رد: الموضوع الرسمي لنقاشات واستفسارات أنمي Gintama (النسخة الاولى)
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عفورة
ابغى الحلقات الي ظهر فيها المعلم غينباتشي انا الموقع الي طلبت منه يقطع الاجزاء هذي
ماطلبتي شي
هذي هي قائمه شبه طوييله من كل الاضافات اللي صارت في الأنمي وأرقام الحلقات اللي صارت فيها الاضافات سواء كانت جينباتشي سينسي أو شي آخر
Episode 4 Sorachi's Soliloquies From: Volume 1 Sorachi, the author of Gintama, has a few soliloquies about himself and drawing manga.
Episode 5 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei
From: Volume 2 The class is told to open the first volume of Gintama while Ginpachi-sensei teaches them the meaning of "Gintama". But before that happens, the students address some issues like their own teacher smoking in class.
Episode 6 New TV Show "Kintama"
From: Volume 5 In Kabukicho, with the rise of good-looking foreign hosts, Japanese hosts were going down a path of decline. However, this place gave birth to two men of blond hair and a buttchin... the enigmatic vagrant, Sakata Kintoki and the former No. 1 host, Buttchin Shinpachi. With the female boss of the Chinese mafia invited as their patron, now, the two men run through the dirty town of the night!!
The new TV show "Kintama" starts next week!
Episode 7 The Meaning of Gintama?
Why is this manga called Gintama again? Surely there's a plan behind it...
Episode 8 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei
From: Volume 3
Shimura's recorder was stolen and Ginpachi-sensei uses a few small threats to find out who the culprit is.
Episode 9 Teach Us!! Ginpachi-sensei
From: Question Corner 8 (Volume 5) Ginpachi-sensei answers a question about the timeline of the war in regards to Gin-san and Katsura's age.
Episode 12 A Bit of 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei
From: Volume 7 Ginpachi-sensei teaches the class about the kanji for sugar.
Episode 14 Cooking Today Too
The Gintama crew hosts a cooking show and the dish they try to make is fried rice.
Episode 19 Teach Us!! Ginpachi-sensei
Ginpachi-sensei answers a question about Gin-san's kimono.
Episode 22 Sacchan's Song
From: Volume 7 Sarutobi Ayame sings a song about her name, as well as a time when she was getting picked on that lead to the nickname "Sacchan".
Episode 25 A Time-Wasting Tactic
The Yorozuya crew begins to plan ways to waste time.
Episode 33 Teach Us!! Ginpachi-sensei
From: Question Corner 15 (Volume 8) Ginpachi-sensei answers a question about when someone is considered a middle-aged man.
Episode 33 If a Gintama Game was Like This
From: Volume 14 Gintama. If the game was like this, wouldn't it be interesting? Or something like that.
It's like Seaman. It's a game where communication is measured by talking with a Madao, and you support him until his unemployed self can find a job.
The Madao will basically ignore you even if you talk from your side. That's because he's too busy with what he wants to do.
Occasionally, there will be times when he's depressed. You might feel like cheering him up, but you shouldn't talk.
You must not say "Do your best!" The reason for that is because he's already giving it his all.
Sometimes he'll play with a rope hanging from the ceiling. When that happens, rapidly press the B button to cut the rope.
Occasionally, there will be times when he'll silently stare at the string hanging from the light, saying "Move... move!" When that happens, rapidly press the B button here, too.
Sometimes a strange woman will come to his house. When that happens, shout "Change!" with a loud voice.
...In the end, "Change!" is all you can say.
Episode 40 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei
With the movie "Alien vs. Yakuza" coming out in theaters, the class studies about the difference between aliens and Amanto. They attempt to, anyway.
Episode 46 Teach Us!! Ginpachi-sensei
From: Question Corner 9, 45 (Volume 5, 15) Ginpachi-sensei teaches us how to draw Gin-san, Shinpachi, and Kagura.
Episode 47 Gin-san Gets Trapped in Sleep Paralysis
"Kanashibari", a feeling of paralysis that is said to be caused by a ghost. Gintoki wakes up from a bad dream but finds out he can't move an inch.
Unable to even talk out loud, morning comes around and he hears Shinpachi arriving. Will they help out this poor main character?
Episode 68 Let's Take a Break
It's hot outside and no one wants to move. They decide to use this opportunity to take a break since Jump authors do it all the time. The entity behind the sponsor messages disagrees with their actions, and the show goes on.
Episode 73 Otose Takes Over
Otose hears about the complaints about the last episode, so she and Catherine decides to start up a new show in the fall.
Episode 73 Sensei Gets the Ending Time Wrong
Ginpachi-sensei passes the baton to the show that airs after Gintama, but it seems like there's still time left in Gintama. Shinpachi notices that Ginpachi-sensei is trying to waste time, but sensei quickly changes the subject and continues on a little longer.
Episode 75 Give Us a Higher Budget, Sunrise
Gintama is entering the second season and the Yorozuya are glad they're still airing episodes. They want to go even higher, but have heard that the budget is getting a little tight.
Episode 81 A Bit of 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei
Ginpachi-sensei announces that Onishi-kun will be transferring from the Gintama school to the One Piece school.
Episode 84 Hard-Boiled Detective Kozenigata Heiji
The Hard-Boiled Detective has a monologue to talk what it means to be "hard-boiled"...
Episode 90 Edo is Invisible
Gintoki wakes up to find out he can't see himself or his clothes. Panicking, he hurries to wake up Kagura but Kagura's invisible, too!
Episode 92 End of the Year
It's the end of the year and the Yorozuya are relaxing under a kotatsu, talking about how fast the year has gone by. Shinpachi on the otherhand, shouts that it's still February and that there were still 11 months left. But this segment was written in December, and it takes a while to make anime. Shinpachi frowns at the staff's planning while Gintoki continues to talk about the state of the anime...
It looks like the anime will drag on for a third year. Gintoki predicts that lots of people will react to the anime's end and then they'll make a comeback in the golden time slots. Shinpachi thinks that it's an absurd dream. Good DVD sales don't matter because no money is made, and Gintoki blames Aniplex who tricks people into buying the DVDs. He also explains various plans to drag the anime until the third year since anime tends to catch up to manga. Each method doesn't seem to work for Gintama, so what's the one plan that no other has thought of...?
Episode 92 Answer Corner
From: Question Corner 38, 44, 36 (Volume 13, 15, 12) The episode is over, but there's still time left over, so Gin-san hosts an Answer Corner. He answers questions about who cooks for the Yorozuya and how strong Shinpachi is. Somehow even a question about Lavi from D.Gray-Man made its way there...!
Episode 94 Unfinished Gintama Episode
Gintoki wakes up realizing that the ceiling is missing, but more specifically the only thing there is the word "ceiling". The world is all white, and in a state of confusion he frantically wonders what's going on, especially with the floating boxes and words he sees! Even Kagura and the whole building has been affected!
Episode 98 A Bit of 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei
From: Question Corner 10 (Volume 7) Ginpachi-sensei answers a question about who Gin-san is based on.
Episode 100 Entering the Third Year
The Yorozuya crew talks a bit about the anime and welcomes the show to its third year!
Episode 106 The Story So Far
With an increase in the number of viewers, Shinpachi intends to bring them up to speed, and though Gintoki still feels the pain from losing the golden time slot a year and a half ago, he feels that spring has come for the show. But Kagura comes in to explain that the Prince of Tennis re-runs before Gintama had been popular so people were just leaving their TVs on...
Episode 107 Teach Us!! Ginpachi-sensei
From: Question Corner 59 (Volume 21), diagram from Question Corner 31 (Volume 11) Ginpachi-sensei answers a question about how many people are in the Shinsengumi based on previous observations.
Episode 112 Katsuratama
It's Katsura's birthday and he wishes a happy birthday to himself. He's very pleased with trying to take over the show, so he checks to see if the audience knows the answers to last week's quiz and reveals the answers, while trying Gintoki's patience.
Episode 112 Robot Maid, Tama 3
Tama becomes a super hero robot maid who protects the peace with her two allies, Shinpachi and Kagura!
Episode 121 Teach Us!! Ginpachi-sensei
From: Question Corner 41 (Volume 15) Ginpachi-sensei answers a question about what the point of Gintama is.
Episode 121 Teach Us!! Ginpachi-sensei: Encore
From: Question Corner 60 (Volume 22) Ginpachi-sensei answers a question about who paints the titles for each episode since whoever it is isn't listed in the credits.
Episode 123 Gintama's Memories of Summer Vacation
Kagura feels bad for cicadas since they die shortly after coming out of the earth, but Gintoki explains that cicadas might live their whole lives in the dirt and get to eat sushi every day, which Kagura feels a little irritated about.
Kagura feels bad for mosquitos who get swatted since all they wanted to do was to feed the babies in their belly, but Gintoki explains that mosquitos spit on you after having a meal, which Kagura feels a little irritated about.
Kagura feels bad for Madao who is desperately trying to reach a 100-yen coin from underneath a dispensing machine, but what excuse does Gintoki give for him?
Episode 124 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei
Kyubei blows her nose into a tissue and aims for the garbage can, saying if it doesn't go in she'll die.
Episode 124 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei
Ginpachi-sensei discusses with the class about how the third is always the worst. And here they are in the third year of the Gintama anime.
Kondo thought that Home Alone 2 was horrible and Ginpachi-sensei provides a reason for it.
Hijikata thought that Dragon Quest 3 was the best one and also finds a flaw in Ginpachi-sensei's logic which Ginpachi-sensei defends.
Episode 129 Teach Us!! Ginpachi-sensei
Ginpachi-sensei answers a question from Sorachi Amachi Hideaki about how Kagura can run along the beach in the sunlight during the ending song when she is from the Yato Clan. Amachi says he draws manga and often forgets to draw the umbrella, but is this all right to do?
Episode 136 No Episode Today
Due to some scheduling problems, they're short one episode so the Yorozuya are supposed to freely talk until the staff finishes something. But there are concerns about using a still picture for a long time because foreign countries won't understand unless it's animated...
Episode 144 TV Tokyo Message
Gintoki delivers an important message from TV Tokyo: "The current analog broadcast will be ending on July 24, 2011, and will be switching to a terrestrial digital broadcast. After that, analog televisions will require a digital tuner to work properly."
Shinpachi realizes that their TV will stop working too, but the others don't think it'd matter because they believe... the anime won't last until 2011.
Episode 145 End of the Year
It's the end of the year and the Yorozuya are relaxing under a kotatsu, talking about how fast the year has gone by. Shinpachi on the otherhand, shouts that it's still February and that they were having the exact same conversation as last year. Gintoki admits that it's recycled footage, but the anime staff had been working hard and it has been nothing but battles every week like other Jump anime. Gotta put in a break or they go over budget. Shinpachi frowns at the talk of money on TV while Gintoki continues to talk about the state of the anime...
It seems the anime was supposed to end in March, but Gintoki says that Season 3 ends in March and Season 4 starts in April. Shinpachi feels tricked by the "Final Chapter" stuff earlier. Gintoki blames the people who fall for the covers and buy the DVDs, and tells us to stop buying them. He also explains the various routes that many anime take if it catches up to the manga too quickly as well as their consequences, and announces that Gintama will be using a kind of alternate route! What kind of route is it...?
Episode 146 Teach Us!! Ginpachi-sensei: Yoshiwara in Flames Arc
Ginpachi-sensei answers questions about the color of Kamui's hair and the title of the Yoshiwara in Flames arc.
Episode 151 New TV Show "Kintama": Episode 1
The Land of the Hosts. There was once a time when our town was called by that name. The Shinjuku skies where Japanese hosts once drove their dreams are now filled with words spoken by foreign hosts. However, there were two men... the enigmatic vagrant, Sakata Gintoki and the former No. 1 host, Buttchin Shinpachi. Now, the two men run through the dirty town of the night.
A group of male hosts are playing a drinking game with female cheetah Amanto. Shinpachi brings some wine but accidentally spills some of it, which angers one of the hosts. He gets punched for it but one of the Amanto seems to forgive him and requests a light for her smoke. Shinpachi walks over but gets tripped by her, falling onto the table. The male host grabs Shinpachi by the hair and is ready to teach him a lesson, until...
Episode 152 New TV Show "Kintama": Episode 2
Shinpachi describes the man he saw as the Konjikiyasha, or the "Golden Demon". Shinpachi begs Kin-san to join him in his quest to be number one. They have a brawl with the other hosts, and are met by Kagura who will grant their wish upon serving her. Word gets around, and the rest of the Kintama cast begins to move.
Episode 153 New TV Show "Kintama": Episode 3
In a hospital bed, Shinpachi describes a happy dream he had, but is strucken with grief by not being able to become the number one host. Kagura is in tears, and Kintoki is listening from nearby. Shinpachi exasperates about his buttchin and almost goes out of control, while Kintoki silently walks in the rain through the streets of Kabukicho.
Episode 154 New TV Show "Kintama": Final Episode
Kintoki tells him to get a chin job if that's the reason for not becoming the number one host. After some time, Shinpachi has bandages covering his whole face, and it seems the surgery was successful. Kintoki and Kagura tells him to take the bandages off!
Episode 155 TV Tokyo Message ...Again?
Gintoki delivers a message from TV Tokyo but it seems they didn't ask him to today.
Episode 156 Elizabeth's First Errand
Unable to freely go out in the streets, Katsura requests Elizabeth to buy shampoo at a sale! Elizabeth journeys out on the streets of Edo on a quest for shampoo!
Episode 157 The Tamo-san Hour: Smile! Is that Good?
Tamori Tamo-san hosts a show and invites Terakado Tsu to talk about her new single. They're suddenly out of time so they cut her time short, which she can hardly believe.
Episode 158 The Tamo-san Hour: Smile! Is that Good?
Tamo-san notices that it's the same audience and realizes that they're recycling footage. Tamo-san invites Sadaharu to come who was introduced by Makocchan-san. But to his shock, Tamo-san didn't realize that Sadaharu was a dog and is unsure about how to conduct an interview. Surely it'll be fine, right Tamo-san? Right?
Episode 159 The Tamo-san Hour: Smile! Is that Good?
The audience is silent this time. Rather, they're not very pleased with the show. Tamo-san weeps.
Episode 159 A Bit of 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei
From: Question Corner 57, 66 (Volume 20, 26) Ginpachi-sensei answers a question about what kind of music Gin-san likes and brings up the time when he sang a song badly in episode 133.
He decides to tells us what Okita likes too.
Ginpachi-sensei also answers a question about what the Gintama manga editors do for the anime since their names were found in the ending credits.
Episode 160 The Tamo-san Hour: Smile! Is that Good?
Even the singers of Tamo-san's show are getting tired. Tamo-san cuts to commercials as soon as the show returns from commercials, and the unpleased Yorozuya are spotted in the crowd.
Tamo-san cuts to commercials once more after a few words, which infuriates the Yorozuya.
Tamo-san almost does it again but is told that they're out of commercials to use, so he cuts to Gintama instead.
Episode 162 Shiruko and Zenzai
From: Volume 28 Gintoki can't tell the difference between shiruko and zenzai (both are sweet red bean soup but prepared differently) and compares the differentiating problem to real life people.
Kagura on the other hand can't tell the difference between Gintama and Kintama.
Episode 163 New Extra Corner
Ginpachi-sensei passes the baton to the show that airs after Gintama like usual. He eventually realizes that the following show already ended so he gets a little embarrassed. Ginpachi-sensei tries again with another show, but the main issue was the leftover time in the current Gintama episode. All the extras lately were added so the anime wouldn't catch up to the manga. Gin-san thinks up a new extra but wanted to save it for next week when the new ending song began.
Tamo-san's show starts up again. Shinpachi said that the whole purpose of that show was to re-introduce characters that hadn't shown up in a long time, which it failed to do.
Gin-san brings up the "Soul Reaper Encyclopedia Silver" and talks about the apple-eating Soul Reaper that wanted to take Taka-chin's soul...
Shinpachi catches him on his plagerism.
They try once again and this time they bring out the Illustration Corner. The first one is from a four-year old drawing their favorite scene. Upon seeing it, Shinpachi thinks it's incredibly suspicous. But before it could go on, Kagura notes that they're finally out of time.
Episode 165 Gintamikey
Live-action Gintama!? Well, kind of.
Episode 166 A Bit of 3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei
From: Question Corner 71 (Volume 27) Ginpachi answers a question about how to draw Gin-san's dead-fish eyes, normal and serious.
Episode 168 Continue from Last Week with a Password
Gintoki enters a password so they can do a quick recap of the previous episode. Since no password wasn't given last episode, he enters something random and a completely different game starring 8-bit Tama begins.
Episode 179 Take Me As Your Student, Ginpachi-sensei
From: Question Corner 58 (Volume 20) Ginpachi-sensei answers a request to take someone in as a student in order to improve his drawing skills.
Episode 181 Benizakura Arc Movie Announcement
An announcement of a Benizakura Arc Gintama movie using the previous trailer from episode 75. The Yorozuya have a little chat about its authenticity with their BG-only scene.
Episode 189 Benizakura Arc Movie Commmercial
A commercial for the Benizakura movie using clips from the actual movie. And Shinpachi doesn't appear in it at all.
Episode 194 End of the Year
It's the end of the year and the Yorozuya are relaxing under a kotatsu, talking about how fast the year has gone by. Shinpachi on the otherhand, shouts that it's still January and that they were having the exact same conversation 3 years in a row. Gintoki admits that it's recycled footage, but the anime staff had been working hard and they also had the movie to work on. They're used to slacking after four years. Shinpachi frowns at the whining behind the scenes while Gintoki continues to talk about the state of the anime...
Wait, the anime is ending in April? Shinpachi didn't remember stuff that was said a year ago. Gintoki explains the number by the episode title, and reveals that the numbers had been there week after week since the countdown episode. Gintoki doesn't like having a movie right after the show ends for various reasons and also doesn't want people to be fooled by the tickets. From there, even though he warns the audience to not be tricked by it, they air a short commercial for the movie that also states the anime's end.
Episode 194 BE-BOP Kamui-kun
These three episode are about Kamui after transferring from the Harusame school to the Yato school located in the same district as the Gintama one. In his class, Umibozu is the teacher of a room of Ungyos and a lone Abuto who interacts with Kamui and narrates the beginning of each segment. Abuto, who has apparently failed 8 times, also points out that the new ending shows him as the only one who doesn't graduate.
Episode 194 Teach Us!! Ginpachi-sensei
From: Question Corner 85 (Volume 31) Ginpachi-sensei answers a question about what to do with a Madao uncle who tried to use one of Mutaito (or Muten Roshi)'s moves on him.
Episode 199 Digest of the Benizakura Arc
Gintoki asks what the "New Translation" stuff is about and scorns at the adults and their intentions behind it. Just so the audience doesn't have to look back to find out what happened, they try to recap the good parts in their own words. As time goes on Gintoki and Kagura seem to forget the main plot.
Episode 200 How to Ask for Christmas Presents
From: Weekly Jump's New Year's 4Koma Collection (2010) Kagura explains step-by-step the right method to ask for a Christmas present. You mustn't be direct for various reasons. Give little pushes with words once the signs of victory are close...
رد: الموضوع الرسمي لنقاشات واستفسارات أنمي Gintama (النسخة الاولى)
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fai
episode 4 sorachi's soliloquies from: Volume 1 sorachi, the author of gintama, has a few soliloquies about himself and drawing manga.
episode 5 3rd year class z ginpachi-sensei
from: Volume 2 the class is told to open the first volume of gintama while ginpachi-sensei teaches them the meaning of "gintama". But before that happens, the students address some issues like their own teacher smoking in class.
episode 6 new tv show "kintama"
from: Volume 5 in kabukicho, with the rise of good-looking foreign hosts, japanese hosts were going down a path of decline. However, this place gave birth to two men of blond hair and a buttchin... The enigmatic vagrant, sakata kintoki and the former no. 1 host, buttchin shinpachi. With the female boss of the chinese mafia invited as their patron, now, the two men run through the dirty town of the night!!
the new tv show "kintama" starts next week!
episode 7 the meaning of gintama?
why is this manga called gintama again? Surely there's a plan behind it...
episode 8 3rd year class z ginpachi-sensei
from: Volume 3
shimura's recorder was stolen and ginpachi-sensei uses a few small threats to find out who the culprit is.
episode 9 teach us!! Ginpachi-sensei
from: Question corner 8 (volume 5) ginpachi-sensei answers a question about the timeline of the war in regards to gin-san and katsura's age.
episode 12 a bit of 3rd year class z ginpachi-sensei
from: Volume 7 ginpachi-sensei teaches the class about the kanji for sugar.
episode 14 cooking today too
the gintama crew hosts a cooking show and the dish they try to make is fried rice.
episode 19 teach us!! Ginpachi-sensei
ginpachi-sensei answers a question about gin-san's kimono.
episode 22 sacchan's song
from: Volume 7 sarutobi ayame sings a song about her name, as well as a time when she was getting picked on that lead to the nickname "sacchan".
episode 25 a time-wasting tactic
the yorozuya crew begins to plan ways to waste time.
episode 33 teach us!! Ginpachi-sensei
from: Question corner 15 (volume 8) ginpachi-sensei answers a question about when someone is considered a middle-aged man.
episode 33 if a gintama game was like this
from: Volume 14 gintama. If the game was like this, wouldn't it be interesting? Or something like that.
it's like seaman. It's a game where communication is measured by talking with a madao, and you support him until his unemployed self can find a job.
the madao will basically ignore you even if you talk from your side. That's because he's too busy with what he wants to do.
occasionally, there will be times when he's depressed. You might feel like cheering him up, but you shouldn't talk.
you must not say "do your best!" the reason for that is because he's already giving it his all.
sometimes he'll play with a rope hanging from the ceiling. When that happens, rapidly press the b button to cut the rope.
occasionally, there will be times when he'll silently stare at the string hanging from the light, saying "move... Move!" when that happens, rapidly press the b button here, too.
sometimes a strange woman will come to his house. When that happens, shout "change!" with a loud voice.
...in the end, "change!" is all you can say.
episode 40 3rd year class z ginpachi-sensei
with the movie "alien vs. Yakuza" coming out in theaters, the class studies about the difference between aliens and amanto. They attempt to, anyway.
episode 46 teach us!! Ginpachi-sensei
from: Question corner 9, 45 (volume 5, 15) ginpachi-sensei teaches us how to draw gin-san, shinpachi, and kagura.
episode 47 gin-san gets trapped in sleep paralysis
"kanashibari", a feeling of paralysis that is said to be caused by a ghost. Gintoki wakes up from a bad dream but finds out he can't move an inch.
unable to even talk out loud, morning comes around and he hears shinpachi arriving. Will they help out this poor main character?
episode 68 let's take a break
it's hot outside and no one wants to move. They decide to use this opportunity to take a break since jump authors do it all the time. The entity behind the sponsor messages disagrees with their actions, and the show goes on.
episode 73 otose takes over
otose hears about the complaints about the last episode, so she and catherine decides to start up a new show in the fall.
episode 73 sensei gets the ending time wrong
ginpachi-sensei passes the baton to the show that airs after gintama, but it seems like there's still time left in gintama. Shinpachi notices that ginpachi-sensei is trying to waste time, but sensei quickly changes the subject and continues on a little longer.
episode 75 give us a higher budget, sunrise
gintama is entering the second season and the yorozuya are glad they're still airing episodes. They want to go even higher, but have heard that the budget is getting a little tight.
episode 81 a bit of 3rd year class z ginpachi-sensei
ginpachi-sensei announces that onishi-kun will be transferring from the gintama school to the one piece school.
episode 84 hard-boiled detective kozenigata heiji
the hard-boiled detective has a monologue to talk what it means to be "hard-boiled"...
episode 90 edo is invisible
gintoki wakes up to find out he can't see himself or his clothes. Panicking, he hurries to wake up kagura but kagura's invisible, too!
episode 92 end of the year
it's the end of the year and the yorozuya are relaxing under a kotatsu, talking about how fast the year has gone by. Shinpachi on the otherhand, shouts that it's still february and that there were still 11 months left. But this segment was written in december, and it takes a while to make anime. Shinpachi frowns at the staff's planning while gintoki continues to talk about the state of the anime...
it looks like the anime will drag on for a third year. Gintoki predicts that lots of people will react to the anime's end and then they'll make a comeback in the golden time slots. Shinpachi thinks that it's an absurd dream. Good dvd sales don't matter because no money is made, and gintoki blames aniplex who tricks people into buying the dvds. He also explains various plans to drag the anime until the third year since anime tends to catch up to manga. Each method doesn't seem to work for gintama, so what's the one plan that no other has thought of...?
episode 92 answer corner
from: Question corner 38, 44, 36 (volume 13, 15, 12) the episode is over, but there's still time left over, so gin-san hosts an answer corner. He answers questions about who cooks for the yorozuya and how strong shinpachi is. Somehow even a question about lavi from d.gray-man made its way there...!
episode 94 unfinished gintama episode
gintoki wakes up realizing that the ceiling is missing, but more specifically the only thing there is the word "ceiling". The world is all white, and in a state of confusion he frantically wonders what's going on, especially with the floating boxes and words he sees! Even kagura and the whole building has been affected!
episode 98 a bit of 3rd year class z ginpachi-sensei
from: Question corner 10 (volume 7) ginpachi-sensei answers a question about who gin-san is based on.
episode 100 entering the third year
the yorozuya crew talks a bit about the anime and welcomes the show to its third year!
episode 106 the story so far
with an increase in the number of viewers, shinpachi intends to bring them up to speed, and though gintoki still feels the pain from losing the golden time slot a year and a half ago, he feels that spring has come for the show. But kagura comes in to explain that the prince of tennis re-runs before gintama had been popular so people were just leaving their tvs on...
episode 107 teach us!! Ginpachi-sensei
from: Question corner 59 (volume 21), diagram from question corner 31 (volume 11) ginpachi-sensei answers a question about how many people are in the shinsengumi based on previous observations.
episode 112 katsuratama
it's katsura's birthday and he wishes a happy birthday to himself. He's very pleased with trying to take over the show, so he checks to see if the audience knows the answers to last week's quiz and reveals the answers, while trying gintoki's patience.
episode 112 robot maid, tama 3
tama becomes a super hero robot maid who protects the peace with her two allies, shinpachi and kagura!
episode 121 teach us!! Ginpachi-sensei
from: Question corner 41 (volume 15) ginpachi-sensei answers a question about what the point of gintama is.
episode 121 teach us!! Ginpachi-sensei: Encore
from: Question corner 60 (volume 22) ginpachi-sensei answers a question about who paints the titles for each episode since whoever it is isn't listed in the credits.
episode 123 gintama's memories of summer vacation
kagura feels bad for cicadas since they die shortly after coming out of the earth, but gintoki explains that cicadas might live their whole lives in the dirt and get to eat sushi every day, which kagura feels a little irritated about.
kagura feels bad for mosquitos who get swatted since all they wanted to do was to feed the babies in their belly, but gintoki explains that mosquitos spit on you after having a meal, which kagura feels a little irritated about.
kagura feels bad for madao who is desperately trying to reach a 100-yen coin from underneath a dispensing machine, but what excuse does gintoki give for him?
episode 124 3rd year class z ginpachi-sensei
kyubei blows her nose into a tissue and aims for the garbage can, saying if it doesn't go in she'll die.
episode 124 3rd year class z ginpachi-sensei
ginpachi-sensei discusses with the class about how the third is always the worst. And here they are in the third year of the gintama anime.
kondo thought that home alone 2 was horrible and ginpachi-sensei provides a reason for it.
hijikata thought that dragon quest 3 was the best one and also finds a flaw in ginpachi-sensei's logic which ginpachi-sensei defends.
episode 129 teach us!! Ginpachi-sensei
ginpachi-sensei answers a question from sorachi amachi hideaki about how kagura can run along the beach in the sunlight during the ending song when she is from the yato clan. Amachi says he draws manga and often forgets to draw the umbrella, but is this all right to do?
episode 136 no episode today
due to some scheduling problems, they're short one episode so the yorozuya are supposed to freely talk until the staff finishes something. But there are concerns about using a still picture for a long time because foreign countries won't understand unless it's animated...
episode 144 tv tokyo message
gintoki delivers an important message from tv tokyo: "the current analog broadcast will be ending on july 24, 2011, and will be switching to a terrestrial digital broadcast. After that, analog televisions will require a digital tuner to work properly."
shinpachi realizes that their tv will stop working too, but the others don't think it'd matter because they believe... The anime won't last until 2011.
episode 145 end of the year
it's the end of the year and the yorozuya are relaxing under a kotatsu, talking about how fast the year has gone by. Shinpachi on the otherhand, shouts that it's still february and that they were having the exact same conversation as last year. Gintoki admits that it's recycled footage, but the anime staff had been working hard and it has been nothing but battles every week like other jump anime. Gotta put in a break or they go over budget. Shinpachi frowns at the talk of money on tv while gintoki continues to talk about the state of the anime...
it seems the anime was supposed to end in march, but gintoki says that season 3 ends in march and season 4 starts in april. Shinpachi feels tricked by the "final chapter" stuff earlier. Gintoki blames the people who fall for the covers and buy the dvds, and tells us to stop buying them. He also explains the various routes that many anime take if it catches up to the manga too quickly as well as their consequences, and announces that gintama will be using a kind of alternate route! What kind of route is it...?
episode 146 teach us!! Ginpachi-sensei: Yoshiwara in flames arc
ginpachi-sensei answers questions about the color of kamui's hair and the title of the yoshiwara in flames arc.
episode 151 new tv show "kintama": Episode 1
the land of the hosts. There was once a time when our town was called by that name. The shinjuku skies where japanese hosts once drove their dreams are now filled with words spoken by foreign hosts. However, there were two men... The enigmatic vagrant, sakata gintoki and the former no. 1 host, buttchin shinpachi. Now, the two men run through the dirty town of the night.
a group of male hosts are playing a drinking game with female cheetah amanto. Shinpachi brings some wine but accidentally spills some of it, which angers one of the hosts. He gets punched for it but one of the amanto seems to forgive him and requests a light for her smoke. Shinpachi walks over but gets tripped by her, falling onto the table. The male host grabs shinpachi by the hair and is ready to teach him a lesson, until...
episode 152 new tv show "kintama": Episode 2
shinpachi describes the man he saw as the konjikiyasha, or the "golden demon". Shinpachi begs kin-san to join him in his quest to be number one. They have a brawl with the other hosts, and are met by kagura who will grant their wish upon serving her. Word gets around, and the rest of the kintama cast begins to move.
episode 153 new tv show "kintama": Episode 3
in a hospital bed, shinpachi describes a happy dream he had, but is strucken with grief by not being able to become the number one host. Kagura is in tears, and kintoki is listening from nearby. Shinpachi exasperates about his buttchin and almost goes out of control, while kintoki silently walks in the rain through the streets of kabukicho.
episode 154 new tv show "kintama": Final episode
kintoki tells him to get a chin job if that's the reason for not becoming the number one host. After some time, shinpachi has bandages covering his whole face, and it seems the surgery was successful. Kintoki and kagura tells him to take the bandages off!
episode 155 tv tokyo message ...again?
gintoki delivers a message from tv tokyo but it seems they didn't ask him to today.
episode 156 elizabeth's first errand
unable to freely go out in the streets, katsura requests elizabeth to buy shampoo at a sale! Elizabeth journeys out on the streets of edo on a quest for shampoo!
episode 157 the tamo-san hour: Smile! Is that good?
tamori tamo-san hosts a show and invites terakado tsu to talk about her new single. They're suddenly out of time so they cut her time short, which she can hardly believe.
episode 158 the tamo-san hour: Smile! Is that good?
tamo-san notices that it's the same audience and realizes that they're recycling footage. Tamo-san invites sadaharu to come who was introduced by makocchan-san. But to his shock, tamo-san didn't realize that sadaharu was a dog and is unsure about how to conduct an interview. Surely it'll be fine, right tamo-san? Right?
episode 159 the tamo-san hour: Smile! Is that good?
the audience is silent this time. Rather, they're not very pleased with the show. Tamo-san weeps.
episode 159 a bit of 3rd year class z ginpachi-sensei
from: Question corner 57, 66 (volume 20, 26) ginpachi-sensei answers a question about what kind of music gin-san likes and brings up the time when he sang a song badly in episode 133.
he decides to tells us what okita likes too.
ginpachi-sensei also answers a question about what the gintama manga editors do for the anime since their names were found in the ending credits.
episode 160 the tamo-san hour: Smile! Is that good?
even the singers of tamo-san's show are getting tired. Tamo-san cuts to commercials as soon as the show returns from commercials, and the unpleased yorozuya are spotted in the crowd.
tamo-san cuts to commercials once more after a few words, which infuriates the yorozuya.
tamo-san almost does it again but is told that they're out of commercials to use, so he cuts to gintama instead.
episode 162 shiruko and zenzai
from: Volume 28 gintoki can't tell the difference between shiruko and zenzai (both are sweet red bean soup but prepared differently) and compares the differentiating problem to real life people.
kagura on the other hand can't tell the difference between gintama and kintama.
episode 163 new extra corner
ginpachi-sensei passes the baton to the show that airs after gintama like usual. He eventually realizes that the following show already ended so he gets a little embarrassed. Ginpachi-sensei tries again with another show, but the main issue was the leftover time in the current gintama episode. All the extras lately were added so the anime wouldn't catch up to the manga. Gin-san thinks up a new extra but wanted to save it for next week when the new ending song began.
tamo-san's show starts up again. Shinpachi said that the whole purpose of that show was to re-introduce characters that hadn't shown up in a long time, which it failed to do.
gin-san brings up the "soul reaper encyclopedia silver" and talks about the apple-eating soul reaper that wanted to take taka-chin's soul...
shinpachi catches him on his plagerism.
they try once again and this time they bring out the illustration corner. The first one is from a four-year old drawing their favorite scene. Upon seeing it, shinpachi thinks it's incredibly suspicous. But before it could go on, kagura notes that they're finally out of time.
episode 165 gintamikey
live-action gintama!? Well, kind of.
episode 166 a bit of 3rd year class z ginpachi-sensei
from: Question corner 71 (volume 27) ginpachi answers a question about how to draw gin-san's dead-fish eyes, normal and serious.
episode 168 continue from last week with a password
gintoki enters a password so they can do a quick recap of the previous episode. Since no password wasn't given last episode, he enters something random and a completely different game starring 8-bit tama begins.
episode 179 take me as your student, ginpachi-sensei
from: Question corner 58 (volume 20) ginpachi-sensei answers a request to take someone in as a student in order to improve his drawing skills.
episode 181 benizakura arc movie announcement
an announcement of a benizakura arc gintama movie using the previous trailer from episode 75. The yorozuya have a little chat about its authenticity with their bg-only scene.
episode 189 benizakura arc movie commmercial
a commercial for the benizakura movie using clips from the actual movie. And shinpachi doesn't appear in it at all.
episode 194 end of the year
it's the end of the year and the yorozuya are relaxing under a kotatsu, talking about how fast the year has gone by. Shinpachi on the otherhand, shouts that it's still january and that they were having the exact same conversation 3 years in a row. Gintoki admits that it's recycled footage, but the anime staff had been working hard and they also had the movie to work on. They're used to slacking after four years. Shinpachi frowns at the whining behind the scenes while gintoki continues to talk about the state of the anime...
wait, the anime is ending in april? Shinpachi didn't remember stuff that was said a year ago. Gintoki explains the number by the episode title, and reveals that the numbers had been there week after week since the countdown episode. Gintoki doesn't like having a movie right after the show ends for various reasons and also doesn't want people to be fooled by the tickets. From there, even though he warns the audience to not be tricked by it, they air a short commercial for the movie that also states the anime's end.
episode 194 be-bop kamui-kun
these three episode are about kamui after transferring from the harusame school to the yato school located in the same district as the gintama one. In his class, umibozu is the teacher of a room of ungyos and a lone abuto who interacts with kamui and narrates the beginning of each segment. Abuto, who has apparently failed 8 times, also points out that the new ending shows him as the only one who doesn't graduate.
episode 194 teach us!! Ginpachi-sensei
from: Question corner 85 (volume 31) ginpachi-sensei answers a question about what to do with a madao uncle who tried to use one of mutaito (or muten roshi)'s moves on him.
episode 199 digest of the benizakura arc
gintoki asks what the "new translation" stuff is about and scorns at the adults and their intentions behind it. Just so the audience doesn't have to look back to find out what happened, they try to recap the good parts in their own words. As time goes on gintoki and kagura seem to forget the main plot.
episode 200 how to ask for christmas presents
from: Weekly jump's new year's 4koma collection (2010) kagura explains step-by-step the right method to ask for a christmas present. You mustn't be direct for various reasons. Give little pushes with words once the signs of victory are close...