قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية قسم يختص بأحدث وأقوى الألعاب الإلكترونية على جهاز الكمبيوتر والانترنت والالعاب الاونلاين والعاب البي اس بي والعاب البليستيشن بجميع اصداراته. |
حصريًا علي العاشق ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ This War of Mine
السلام عليگم ورح‘ـمـۃ اللـﮧ ۋبرگاٺـﮧ گيف ح‘ـال اعضاء زوار المنٺدي الگرام ح‘ـياگم اللـﮧ ۋاهلا وسهلا بگم In This War Of Mine you do not play as an elite soldier, rather a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged city; struggling with lack of food, medicine and constant danger from snipers and hostile scavengers. The game provides an experience of war seen from an entirely new angle. The pace of This War of Mine is imposed by the day and night cycle. During the day snipers outside stop you from leaving your refuge, so you need to focus on maintaining your hideout: crafting, trading and taking care of your survivors. At night, take one of your civilians on a mission to scavenge through a set of unique locations for items that will help you stay alive. Make life-and-death decisions driven by your conscience. Try to protect everybody from your shelter or sacrifice some of them for longer-term survival. During war, there are no good or bad decisions; there is only survival. The sooner you realize that, the better. This War of Mine: Inspired by real-life events Control your survivors and manage your shelter Craft weapons, alcohol, beds or stoves – anything that helps you survive Make decisions - an often unforgiving and emotionally difficult experience Randomized world and characters every time you start a new game Charcoal-stylized aesthetics to complement the game's theme Previews: IGN This War of Mine might be the war game we need. Gamespot I was intrigued by This War of Mine's attempts to portray the consequences of war in a way that games have largely ignored in the past. The fact that the psychological and emotional challenges of living under such horrifying conditions are something you have to consider as you struggle gives me added hope that it might treat its hefty and important subject matter with the gravity and complexity that it deserves. Game Informer 11bit is blazing a new thematic trail amidst the currently popular survival genre, and so far the studio seems to have something special on its hand. تجدوون اللعبة بالمرفقآت [ تورنت ] .. |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
أدوات الموضوع | |
انواع عرض الموضوع | |
المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع حصريًا علي العاشق ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ This War of Mine: | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
حصريًا علي العاشق ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ Etherium ! | aa3jami | قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية | 7 | 06-12-2015 12:27 PM |
حصريًا علي العاشق ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ Killing Floor 2 | aa3jami | قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية | 6 | 06-06-2015 09:19 AM |
حصريًا علي العاشق ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ Lemma | aa3jami | قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية | 6 | 06-06-2015 09:18 AM |
حصريًا علي العاشق ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ Dead State | aa3jami | قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية | 4 | 05-23-2015 12:05 PM |
حصريًا علي العاشق ٺح‘ـميل و مرآجعة كآملة للعبـۃ Invisible, Inc ! | aa3jami | قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية | 3 | 05-22-2015 08:47 AM |