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قديم 09-12-2008, 04:08 PM
الصورة الرمزية Al3asq  
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افتراضي أفضـل وأقـوى برامـج التصفـح Avant Browser 11.7 Build 10

Avant Browser 11.7 Build 10

يتيح لك برنامج Avant Browser تصفح صفحات ويب متعددة بصورة متزامنة إلى جانب حجب جميع النوافذ المنبثقة وإعلانات فلاش. يتيح لك كذلك المنظف المدمج أن تمسح جميع آثارك وتحافظ على خصوصيتك. كما تتيح محركات البحث من Google & Yahoo المدمجة في البرنامج البحث عن صفحات ويب بعيتها والصور والمجموعات البريدية وكلمات الأغاني وغيرها. يقدم لك البرنامج كذلك خاصية منع تنزيل محتوى فلاش من ويب والفيديو والصور والأصوات وغيرها من الخيارات ، فتح عدة مواقع انترنت في نافذة واحدة كما أنه يستهلك القليل من موارد النظام مع ابحارك على الشبكة مع واجهة مستخدم متكاملة ، برنامج به العديد من المميزات .

Avant Browser is a fast, stable, user-friendly, versatile the top rated multi-window browser in Internet, which adds a batch of features and functionalities to Internet Explorer. Avant Browser is a multi-window browser which features with many functions such as Pop-up Stopper and Flash Ads Filter, Built-in Google Searching, Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader, Safe Recovery, Integrated Cleaner and Advanced Browsing Options. Avant Browser is available in 41 languages.

Key feature :

• Online Profile Storage: Avant Browser can save users' bookmarks, RSS Feeds, configurations or web passwords etc, in Avant online storage. In this way, users can access their personal data from anywhere, office, home or an Internet cafe, and don't need to worry about losing those data when re-install windows.
• AutoFills: Help users to memorize web passwords, and fill passwords for users with one click.
• Flash Animation Filter: More than 85% of all flash animations on web pages are advertising. These flash files are pretty large, and normally take up to 90% of the size of the page you're visiting. With Avant Browser you can save the band***** by blocking the download of these flash files with just one easy click. Avant Browser also provides options to block downloads of pictures, videos, sounds and ActiveX components. With these options users can control their band***** and speed up page loading.
• Built-in AD/Pop-up Blocker: Easily eliminate unwanted AD banners and pop-up pages automatically with just one click.
• Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader: Avant Browser has a built-in RSS/ATOM Reader, which allows you to read RSS/ATOM feeds just like browsing web pages. And you can also keep your favorite feeds as bookmarks.
• Additional Mouse Functions: If you click a link in the web page with the middle mouse button, the link will be opened in a new window in the background. This feature is extremely useful for opening posts in forums. Avant Browser also comes with customizable Mouse Gestures, with which you can easily navigate the browser by moving the mouse.
• Multi-Window Browsing: Browse multiple web pages simultaneously. All opened pages can be easily stopped, , closed or arranged with one click.
• Real Full Screen Mode and Alternative Full Desktop mode: When you enable Full Screen Mode, all you see is the webspace, with no toolbars or other clutter. They are simply autohidden! Move your mouse over the top or bottom and find the toolbar and tab bar respectively. Avant Browser also provides Full Desktop Mode, which is the same as Full screen mode, but differs in that your windows task bar stays visible.
• Built-in Search Engine: Avant Browser provides a built-in search engines. Built-in search engines enable user to search for web pages, images, groups, directories, news, lyrics and software in Internet.
• Full IE Compatibility: Avant Browser comes with all Internet Explorer functions, including, ActiveX Controls, , Real player and Macromedia Flash. IE bookmarks are automatically imported into Avant Browser.
• Control Your Privacy: With Avant Browser, you can easily keep your privacy by deleting all browsing traces such as: Typed Addresses, Auto-Complete Passwords, , History of Visited Web Sites, Temporary Internet Files and Search Keywords.
• Safe Recovery: If Avant Browser is closed improperly, all open web pages are saved and will be automatically reopened at next startup.
• Customizable Skins: Express your creativity by making a skin for Avant using a custom, easy to use program called Avant Browser Skin Maker, or use any of the many and varied skins made by other users.

Changes in Avant Browser 11.7 Build 10, Released 9.12.2008:

* Fixed the bug that kept the scroll bar from showing up completely while you're switching back from Full Screen/Desktop mode

Awards :

Download Avant Browser Final

Download RoboForm Plug-in for Avant Browser

Download Avant Browser Skins Maker

Download Avant Browser Portable 11.7 Build 10

الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
117, avant, أفضـل, browser, build, التصفـح, برامـج, وأقـوى

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع أفضـل وأقـوى برامـج التصفـح Avant Browser 11.7 Build 10:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 28 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-16-2009 11:05 PM
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 28 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-16-2009 11:05 PM
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 22 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 02-27-2009 01:10 PM
Portable Avant Browser 11.7 Build 18 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-02-2008 09:50 AM
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 15 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 09-26-2008 04:50 PM

الساعة الآن 01:09 AM.

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