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Iraq's Black Monday

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 05-11-2010, 06:07 PM
الصورة الرمزية wutiansaa1245  
رقـم العضويــة: 45877
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2010
المشـــاركـات: 4
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
Iraq's Black Monday

Field work on the 10th of Iraq suffered dozens of terror attacks on things, has become the latest statistics 102 people died and 350 people were injured. This is Iraq in previous years, the worst since the attacks. The most serious explosion occurred on the city of Babylon, the provincial capital Hilla. , Has formed 50 people were killed and hundreds injured. Iraqi Foreign Ministry official leak, the initial explosion, the workers are prepared to go to work, creating serious light casualties. The second explosion attack, rescue workers were at the scene to assist the wounded, the formation of more casualties.p90x Witness who said the site are dead bodies everywhere, plant has been severely damaged. Some in the public criticism of government officials and corporate officials only my life insurance, regardless of the fate of ordinary people. Baghdad, the military and the police reflect multiple points in a half-hour day, suffered a number of shootings and bomb attacks, the formation of 15 people died, including several police officers. In the southern city of Basra later afternoon hours from the onset of the three bomb attacks aimed at foreign secondary market. Formation explosion killed 20 people. Iraqi officials said the attacks that day were a series of bomb attacks and the fundamental "base" organizations. Peace forces and U.S. troops in Iraq last month in Iraq, "base" organization started cleaning up, and claims to a standstill. 10, confessed, but U.S. military spokesman,wholesale p90x "base" organization still can launch massive attacks. Iraq on March 7 parliamentary elections, the party still in the formation of the government that matters debated. Iraq's Sunni and Shia did not resolve the contradictions between. It is generally worried about the temporary inability to break the political deadlock will be set off sectarian conflict. Such a tense situation in Iraq situation,p90x dvd it is very difficult to transfer the rights in Iraq. Attack attack in the March 7 parliamentary elections, no group was relatively small, in order to complete the distribution rights, the parties start negotiations, seemed to be several months. In such a wonderful hour, this explosive attack, was that "the base" organization for many years to recover after the withdrawal of the horn trying to re-capture power to destroy confidence in the Iraqi peace force. After the withdrawal of U.S. troops in September, they will provide us with the Iraqi defense.

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