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الاصدارة الأحدث ALLPlayer

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 01-27-2009, 08:50 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي الاصدارة الأحدث ALLPlayer

الحجم 2.702 ميجا
مجانى فى معظم خصائصه

1- FlowList
It allows you to take the express pace in making new Film playlist, which will be entirely in 3D.
2- 3D Menu
New feature in ALLPlayer. It allows you to create 3D menu from any video and display it on any TV receiver in full screen mode.
3- ALLContainer
ALLContainer is completely new video editor, which allows novice people edit their movies.
4- YouTube to ALLPlayer
For all that have active LiveUpdate we have created super program.
Download video files from YouTube on your PC

For ALL that have active LiveUpdate we have created super program.(If you don't have LiveUpdate yet, you can make activation here).

Often we can spot cool video on YouTube, but when our friends come over, the title of this video is taken down or just we have problems finding it. The Solution is Download this video on our hard drive.

What to do..?

It's pretty simply task. Just install our plugin for ALLPlayer - YouTube to ALLPLayer and instantly you will see on YouTube pages under the video - link : YouTube to ALLPlayer.org and under the movie link Download. Click on one of these links and the video will be saved on to your HardDrive!
Detailed instalation :
1. If you don't have active service LiveUpdate - make activation here.
2. Once you obtain the CODE, download the updates in ALLPlayer Setup...
3. Install downloaded program "YouTube to ALLPlayer" in the same folder where ALLPlayer is (usually Programs/ALLPlayer)
4. We are getting on YouTube using Internet Explorer and once we want to download video - click on the link "YouTube to ALLPlayer.org" or "Download" under the movie.
5. Once we execute the link, right program will ask us where the file has to be saved and will add this file to the list of movies.
6. Click "Download Video" and soon the file will be found on your HardDrive

YouTube to ALLPlayer download
الحجم 774.06 كيلو
RedTube to ALLPlayer download
الحجم 773.11 كيلو
5- Plays ALL formats
One player for ALL known formats including MKV, DivX, Xvid, Flash, QuickTime, DVD, MP3, FLAC files.
6- LiveUpdate®
This service allows you to keep up to date with the latest codec packs. We make sure that your PC uses the least possible amount of CPU with native codecs and decoders. Our Community expertise is strong enough to give you the best solutions available on the Internet. This service is being constantly upgraded (require constant upgrade and sustainability of our broadband connection and servers, so Donation will be well seen.
7- Subtitles Monster
ALLPlayer has built in special connectors to the Opensubtitles.org servers that enable you to watch movie with subs in the instant mode.
8- Subtitle Speaker
New function allow your kids to hear subtitles. Technology provided by Ivona.
9- IQ ****® - Inteligent subtitles
Never miss any subtitles.
10- New Setup
Is more intuitive than before, especially in case of subtitle handling and files management. If you have problems with DAT files our Doctor AVI will fix it for you. Try our new Setup for all extra features.
11- Converter ALLtoAVI
This function will help you to convert new formats like x264 or MKV to the format appropriate for your DVD/DivX device for easy playback. This function will be further enhanced in the future for youtube recording, AVCHD or Internet capturing. Look out for new versions.
12- Better stability
When it comes to High Definition movies (MKV/X264), your old computer won't play them but using special decoders you will discover your movies in higher resolution. This is thanks to DirectX and LiveUpdate service.
13- AVI Doctor
Downloaded some Torrent file and want to preview the movie? With our AVI Doctor you can fix the file or just preview some torrents if you like.
14- OpenSubtitles.org
Thanks to Opensubtitles.org support, with our ALLPlayer you will be able to automatically download and share your subs. No more searching for Chinese or English subtitles. All you have at finger tips.
15- New formats FLAC and APE
Is a great step towards better lossless audio codecs. Check the quality out with our latest support for FLAC and APE. More will come with next versions where our playlist will get new management features.
16- PlayList
Better PlayList helps you to manage big files of Audio and Video. Perfect for Home Disco Party.
17- Better SnapShot
Take a photo while watching movies and record it on HDD. This will help you to create Covers for your Movies.
18- PrivateDRM
We have made special Encoders for ******* Management process withing P2P sites. Built in DRM is very unique and doesn't take any private data from the users. If you want to distribute your ******* using Torrents, contact us for instructions.
19- Skins
Go to Setup and easy make own Skin. With LiveUpdate you will get access to other skins so your player never get bored.

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع الاصدارة الأحدث ALLPlayer
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
ما يقارب عن 900 مفتاح لــ Kis & Kav الاصدارت 6+7+8 لغاية عام 2011 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 02-06-2009 07:40 PM
تعريب ALLPlayer وصور العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 02-03-2009 06:40 PM
ساعدونى من فضلكم ALLPlayer V3.5 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-29-2008 10:21 AM
ساعدونى من فضلكم ALLPlayer V3.5 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-29-2008 10:21 AM
مجموعه اسطوانت تعليمية للفوتوشوب الاصدارة cs35 اسطوانات عربى العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 10-14-2008 11:52 PM

الساعة الآن 12:36 AM.

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