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قديم 11-17-2010, 05:29 PM
الصورة الرمزية business2010  
رقـم العضويــة: 75419
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 34
المشـــاركـات: 558
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي DVDFab Beta (All Options Enabled)-BBB

DVDFab is the most powerful and flexible DVD copying/burning software. With 8 copy modes, you can back up any DVD to DVDR in just a few clicks. DVDFab is brand new, is completely rewritten, is based on more than 8 years of DVD copy software development. DVDFab is simply the easiest way to copy a DVD movie. Just insert the movie and a blank DVD then press Start. Your entire movie (including menus, trailers and special features) is copied to a single DVD with just one click and everything happens automatically. Backup your entire DVD (including menus, trailers and special features) onto one or multiple discs.
DVDFab includes: "DVD to DVD", "Blu-ray to Blu-ray", "DVD to Mobile", "File to Mobile" and "File Mover".
DVDFab "DVD to DVD" is the most powerful and flexible DVD copying/burning software. With 8 copy modes, you can backup any DVD to DVDR or hard drive in just one or a few clicks.
DVDFab "Blu-ray to Blu-ray" is the first full-featured Blu-ray copying/burning software. With 4 copy modes, you can backup Blu-ray to BD-R or hard drive in just one or a few clicks.
DVDFab "DVD to Mobile" converts DVD title to AVI/MP4/WMV/MKV files which can be played on mobile devices like iPod, PSP, ZUNE, cell phone, etc.
DVDFab "File to Mobile" converts source video file on your PC to next generation console like PS3 and Xbox 360, or mobile devices like iPod, PSP, ZUNE, cell phone, etc.
DVDFab "File Mover" option transfers converted files to mobile devices like iPod, PSP, ZUNE, etc.

1. 8 DVD to DVD copy modes available: Full Disc, Main Movie, Split, Customize, Customize Split, Clone, Merge and Write Data.
2. Full Disc: All movies, menus and trailers, is copied to a DVD with just one click.
3. Main Movie: Just copy the movie, with specific audio/subpicture.
4. Split: Copy a DVD-9 onto two DVD-5 discs with 100% quality, and preserve original menus on both discs. Ideal for episodic/season DVD movies, TV series, etc.
5. Customize: Personalize your DVDs! Want to make a DVD with only your favorite titles? How about cutting out those annoying commercials? Or selecting specific audio/subpicture? No problem! You can select just your favorite titles, specify the title playback order, with or without original menus, to create a DVD with only the stuff you want!
6. Customize Split: Copy a DVD-9 onto two DVD-5 discs using "Customize" way. Ideal for episode/season DVD.
7. Clone: Make perfect 1:1 bit-to-bit copy of DVDs:
* Make perfect dual layer DVD copy by using the original layer break position.
* Copy data DVD disc, like PS2 DVD.
8. Merge: Combine several titles of several sources into one DVD:
* Combine two DVD-9 like "The Lord of the Rings" into one DVD-9.
* Merge season DVDs to fewer discs.
* Create your own special features collection disc.
9. Write Data: Burn existing DVD folder or ISO image file to DVD writer, or convert DVD folder to ISO image file.
10. Burn to any blank DVD Disc (DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL).
11. Constantly updated to support latest DVD burners and blank DVD discs.
B. Benefits
1. Remove all DVD copy protections, like CSS, CPPM, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, FluxDVD, CORE X2, etc.
2. Constantly updated to support latest DVD copy protections.
3. Very fast copying speed, normally it's about 10 - 20 minutes.
4. Backup scratched/dirty disc:
* Even if some information (IFO) cannot be read, you can still copy Main Movie or Customize.
* Recovery from DVD reading (VOB) error.
5. Support both NTSC and PAL DVD.
6. Preview title like real DVD player.

DVDFab "Bluray to Bluray" FEATURES:
A. Blu-ray to Blu-ray
1. 4 Blu-ray to Blu-ray copy modes available: Full Disc, Main Movie, Clone and Write Data.
2. Full Disc: All movies, menus and trailers, is copied to a Blu-ray with just one click.
3. Main Movie: Just copy the movie, with specific audio/subpicture.
4. Clone: Make perfect 1:1 bit-to-bit copy of Blu-ray.
5. Write Data: Burn existing Blu-ray folder or ISO image file to Blu-ray writer, or convert Blu-ray folder to ISO image file.
6. Very fast copying speed.
7. Burn to any blank Blu-ray Disc (BD-R 25, BD-RE 25, BD-R 50, BD-RE 50).
8. Constantly updated to support latest Blu-ray burners and blank Blu-ray discs.
B. Benefits
1. Remove all known AACS copy protections.
2. Removes BD+ copy protection. (coming soon)
3. Remove Region Code and BD-Live. (coming soon)
4. Constantly updated to support latest Blu-ray copy protections.
5. Include internal UDF 2.50 parser to read Blu-ray, no need to install third party driver.
6. Open Blu-ray from disc, ISO image file or folder.
7. Support both NTSC and PAL Blu-ray.
8. Preview title like real Blu-ray player.

Works on Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 (32-bit/64-bit).

Changes in DVDFab Beta:
- New: Updated language files.
- New: Some minor changes and improvements.
- New: Added "Blu-ray 3D Ripper" option.
"Blu-ray 3D Ripper" option converts Blu-ray 3D title to side-by-side MKV/MP4/AVI/WMV files which can be played on 3D display device.
1. 4 Blu-ray 3D rip modes available: to MKV, to AVI, to MP4 and to WMV.
2. Convert Blu-ray 3D title to side-by-side 3D video files which can be played on 3D display device.
3. Side-by-side type can be left/right or top/bottom.
4. Video frame size can be 100% or 50% (anamorphic).

DOWNLOAD : http://uploadstore.net/fk06jl0qzw7l/...F8048.rar.html

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع DVDFab Beta (All Options Enabled)-BBB:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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