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Mortal kombat 1 ~ 4

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قديم 08-16-2011, 06:17 PM
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Mortal kombat 1 ~ 4

السلامُ عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته , أسعد الله أوقاتكم يا أحلى أعضاء , اليوم عندي لكم مفاجئأة جميلة لكنها مضرجة بالدماء وهذه المفاجئة هي َ سلسلة MORTAL KOMBAT الكاملة على PC , أحب أن أعلمكم أيها ألأعضاء الكرام بأن هذه السلسلة الأولى و قريباَ سأطرح أجزاء شركة MUGEN بأذن الله ,على كلٍ بدأت قصة القتال المميت منذُ وقت طويل أذكر أنها نزلت للأسواق في سنة 1996 , أيضاً صدرت لها عدة أجزاء لمختلف الأجهزة و اغلبها و حتى الان تستمر السلسلة العريقة , قد تتسائلون ما هو موضوع اليوم , في الواقع أنا قمت بتعديل نسخ هذه اللعبة النادرة و ضبطتها لكي تعمل على الحاسب أو PC الألعاب ستكون من السلسة الأولى أي الأصلية من شركة
MIDWAY و للعلم أن صاحب فكرة MORTAL KOMBAT كان المبدع ED BOON , أما الآن كفاني كلام و لنذهب لـ اللعبة MORTAL KOMBAT 1
سكرين شوت لـ اللعبة :-

اما الان فهنا سأعطيكم بعض الأسرار عن اللعبة الجريئة :
في نمط الدورة عندما تواجه أي شخصية في منطقة اللعب THE PIT يجب عليك أن تفوز FLAWLESS DOUBLE عندها قم بعمل أيFATALITY ثم ستظهر لك شاشة تهنئكَ لفكك شخصية REPTILE السرية , فقط على الحاسب
ملاحظة : قد كتبت قائمة للفنشات في ملف اللعبة
أما الآن ننتقل للتحميل

1. على ميجا أبولد : من هنا
2. على هوت فايل :
من هنا
3.على فايل سونك : من هنا

الان ننتقل إلى اللعبة الرائعة بشكل لعبة MORTAL KOMBAT 2
بعد ما تنتصر قوات الأرض على قوى الساحر شانج يقوم الحاكم شاوكان بالهجوم على الأرض بقوة جديد و بطاقة أكبر تابعوا ما سيحصل
بعض الأسرار
1. لكي تفتح و تقاتل ضد و بـ جايد عليك أن تفوز باي جولة مستعملاً ركلة منخفضة
عندها سيلغى القفل عنها
2.لمواجهة سموك : في منطقة THE PORTAL حاول أن تستمر بلكمات عالية كي يضهر لك TOSTY عندما يضهر اضغط ENTER بعدها ستنتقل لتواجههُ لكن لن يفتح عندك
3.لمواجهة نوب سايباوت يجب أن تفوز 50 جولة و بعدها ستتجه له و سيكون متاحاً للعب
الحركات الخاصة و الفينشير وضعتها مع اللعبة أيضاً ألان للتحميل

1. على ميجا أبولد : من هنا
2. على هوت فايل :
من هنا
3. على فايل سونك :
من هنا
__________________________________________________ _
الآن للعبة مورتال كومبات 3 و هي لعبة جميلة جداً و متطور عن سابقتها من الألعاب على كلٍ تم أصدار جزئين منها و أسرارها سهلة هنا بس مو مترجمة
Hint: Cyrax: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by mcafee53 and strykerryu92188.
Hold LK and press Back(2), HK or Forward(2), HK.
Exploding Teleport: Press Forward(2), Down(2), L.
Energy Net: Press Back(2), Y.
Grenade: Hold Y and press Forward(2), B.
Hint: Ermac: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by mcafee53 and strykerryu92188.
Fireball: Press Down, Back, X
Psychic Force Slam: Press Back, Down, Back, B.
Teleport Punch: Press Down, Back, A.
Hint: Human Smoke: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Get Over Here: Press Back(2), X.
Teleport Punch: Press Down, Back, A.
Air Flip Toss: Press L while in the air with an opponent.
Judo Flip Toss: Press X near an opponent.
Hint: Jade: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
High Boomerang: Press Back, Forward, A.
Straight Boomerang: Press Back, Forward, X.
Low Boomerang: Press Back, Forward, Y.
Invinsibility: Press Back, Forward, B.
Shadow Strike Kick: Press Down, Forward, Y.
Judo Flip Toss: Press X near an opponent.
Hint: Jax: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Missile: Press Back, Forward, A.
Streaking Punch: Press Forward(2), B.
Grab Punches: Press Forward(2), A.
Pick Up Slam: Press X near an opponent.
Hint: Johnny Cage: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Shadow Uppercut: Press Back, Down, Back, A.
Shadow Kick: Press Back, Forward, Y.
Fireball: Press Down, Forward, X.
High Fireball: Press Forward, Down, Back, A.
Judo Hip Toss: Press X near an opponent.
Hint: Kabal: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Fireball: Press Back(2), A.
Flash!: Press Back, Forward, Y.
Ground Saw: Press Back(3), R.
Krazy Club Slam: Press X near an opponent.
Hint: Kabal: Babality:
Press Run(2), LK.
Information in this section was contributed by Jabroni9415.
Hint: Kano: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Knife Toss: Press Down, Back, A.
Knife Uppercut: Press Down, Forward, A.
Grab & Choke: Press Down, Forward, X.
Air Snapmare: Press L while in air with an opponent.
Snapmare: Press X near an opponent.
Hint: Kitana: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Fan Lift: Press Back(2), A.
Fan Toss: Press Forward(2), A + X.
Square Style Punch: Press Down, Back, A.
Judo Flip Toss: Press X near an opponent.
Hint: Kung Lao: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Hat Throw: Press Back, Forward, X.
Teleport: Press Down, Up.
Double Teleport: Press Down(2), Up.
Dive Kick: Press Down, B while in the air.
Jumping Razor's Edge: Press X near an opponent.
Hint: Liu Kang: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188 and Gdog7755.
High Fireball: Press Forward(2), A.
Low Fireball: Press Forward(2), X.
Flying Side Kick: Press Forward(2), B.
Judo Flip Toss: Press X near an opponent.
Bicycle Kick: Hold B for five seconds, then release.
Hint: Nightwolf: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Hatchet Uppercut: Press Down, Forward, A.
Shadow Charge: Press Forward(2), Y.
Bow And Arrow: Press Down, Back, X.
Arm Grab Slam: Press X near an opponent.
Hint: Noob Saibot Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Teleport Bomb: Press Down, Up.
Shadow Judo Flip Toss: Press Forward(2), A.
Darkness Freeze: Press Down, Forward, X.
Judo Flip Toss: Press X near opponent.
Hint: Noob Saibot: Name origin:
Spell out Noob Saibot's name backwards to get "Tobias Boon", the last names of two of the game's creators.
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Hint: Rain: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Thunder Strike: Press Back(2), A.
Paralyze Ball: Press Down, Forward, A.
Super Hook Kick: Press Back, B (will not work on Bosses).
Judo Flip Toss: Press X near opponent.
Hint: Reptile: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Slide: Press Back + L + X + Y.
Runnin' Elbow: Press Back, Forward, Y.
Fast Forceball: Press Forward(2), A + X.
Slow Forceball: Press Back(2), A + X.
Acid Spit: Press Forward(2), A.
Judo Flip Toss: Press X near opponent.
Hint: Scorpion: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Get Over Here: Press Back(2), X.
Teleport Punch: Press Down, Back, A.
Flying Punch: Press Down, Forward, A.
Air Flip Toss: Press L with opponent in air.
Judo Flip Toss: Press X near opponent.
Hint: Sektor: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Teleport Uppercut: Press Forward(2), Y.
Missile: Press Forward(2), X.
Double Missiles: Press Back(2), Forward, X.
Target Lock Missile: Press Forward, Down, Back, A.
Squash Arm Slam: Press X near opponent.
Hint: Shang Tsung: Moves:
Information in this section was contributed by strykerryu92188.
Fireball: Press Back, Forward, A.
Double Fireball: Press Back(2), Forward, A.
Triple Fireball: Press Back(2), Forward(2), A.
Underground Fireballs: Press Forward(2), Back(2), Y.
Flip Toss To Arm Slam: Press X near opponent.
Hint: Smoke: Infinite combo:
Unlock the "Scott's Stuff" and the "Kooler Stuff" menus. Enable the Fast Uppercut Recovery, Unlimited Run, Smoke, and Health Recovery options. Then, select Smoke, and at the battle screen, use the Spear by pressing Back(2), LK or LP. When the opponent is pulled by the spear, do an uppercut. Repeat the steps until the opponent dies. You can do up to 50 hits and 100% damage by doing this trick.
Information in this section was contributed by Gibson Odiada.
Hint: Smoke: Invisibility:
Press Forward + Block + Run a few times. Smoke should do his winning salute, then burst into flames and disappear. Press Jump toward him and press Kick. Even if he blocks, he will turn back; do this with caution.
Information in this section was contributed by Rob and Samantha.
Hint: Sub-Zero: 2-hit 43%:
Keep your opponent still by freezing him, then uppercut him (Down + HP). Before he lands, freeze him (the blast going forward) then uppercut him. You have to have the quick uppercut recovery code enabled. If you get lucky and get up the second time very fast give him a low kick to get 53%.
Information in this section was contributed by Gotsnookie187.
Hint: Defeating Bosses:
Enable the "Scott's Stuff" cheat menu and disable blocks. When you fight the Bosses, use any character and keep jump kicking them. This works on both Motaro and Shao Kahn.
Information in this section was contributed by Lucky72999.
Hint: Continuous moves:
Note: This trick requires a controller with an auto-fire feature. Set the game on no blocks set A to auto-fire. Select Lui Kang or Kano. Lui Kang will do an everlasting bicycle kick, and Kano will keep rolling at the opponent. Note: Do not do this on a two player game.
Information in this section was contributed by mcafee53.
Glitch: Various character actions:
Information in this section was contributed by mcafee53.
Sindel does not pick you up when she throws you:
When Shang Tsung does his animality, your face appears in his mouth.
When Sub-Zero does the fatality where he picks you up, freezes you and breaks you apart, he puts his hands up. You will appear in his hands and the bones appear before he breaks it.
When Kung Lao throws his hat he still has his hat on.
When you do Babality on someone with their second costume, it turns them into a baby with their first costume. For example, Lui Kang's orange pants turn red.
When Sindel does her fatality where she wraps her hair around you and spins you around, all she does is wrap her hair around you and some invisible scissors cut her hair. There is hair on Sindel and hair wrapped around the other person.
Glitch: No rules:
If you have some of the cheats activated from the Kool, Kooler, and Scott's stuff menu, activate Max Fatality Time and One Button Finishers. Sometimes when it says "FINISH HIM/HER", you can still fight. The opponent will get out of his/her winning stance. Note: This happens when you lose the round/match. Also, when Max Fatality Time is over, both fighters will pose.
Information in this section was contributed by The Runaway Five Teen.
Glitch: Stryker wins:
Get any character. Sometimes when you or your opponent is about to make the kill on "FINISH HIM/HER!", press one of the buttons and you will just be in the winning stance and have to wait for the MFT to end. The CPU can also do this.
Information in this section was contributed by The Runaway Five Teen.
Glitch: Shang Tsung's Ice Clone:
This trick requires perfect timing. If you know that you are about to turn back into Shang Tsung, morph into Sub Zero. Then when you are about to turn into his regular form, do the Ice Clone (Down, Back, LP). You will turn into regular form, but you will do the Ice Clone, with orange ice.
Information in this section was contributed by Crazy1112.

روابط مباشرة من ملتي أبولد :من هنا
روابط نسخة الـ اولتميد :
من هنا
و الان مع MK4 قد وضعت قائمة الفينيش في اللعبة

من هنا للتحميل على سيفرسات عديدة

اتمنى أن تستفيدوا من الموضوع و تستمتعموا بـ اللعب , رمضان كريم , و أنا لن أقول لكم إلى أللقاء لأن موعدنا الأخر قريبٌ جداً
في أمان الله


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Mortal kombat 1 ~ 4:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
mortal kombat 2011 Sam Alex أرشيف قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 12 05-28-2011 03:25 AM
إعلان mortal kombat 2010د The-Forth Assassin قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة 3 11-12-2010 12:38 PM
لعبة Mortal Kombat 4 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 0 09-30-2009 12:30 PM

الساعة الآن 04:08 PM.

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