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سبويلر ون بيس 877 - One Piece 877 Spoiler

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 08-30-2017, 02:52 PM
الصورة الرمزية Caerus  
رقـم العضويــة: 390671
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2017
المشـــاركـات: 2,253
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 344
افتراضي سبويلر ون بيس 877 - One Piece 877 Spoiler

السلام عليكم متابعين مانجا ون بيس

سبويلر الفصل 877 بـ اللغة الانجليزيّة :

At the Sunny
Reinforcements keep coming from the mirror
Perospero has restrained Chopper and Brook with candy and they can't move
As his body is being covered in candy, Chopper cries that he doesn't want to turn into sweets
Along comes Luffy and co who are running from BM
Katakuri predicts that his underlings will be defeated by Luffy and co, so he tells them to retreat into the mirror
Perospero makes an iron maiden out of candy, Candy Maiden to attack Luffy
However Luffy breaks it with Red Hawk
Perospero flinches due to Luffy's flames
Katakuri faces off with Luffy
He is stuck between BM and Katakuri
Jinbe starts preparing for them to escape while Luffy takes on Katakuri
Luffy vs Katakuri begins in earnest
Pedro starts to talk to Carrot
Pedro: Carrot don't be surprised by something that's going to happen suddenly
Carrot: Eh?
Pedro: Here's what I think. Luffy and the others are going to bring about the dawn of the world that our clan and Kozuki clan have awaited for the past centuries!
Carrot: Centuries?

Perospero tells his subordinates to surround the coast with battleships
Nami says they can't escape by sailing out normally and prepares a coup de burst
However Perospero covers the ship in candy and prevents it
Pedro attempts to save Luffy and co from this desperate situation
However Perospero notices and restrains him
Pedro uses some bombs that he had been hiding to take Perospero with him
Pedro: Now your magic will come undone! Farewell.
The bomb goes out and Pedro and Perospero are enveloped in flames.

Break next week

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الساعة الآن 12:32 AM.

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