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سبويلر ون بيس 908 || One Piece 908 Spoiler

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 06-14-2018, 12:14 PM
الصورة الرمزية αвɒєʟнαĸ
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تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2013
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افتراضي سبويلر ون بيس 908 || One Piece 908 Spoiler

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سبويلر ون بيس 908

One Piece Chapter 908 Spoilers

The World Conference Begins

Mansherry heals Shirahoshi.
Mjosgard promise to take responsibility if things devolve into fighting. He will go with Shirahoshi to the conference.

Pell runs over and apologises for not being with Vivi.
Cobra reads a letter and says he will speak with Riku and Fujitora
Queen Connie of the solbe kingdom comes over to the Tenryuu Gate of the Pangea Castle. She is told she cannot enter.

Roswald is riding on the former king of the Solbe Kingdom Kuma.
Kuma is being rented out as an invincible slave.

A mysterious figure is looking at the photos of Luffy, Shirahoshi, Vivi and B.B.
the person sits on the throne and is called Im-Sama by the Gorosei.
The Gorosei ask Im to tell them who is the next light that should be erased from history


?: Calm down Sabo!
S: is that all a comrade means to you!? That kind hearted Kuma!!
Morley: I understand how you feel. I feel the same. Kuma san can’t be left like that. That’s why we came here.
K: But even if we release him, he won’t be as he was before.
M: But to let Kuma chan’s life be a sacrifice to the WG is!
L: He’s formerly a king of an affiliated country so they’re showing him off.
S: We won’t fail. We’ll succeed... or die.

Gorosei: It seems the conference has begun. The king of Alabasta, Cobra has requested a meeting with us.
Gorosei 2: The Nefertari family decided to remain in the lower world 800 years ago. But their bloodline is that of the First 20 Families.
G3: In other words, they are traitors.
G4: Has he realised something? Let's hope he doesn't complicate matters.
G5: Big Mom and Kaido (illegible) It's been 2 years since the Summit War and yet the waves are still unstoppable.
Glasses: We cannot protect the balance of the world forever. So now it seems we must conduct one big purge.
Kneeling person: Im-sama... [illegible]





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