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أرشيف قسم البرامج هذا القسم خاص لجميع المواضيع القديمة والمنتهية من جميع الاقسام، وبالإضافة للمواضيع المخالفة للقوانين العامة والخاصة .

قديم 11-27-2010, 07:29 PM
الصورة الرمزية business2010  
رقـم العضويــة: 75419
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 34
المشـــاركـات: 558
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي Total Commander 7.55a Vi7Pack 1.76 Beta 2

Vi7Pack uses a popular file manager Total Commander, includes the best plug-ins and additional software for easy and convenient operation, while having a small size. Vi7Pack designed to trifles. In the Vi7Pack is a style icon Vi7, others can be found in the package TC IconsPack v3. The installer is built using Inno Setup. The Vi7Pack is optimized to work on: Vista, 2008, 7, 2008 R2 (x86/x64).

The content of the assembly:

-Total Commander 7.55a
-Enhanced and standard menu
-TweakTC 6.0.3 sr3
-AkelPad 4.5.0
Plug-AkelPad (29.10.10)
-7z SFX archives divider
-Rar 3.93 (x86/x64)
-Startup 2.8.3
-Impomezia Colors
-WinDjView 1.0.3
-NoClose 1.2

Plug-ins for working with archives (wcx):
-Bzip2 1.5
-CHMDir 0.40g
-InstallExplorer 0.9.1
-ISO 1.76
-MhtUnPack 1.0.1

Plugin displays general information (wdx):
-AudioInfo 1.4.3
-ShellDetails 1.22

Plug-ins to view information about files and the files themselves (wlx):
-FileInfo 2.0.10
-Font 0.09
-IEView 1.0
-Imagine 1.0.8 (31.07.10)
Plugins Imagine:
-7z 0.0.3
-Alz 0.0.2
-HDPhoto 0.0.3
-HV3 0.0.1
-JPEG2000 0.0.2
-Lbm 16.0.17
-RAR 0.0.2
-ListDoc 1.20
-Mmedia 2.4.6
-Office2007 0.0.4
-ScrList 1.0
-SWFView 1.3.4

-Keyboard combinations
-Built-in commands

Description of programs and plug-ins included in the assembly:
Total Commander - file manager.
TweakTC - tweaker, designed to configure TC with no change in the configuration file manually.
AkelPad - versatile text editor with support for multiple plug-ins.
7z SFX archives divider - a tool for division SFX archives to produce an archive 7z, configuration file and the module SFX.
Rar - external archiver.
Startup - a program to control startup.
Impomezia Colors - utility for management styles, colors file panel.
WinDjView - allowing the program to read formats. Djvu and. Djv.
NoSlose - utility replaces the standard from TC, to launch the console application without closing the console window.
7zip - Work with archives of 7z. (.7 Z)
bzip2 - Working with archives bz2, bzip2, tar.bz2, tar.bzip2. (. Bz2,. Bzip2,. Tar.bz2,. Tar.bzip2)
CHMDir - Work with references formats. Chm and. Itss ability to create, retrieve, delete. (. Chm,. Itss)
InstallExplorer - Work with the formats. Exe and. Msi installers Inno Setup, NSIS, Wise Installer, InstallShield and others with the ability to extract the contents. (. Exe,. Msi)
ISO - work with disk images with the ability to view and extract files and folders. (. Iso,. Bin,. Nrg)
MhtUnPack - work with the format. Mht with the ability to retrieve images, styles, css, page html. (. Mht,. Mhtml,. Msg,. B64,. Uue)
MultiArc - Working with archives, due to external archivers. (. Rar,. Zip, .7 z,. Cab,. Bz2,. Gz,. Tar,. Uha, ...)
AudioInfo - display information in tooltips for audio files from the tags. (. Mp3,. Wav,. Ogg,, aac,. Ape,. Mpc,. Flac,. Cda,. Wma, ...)
ShellDetails - display information for files, using all fields of the Explorer.
ArchView - show information about the archives. (. Rar,. Zip, .7 z,. Cab,. Bz2,. Gz,. Tar,. Lha,. Lzh,. Ace,. Arg, ...)
Excellence - view spreadsheets without OpenOffice Calc and MS Excel 97-2003. (. Xls,. Csv,. Ods,. Dbf,. Pxl,. Slk, ...)
FileInfo - View information about executables and libraries. (. Exe,. Dll,. Sys,. Com,. Cpl,. Dat,. Ocx,. Tlb,. Tsp,. Vxd,. Acm,. Ax,. Rs,. Ime,. Iec,. Rll,. olb)
Font - viewing and working with fonts. (. Fon,. Ttf,. Ttc)
IEView - web browsing. (. Htm,. Html,. Mht)
Imagine - view and edit any images with your own plugins. (. Bmp,. Gif,. Png,. Jpeg,. Jpeg,. Ico,. Cur,. Tga,. Tif,. Tiff, ...)
ListDoc - Image text documents without MS Word 97-2003. (. Doc)
Mmedia - play any audio / video files from codecs and libraries in WMP. (. Mp3,. Wav,. Ogg,. Aac,. Ape,. Mpc,. Flac,. Avi,. Mpg,. Mpeg,. Mkv,. Mp4,. Mov,. Flv, ...)
Office2007 - Image text documents without MS Word 2007/2010. (. Docx,. Xlsx,. Pptx,. Ppsx)
SCRList - image viewing system prompts for the monitor. (. Scr)
SWFView - view flash files. (. Swf)

[27.11.10] 1.76 Beta 2:
-Updated installation:
-Some changes and fixes
-Updated libraries Rar unpacker to 4.0 beta 2
Updated, Rar SFX modules to 4.0 beta 2
-Updated Rar archiver to 4.0 beta 2
-Updated to 1.2 SumatraPDF
-Now you see the icons for the main menu, TC
-Some changes


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Total Commander 7.55a Vi7Pack 1.76 Beta 2:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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Total Commander 7.50 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-17-2009 11:52 PM
Total Commander 7.04a PowerPack 2.99 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 01-03-2009 10:51 AM
برنامج Total Commander 7.04a في اخر اصدار له العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-17-2008 09:40 PM
برنامج Total Commander 7.04a Full أحدث نسخة ال***** Al3asq أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 09-16-2008 02:01 AM

الساعة الآن 06:09 AM.

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