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قديم 10-03-2010, 09:12 PM
الصورة الرمزية alhaidary  
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DivX Plus Pro 8.1 Build Incl Serial

DivX Plus Pro 8.1 Build

Plus Pro - one of the best multimedia package that includes a powerful set of tools for encoding, which provide a high level of , compression and control. Using DivX, you can create movies with the smallest size, but high quality. The package includes everything necessary to play DivX videos on the display of virtually any device that supports this popular format.

DivX Plus consists of four separate products. Attention users are offered two software media player DivX Plus Player and DivX Plus Web Player, a comprehensive set of video codecs DivX Plus Codec Pack and functional converter DivX Plus Converter. Players DivX Plus Player and DivX Plus Web Player have the support of a wide range of modern formats, including the latest version of DivX Codec and DivX Plus. A new feature DivX To Go, implemented in the annex DivX Plus Player, ensures that any file opened by the player, can be viewed at one of the 250 million DivX-compatible devices that are present in the world market. This handy wizard will offer step by step instructions on how to transfer video to equipment that has passed certification of DivX Certified. The list of supported devices include many DVD-players, DTV-device and game console PlayStation 3. Web Player DivX Plus Web Player, in turn, will play streaming HD-content with surround sound and subtitles in the window of popular browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer or Safari).

DivX Plus Software supports to stream high-definition video in MKV format on gaming consoles, the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and the new components of the package will provide the ability to play material DivX Plus HD format MKV/H.264 on Windows 7. A modernized Converter The DivX Plus Converter provides fast and accurate conversion of high-definition video (1080p HD) format DivX Plus HD, which is based on container, MKV codec and H.264.


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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع DivX Plus Pro 8.1 Build Incl Serial:
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الساعة الآن 01:43 AM.

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