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قديم 05-02-2015, 04:39 PM
الصورة الرمزية aa3jami  
رقـم العضويــة: 345634
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2015
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Icons65 ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ FIFA 15 Ultimate Team للأندرويد

السلام عليگم ورح‘ـمـۃ اللـﮧ ۋبرگاٺـﮧ
گيف ح‘ـال اعضاء ۋزار المنٺدي الگرام
ح‘ـياگم اللـﮧ ۋاهلا وسهلا بگم

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team by EA SPORTS features over 10,000 players from over 500

licensed teams. Plus, over 30 real leagues and stadiums! Build a dream squad of

footballers and put them to the test. From the English Premier League, La Liga, and MLS,

to the German Bundesliga and beyond. Take the thrills with you wherever you are with

the most authentic soccer game on Google Play.

This app offers in-app purchases. You may disable in-app purchasing using your device


** This game has superior graphics and is packed with tons of real football leagues,

teams, and players. Please make sure you have at least 1.35GB of free space on your

device. **


Earn, trade, and collect superstars like Lionel Messi and Eden Hazard to create your own

fantasy team. Choose your play style, formation, kits, and more.


Put your management skills to the test with new Quick Simulations. Set up your squad,

start the match, and watch it unfold. Make smart subs, tactical tweaks, and gauge team

effort along the way. Your match results depend entirely on your ability to manage player

skills and chemistry – taking authenticity to the next leve


If you’re new to FIFA on mobile, try out our “Casual Controls”, with elegantly simple

buttons like “shoot”, “pass”, or “sprint”. Once you’re feeling comfortable, move on to

“Classic Controls”, which let you add either “through passes” or “skill moves” to your

gaming arsenal. Or, you can interact with your team directly, tapping on players to pass

the ball and swiping towards the net to shoot. Plus, if you have an external controller –

don’t miss the chance to use it on the pitch for the first time


Play your favorite team’s next fixture, plus 3 other major match-ups happening around the

world – every week!

Jump into the action and feel the passion of your favorite sport with FIFA 15 Ultimate


جهآز أندرويد يحمل نظآآم 2.3.3 [ + ] شبكة إنترنت .

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ FIFA 15 Ultimate Team للأندرويد:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
ٺح‘ـميل لعبـۃ Clash Of Clans للأندرويد aa3jami قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 9 03-07-2016 10:57 PM
ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ Batman Arkham Origins للأندرويد aa3jami قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 10 03-07-2016 10:57 PM
ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ Asphalt 8: Airborne للأندرويد aa3jami قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 8 03-07-2016 10:54 PM
ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ Dungeon Hunter 5 للأندرويد aa3jami قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 12 03-07-2016 12:24 PM
ٺقرير عن ٱللعبـۃ الآسطوريـۃ | tomb raider 2013 | к ι я ι т σ - к υ η قسم تقارير وأخبار وصور وفيديوهات الألعاب 26 01-14-2014 01:15 AM

الساعة الآن 06:44 PM.

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