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قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة قسم خاص بجميع المواضيع المحذوفة و المُكررة والتي لاتنطبق على الشروط والقوانين والتي لا شأن لها في أي قسم من أقسام المُنتدى

قديم 11-20-2009, 06:10 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي حملة النصف مليون مصري : ارسل رسالة احتجاج الي الفيفا بسرعة ... كلنا يد واحدة

يالا ياجماعة صحصحو معايا كده وفتحو مخكم
لو عملتو الكلام ده ان شاء اللهالماتش هيبقى فى صالح المنتخب المصرى

يالا كلنا نقول يــــــــــــارب


إفعل الخطوات التالية نحتاج حوالي نصف مليون رسالة فقط

( ليست بالكثيرة علينا نحن المصريين )
هذة هي طريقة الشكوي التي لن تستغرق أكثر من دقيقة
اذهب على هذا الرابط


اللى يعرف يكتب رسالة ياريت يكتبها او حتى يستعين بمترجم جوجل

واللى ما يعرف يتبع الخطات دى

انا بقول ده عشان متبقاش رسايل سبام بس اهم شئ انك تبعت اى حاجة حتى لو copy paste وتنشر عشان الناس يبعتو

اختار (Feedback on National Teams' Fixtures and Results) 3-
اكتب اسمك و اميلك
اكتب العنوان
Egypt and Algeria
Threat and intimidation of Algerians for Egyptianse

و اكتب هذه الرساله ؟

الصيغة الاولي

What happened in the game between Egypt and
Algeria established in the Sudan from the terrorism of the masses of
Algerians and the instigation of the Algerian football federation event
does not belong to football and inconsistent with the policy of "Fair
Play" from FIFA and declared that the first thing that happened before
the game to break into the Algerian public to pitch and what happened
in the Algerian football players before the match and during the
national anthems of both teams. The terror the Egyptians had faced
before and after the game in Sudan and Algeria, all this has had a
clear impact on the outcome of the game. So we would like the FIFA to

take the appropriate decision, by writting off the Algerian national team or a re-match behind closed doors

الصيغة الثانية

To the International Federation of


We urge you to Withdrawal the Algerian team from qualifying

to the World Cup because of their Barbarism and the lack sports ethics,

and attacking the Egyptian team and Egyptian Citizens using weapons like

knives and machetes
And we have full faith of your wisdom and
Justice in solving problems

Thank you so much

لصيغة الثالثة


all of you , Fifa Signture is My game is Fair play and what algeria did
today in the match with Egypt is not fair play First :they Stormed the
field before the match , they destroyed the bus of Egyptian players ,
they Threatened players and Egyptian people with death Second : they
through fire into the field during the match Third : they stopped the
Egyptian buses in sudan and hit egyptian people and some of them was
killed or Permanently injured so , it was no a fair game and what all we
need is to rescue us and rescue what Fifa What are trying to be applied

in the spirit of sports Egypt Presented to the world The Best Youth
World Cup so you must protect her right to access to the World Cup and
re-calculating or outcome of the game in favor of Egyptour game is fair

thanks Great Fifa

الصيغة الرابعة

FIFA please
listen to the players in Egypt investigated the matter were to threaten
the players say the Egyptians did not want to win because of threats
from the Algerian I hope FIFA is organized by FIFA and without the
public, Egyptian and Algerian Algerians who investigated the attack on
the Egyptian team and threw stones at the Egyptians to intimidate and
threaten FIFA president Sir this is not football Made this war defeated
the Egyptians do not like Algerians

الصيغة الخامسة
I hope
FIFA apply the principle of fair play, two of the Algerian team deserve
expulsion because they are both players of violent interventions Nadir
Belhadj and Abdulkadir Ghazal, but the ruling did not apply the spirit
of the law because he was afraid to face the audience Algeria after ten
days when he travels to Algeria and not from the guilt of the Egyptians
believed that the same provision Depending on the Egyptian national
team and the Egyptian national team and the Egyptian masses under threat

الصيغة السادسة

striker Mohamed Zidan Egypt that he had received death threats from
Algerian Sudan interval before the game, which qualified the Green Team
for the 2010 World Cup.

The most striking star of Borussia Dortmund for the Dream "I Essam Al
Hadari, got many of the threatening letters with numbers Algeria, that
we are dying in Sudan."

"We do not consider the Arabs of Algeria, and what happened in Sudan
confirms this, it conflicts untold nothing to do with football."

Zidane and tell him about the incident and Algeria defender Antar
Yahia, who plays in the Bundesliga as well, representatives of VfL

He explained, "the nearest city of Bochum to Dortmund in Germany, so I
knew Yehya time ago, and we exchanged T-shirts more than once."

"But in the match between Sudan and Jtah cursing my mother in German,"
and was Yahia scored Algeria qualify for the World Cup South Africa

الصيغة السابعة

I would like to remind
you something in the first game in the qualifiers for the World Cup was
in Algeria that most members of the Egyptian team had been cases of
poisoning and Algerians in Egypt did not suffer any harm and can verify
this by FIFA this is not an atmosphere to play football the atmosphere
of threat and intimidation, how to play players who are Weapons waiting
to see the beheading them in the event of victory or defeat, I request
you to apply the spirit cherished

وبعدين نضيف بعض من هذه الفيديوهات الى الرسالة



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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع حملة النصف مليون مصري : ارسل رسالة احتجاج الي الفيفا بسرعة ... كلنا يد واحدة:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
حملة النصف مليون مصري : ارسل رسالة احتجاج الي الفيفا بسرعة ... كلنا يد واحدة العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-20-2009 06:10 AM
حملة النصف مليون مصري : ارسل رسالة احتجاج الي الفيفا بسرعة ... كلنا يد واحدة العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 0 11-20-2009 05:30 AM
ارسل رسالة sms لاي بلد مجانا العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-04-2009 07:50 PM
ارسل رسالة sms لاي بلد مجانا العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-04-2009 07:50 PM
[BBcode] : بنرات باللغتين العربية والأجنبية ضمن حملة كلنا معك ياغزة العاشق 2005 قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة 0 12-31-2008 09:30 PM

الساعة الآن 07:46 AM.

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