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قديم 02-13-2009, 02:10 AM
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افتراضي مشغل الديفدي الشهير بأحدث إصدار CyberLink PowerDVD 8.2217aD

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وبتاريخ 12/2/2009

CyberLink PowerDVD 8.2217aD

برنامج PowerDVD
بور دي في دي البرنامج الشهبر فهو يعتبر افضل برنامج تشغيل افلام على الإطلاق
كما يمكنة تصوير اي فلم واخذ صورة من الفلم لاستخدامها في غلاف الفلم او في المنتديات CyberLink PowerDVD

PowerDVD de******ion

Play the broadest range of audio and video files and formats

PowerDVD - Play the broadest range of audio and video files and formats. Enjoy the smoothest, brightest, and most natural visuals. Using PowerDVD you can experience high-definition audio and 8-channel expansion. Navigate quickly with shortcuts, bookmarks and other cool controls. Expand your features online with DVD enhancement packs

Unsurpassed Video Quality

Intensely Vivid Images
The second generation of CyberLink's world-renowned video enhancing technology makes images brighter and colors more natural. CLEV-2 adjusts a scene's chroma and luminance to enhance image detail, and thus achieves the best possible results for LCD/CRT monitors and playback of overly dark or bright DVD movies.

Smart Video Deinterlacing
CyberLink's adaptive video deinterlacing technology ensures a smoother and clearer video image while playing video files and DVDs. Deinterlacing is unavoidable as a result of playing interlaced DVD video on modern high-definition (mainly non-interlaced) displays (e.g. TVs). Without advanced deinterlacing, video can appear jagged, blotchy, shadowy, or blurry. CyberLink's intelligent deinterlacing technology retains video quality and minimizes distortion by analyzing video frame-by-frame and dynamically applying adaptive deinterlacing only when necessary.

Users also have a choice of deinterlacing options, including automatic deinterlacing or user-defined settings. Defining how deinterlacing is performed and by what algorithm is also an option: Pixel Adaptive, Median or Bob.

Multi-Display Ratios
PowerDVD supports multiple display ratios, letting users play 4:3 DVD movies on widescreen displays and 16:9 DVD movies on 4:3 displays. A natural stretching technology is utilized to avoid losses that would otherwise be created by Pan & Scan cropping or Letterbox display

Superior Audio Fidelity

Cinematic Surround Sound
The second generation of CyberLink's proprietary audio technology expands 2-channel audio into multi-channel audio (e.g. CD expanded to 5.1 channels). CLMEI-2 maps stereo or general surround sound and converts it for output via a maximum of 7.1-channel systems. Music mode, Movie mode, and the unique Onstage music modes are offered.

Virtual Surround Sound
CyberLink's Virtual Surround technologies simulates the feeling of surround sound when multi-channel audio is played via two speakers or headphones (CLVS and CLHP). PowerDVD provides a choice of three audio environments for CLVS: Living Room, Theater, and Stadium.

Virtual Surround Sound
CyberLink Headphone and CyberLink Virtual Surround let you enjoy a wider sound image and virtual surround experience via two speakers or headphones.


To play DVDs

· Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 or 1280 x 1024
· Screen Ratio: 4:3 or 16:9 widescreen
· Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz (Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or above recommended)
· AMD Sempron 2600+ 1.6 GHz (Athlon 64 2800+ 1.8GHz or above recommended)
· Memory: for XP: 256 MB, for Vista: 512 MB
· Graphics Card: AGP or PCI Express graphic accelerator supporting DirectX 9.0.
· Sound Card: PCI sound card or on-board audio.
· Optical Drive DVD-ROM, DVD-ROM/CD-RW combo, DVD-R/RW, DVD+RW or DVD-RAM drive for playing VCDs and DVDs.

To play Blu-ray Discs

· Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080
· Screen Ratio: 16:9 widescreen

· Intel: Pentium 4 541 3.2 GHz, Pentium D 840 3.2 GHz, Pentium D 930 3.0 GHz, 935 3.2GHz or 940 3.2 GHz, Core Duo T2400 1.83 GHz, Pentium M 755 2.0 GHz, Core 2 Duo E4300 1.8 GHz, or T5600 1.83 GHz
· AMD: Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 2.0 GHz or 4000+ 2.0 GHz, Turion 64 X2 TL-50 1.6 GHz, TL-52 1.6 GHz or TL-56 1.8 GHz

· Memory: for XP: 512 MB, for Vista: 1 GB
· Hard Disk Space: 150 MB

Graphics Card:
· Intel 965G
· nVidia: GeForce 7600 GT, GeForce 7800 GTX 512, GeForce 7900 GX2, GeForce 7900 GTX, GeForce 7950 GX2, GeForce 8400 series, GeForce 8500 series, GeForce 8600 series, GeForce 8800 series
· ATI: ATI Radeon X1600 series, X1800 series, X1900 series

· Sound Card: PCI sound card or on-board audio
· Optical Drive: Blu-ray Disc drive for playing Blu-ray Discs and DVDs.

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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع مشغل الديفدي الشهير بأحدث إصدار CyberLink PowerDVD 8.2217aD:
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