following sections:
My audios, my images, my videos, inbox, outbox, my favorites, my friends, my playlists, file comments, audios, images, videos, categories, members, user's favorites, user's friends, search results, homepage best files, homepage featured files

Settings: System Settings

* Configure the system settings: audio conversion settings, video conversion settings, file settings, thumbnail settings
* Audio conversion settings: lame path, bitrate, sample rate, better quality option, error protection option
* Video conversion settings: paths of mencoder, mplayer, flvtool2, php along with video bitrate, sample rate, video resizing option, enable/disable the use of the -bframes option when converting files (this option should be disabled when using newer versions of Mplayer)
* File settings: set to delete or keep original uploaded audios, images, videos and set the file delete method
* Thumbnail settings: set ***** and ****** of: user avatar, category thumbnails, file thumbnails and select images to be used as the default audio thumbnail and the default user avatar image
* System Tools: Diagnostics, Cleanup, File and Folder size information


* search for audios, images, videos, members, tags, or all
* filter results: most commented, most played, most recent, top rated

وجاء وقت التحميل


الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)
أدوات الموضوع
انواع عرض الموضوع

تعليمات المشاركة
لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

BB code is متاحة
كود [IMG] متاحة
كود HTML معطلة

الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع MediaShare v1.2 include Video Grabber Plugin الشهيرررررر:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
Photoshop Plugin Plugins Collection العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 07-01-2009 03:00 PM
برنامج YouTube Video Grabber v1.4 مجااانا العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 06-29-2009 02:00 PM
اغلق مجلداتك السريه واذا حد فتحها تعال طخني KaKa Folder Protector 5.39 include العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-11-2009 02:10 PM
اغلق مجلداتك السريه واذا حد فتحها تعال طخني KaKa Folder Protector 5.39 include العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-11-2009 11:51 AM
كل جديد للفايرفوكس Plugin رائع شوف شو يعمل العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-09-2009 11:00 PM

الساعة الآن 03:46 PM.

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