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قديم 03-08-2013, 08:33 PM
الصورة الرمزية medo2013  
رقـم العضويــة: 179510
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2013
العـــــــــــمــر: 36
المشـــاركـات: 184
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 29
افتراضي برنامج اظهار قائمه ستارت في ويندوز 8 الجديد StartIsBack 2.0 Final(تحميل مباشر)

أقدم لكم

StartIsBack 2.0 Final

البرنامج الرائع فى اظهار قائمة ابدا فى نظام تشغيل 8 الاصدار الجديد التى قامت بانتاجه شركة ميكروسوفت اكبر شركة برمجية على مستوى العالم , حيث صمم هذا النظام بدون قائمة Start ولكن مع برنامج StartIsBack اصبح من السهل الحصول على قائمة استارت مرة اخرى

StartIsBack returns to full-featured Windows 8 start button Start menu, the same as in Windows 7. startisback significantly improves the usability of the desktop and make a new screen in an orderly, more convenient, fast and stable.
Boot to desktop
Your session would start with the desktop. Always. Unlike other solutions, StartIsBack goes directly to desktop every time without flashing Start Screen even for a millisecond.
Original fully-featured Windows 7 start menu
StartIsBack restores original Windows 7 start menu with all its features: search, drag&drop, pinned and recently used apps, fully customizable settings. Start button and Start menu look and behave exactly as they used to in Windows 7.
Desktop and Modern interfaces are clearly separated
StartIsBack is the only tool which is able to provide consistency in Windows 8 by separating desktop and modern programs. Real work is done on desktop while new Start screen turns into launcher for modern apps only.
Make Start screen clutter-free
Windows 8 forces you to organize new Start screen which can quickly become a long list of mess with automatically pinned programs. This is no longer the case with StartIsBack. If you turn Start screen into Apps screen, you won't have the pain to manage two Start places.
Totally native
StartIsBack does not run any additional services or programs. It integrates into your computer smoothly. It does not require any other tools or frameworks to install and can be installed without administrative privileges. Start menu is fully localized into your language with same metrics and names Windows 7 had.
Rich customization and configuration
StartIsBack allows you to configure many aspects of appearance and behavior of Start menu and Modern UI elements. This is done in most reliable way, within attractive and easy configuration UI.
Changes in 2.0:
What's new in this major release:
New skin and orb image
Greatly improved Appearance UI
Modern Apps (Start Apps) are included into MFU and all programs list (optional)
Shortcut to Start Screen in Start Menu
Option to display all programs as multi-column flyout menu (Windows XP style)
Option to enable Start Screen hot corner on desktop
Bottom-left hot corner configuration
Option to configure what happens when Modern app closes
Advanced Win hotkeys configuration options
Option to hide Start button
Option to disable StartIsBack
Some useful Windows settings at hand
Group Policy support
Programs removed from MFU program list could return there
Secondary tiles for modern apps are excluded from MFU and new program highlighting
Search no longer finds faux shortcuts (Desktop, PC settings, Windows Store)
Pinned items are automatically renamed if renamed from shortcut properties
Shortcuts for games with dot in name could be created incorrectly
Uninstall could fail to remove installation directory
Windows key could fail to show start menu on some systems
Search could be slow to update search results and icons
Switching users could squish start menu
Incorrect blending in start button hover animation

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع برنامج اظهار قائمه ستارت في ويندوز 8 الجديد StartIsBack 2.0 Final(تحميل مباشر):
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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المساعده في اظهار قائمه الزر الايمن العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 06-27-2009 08:10 PM
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