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قديم 01-21-2013, 04:08 PM
الصورة الرمزية El-MaGhRiBi  
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افتراضي تحميل اقوى برنامج حرق الملفات Alcohol 120% v2.0.2 Build 4713 + كراك

اسعد الله اوقاتكم اعزائي اعضاء وزوار منتديات العاشق
في قسم البرامج الحصرية سوف تجدون كل ما هو جديد وحصري مقدم لكم من منتديات العاشق
لطلب برنامج مرجوا مراسلتي عبر زوار مع ذكر اسم البرنامج باللغة الانجليزية " لا يهم حجم برنامج"

Alcohol 120% v2.0.2 Build 4713


Alcohol 120% is the CD & DVD emulation and recording program that  will allow users to easily copy a visible and an invisible disc.

Alcohol 120% enables users to create 31 virtual CD & DVD-ROM to play  discs without needing a physical disc, it also enables users to copy CD  & DVD to CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD-RW / DVD-RAM / DVD+RW. Alcohol  120% combines all functions of Alcohol 52% (CD & DVD emulation  software).

Alcohol brings a new meaning to the word multimedia! It is without a  doubt a leader in its class, bringing the ability to emulate and record  CDs and DVDs together into one amazingly easy to use software program.

Using the latest technology the program is constantly being developed  and improved to add new features, allowing it to maintain it's position  as a leading software package.

Imagine being able to store your most used CDs as images on your  computer and just call them up at the click of a button! And then run  them at 200x the speed of some CD drives and without requiring the CD  itself! How about being able to make a backup of that CD onto another CD  either using the CD itself or just using the image you have created?  This is what Alcohol allows you to do and much more.

Alcohol 120% enables you to make a duplicate back-up to recordable media  of nearly all your expensive Game/Software/DVD titles, and/or an image  that can be mounted and run from any one of Alcohol's virtual drives.

No other software available enables you to create up to a staggering 31  virtual drives, allowing you to run your game images at over 200x faster  than from a conventional CD-ROM. Alcohol 120% is a powerful utility  that uses a unique combination of options to ensure a perfect back-up  every time.

All you need is a PC combined with a CD or a DVD burner. No more  replacing your expensive original discs due to loss, theft, scratches,  or other media imperfections. Your duplicate works just like the  original; your entire collection can be archived and your investment  protected.

In the home: Have you had experiences with the common conditions of  CDs/DVDs? They can easily get scratched, damaged, broken, lost or even  stolen. Alcohol provides you with peace of mind and protects your  investment.


· This software is only for the purpose of legal use of duplication  under the current copyright laws. Any duplication without permission by  copyright owners is illegal under the current copyright laws. Users are  liable for criminal and civil penalty under the current copyright law  for illegal duplication.

Here are some key features of "Alcohol 120%":
- Make perfect 1:1 back-ups of CDs, Alcohol 120% is really the ultimate DVD / CD emulation and burning software.
- Store your most used or important CDs as images on your computer and  run them at 200x speed from up to 31 virtual CD or DVD drives!
- Burn more than one CD or DVD at the same time, even from from different sources, using the latest multiple burners technology.
- Highest drive compatibility - Alcohol is compatible with more than 99%  of drives available and if it doesn't work with your drive we can  improve it so let us know!
- Bypass the latest "unbreakable" protections using Alcohol Software's state of the art burning and emulation process!
- Supports the highest number of possible image file types including -  MDS, CCD, BIN, CUE, ISO, CDI, BWT, BWI, BWS, BWA & many more...
- Ultra-responsive industry leading support from our team of software experts

متطلبات التشغيل

- Intel/AMD based PC
- Windows 95 or Windows NT users, please pay attention as follows:
- Must install Internet Explorer 5.0 or later version
- Window NT 4.0 must update to Service Pack 5 or later version
- Windows 95 must be OSR2 or later version
- 32MB (or more) of RAM
- Internet connection
- 10GB (or more) hard disk (a 74 minute CD image requires 650-700MB)
- One or more bus-mastering SCSI and/or ATAPI buses
- One or more CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives. You can use a CD/DVD recorder as a reader with sufficient hard disk space.
- One or more CD recorders (if you install more than 2 CD recorders, 700MHz CPU and 128MB RAM is recommended).
- One or more DVD recorders (if you want to burn DVD format)









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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع تحميل اقوى برنامج حرق الملفات Alcohol 120% v2.0.2 Build 4713 + كراك:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
العملاق الألمانى لنسخ وحرق وتشغيل الاسطوانات √√ Alcohol 120% √√ كامل mehdi bourazza قسم التقنية والبرامج 2 01-17-2013 09:55 PM
تحميل برنامج الصوتيات Winamp Pro v5.63 Build 3235 + كراك El-MaGhRiBi قسم الحصريات والشروحات المميزة 0 01-08-2013 10:28 PM
اقوى برنامج لتسريع تحميل الملفات من الانترنت برنامج Internet Download Accelerator 5.8 حمادة المغربى أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 09-27-2010 06:17 PM
تحميل برنامج FastCopy 2.09 لنقل الملفات بسرعة رهيبة مجانى بدون سيريال ولا كراك subzero1911 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 09-10-2010 05:10 PM
اقوى واسرع برنامج في تحميل الملفات من الانترنت اصدار بتاريخ 29/5/2009 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-29-2009 08:51 PM

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