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قديم 04-08-2010, 04:27 PM
الصورة الرمزية steelgua  
رقـم العضويــة: 41474
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2010
المشـــاركـات: 3
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
copper, nitrogen manufacturer

Chinese to English translationShow romanization[tube steel] 1, stainless steel profile All metals and the reaction of atmospheric oxygen, in the surface oxide film. Unfortunately, in the form of ordinary carbon steel to oxidation of iron oxide to corrosion growing, eventually forming holes. Can paint or oxidation-resistant metal (for example, zinc, nickel and chromium) in carbon steel plating to ensure, however, as people know it, this protection is only one kind of film. If the protective layer is damaged, the following steel began to rust Chromium is to corrosion resistance of stainless steel was the basic element, when the steel contains chromium content to 12%, the chromium and oxygen corrosion media role in the steel surface to form a thin oxide film (from the passive film) can prevent further corrosion of steel substrate. In addition to chromium, the common alloying elements are nickel, molybdenum, titanium, niobium, copper, nitrogen, etc., to meet a variety of uses and properties of stainless steel requirements. Stainless steel is usually divided by the matrix: 1, ferritic stainless steel. Chromium 12% ~ 30%. Its corrosion resistance, toughness and weldability with the increase of chromium content increased resistance to chloride stress corrosion better than other types of stainless steel. 2, austenitic stainless steel. More than 18% chromium, 8% also contain a small amount of nickel and molybdenum, titanium, nitrogen and other elements. Comprehensive performance, and can be corrosion-resistant variety of media. 3, austenitic - ferritic duplex stainless steel. Both austenitic and ferritic stainless steel of the advantages, and has superplasticity. 4, martensitic stainless steel. High intensity, but the ductility and poor weldability. [Edit this section] 2, stainless steel history From 1820 to 1900, the records of the stainless steel very little progress. 1932 hot strip success. 1934 stainless steel sheet developed. Stainless steel is a main component of synthetic iron steel, has excellent corrosion resistance and characteristics not easily rust. In the early 1820s, the British scientist Michael Faraday the invention, that is, the first step in the birth of stainless steel. This is a percentage of iron in the chromium added to improve corrosion resistance of iron, and easy synthesis of rusty steel. However, the "stainless steel" of practical use, in the ensuing decades, many scientists via the various studies, improved after the formation of today's stainless steel. [Edit this section] 3, stainless steel effect Stainless steel will not cause corrosion, pitting, corrosion or wear. Stainless steel or metal materials for building materials in one of the highest intensity. Because stainless steel has good corrosion resistance, it can permanently maintain the structural components of the integrity of engineering design. Chromium stainless steel is also set high mechanical strength and extensibility in one, easy-to-parts manufacturing, architects and structural design to meet the needs of staff. [Edit this section] 4, stainless steel grade grouping seamless stainless steel pipe seamless stainless steel tubing seamless carbon steel pipe seamless pipe manufacturers seamless tubing suppliers seamless pipe specification seamless mechanical tubing tube wire 2010 less stainless steel tubing seamless stainless steel pipe seamless pipe manufacturers a106 seamless pipe seamless carbon steel pipe seamless tubing suppliers seamless mechanical tubing changshu seamless steel tube seamless stainless steel pipe seamless pipe manufacturers seamless stainless steel tubing seamless carbon steel pipe a106 seamless pipe seamless tubing suppliers seamless pipe sizes seamless mechanical tubing stainless steel pipe tubing astm steel pipe seamless steel tubing erw steel pipe steel pipe distributors steel tubing suppliers od steel pipe carbon steel pipe astm stainless steel pipe seamless stainless steel tubing stainless steel tube fittings stainless steel pipe flanges 304l stainless steel austenitic stainless steel stainless steel heat exchanger stainless steel pipe wall thickness seamless stainless steel tubing seamless carbon steel pipe seamless pipe manufacturers seamless mechanical tubing seamless pipe sizes changshu seamless steel tube indian seamless metal tubes seamless aluminum tubing erw pipe manufacturers erw pipe thickness erw pipe specification stainless steel pipe suppliers stainless steel tube suppliers pipe fittings suppliers pvc pipe distributors copper tube suppliers pvc metal pipe saudi steel pipe company tube and steel supplies carbon stainless steel seamless carbon steel pipe carbon steel alloy a106 carbon steel astm carbon steel carbon steel tubing carbon steel pipe wall thickness carbon steel flanges eddy current magnet eddy current probes eddy current equation eddy current aluminum eddy current physics eddy current measurement eddy current youtube eddy current testing tubes structural steel square tube structural plate pipe stainless structural tubing rectangular structural steel tubing carbon steel tubing kelly pipe steel structural pipe products steel structural structural steel pipe sizes spiral weld pipe spiral pipe manufacturers spiral pipe mill galvanized metal pipe stainless steel tubing coil united spiral pipe lindab spiral pipe death spiral pipe spiral welded steel pipe spiral welded stainless steel american spiral weld pipe naylor spiral weld pipe welded tube tubing metal 304l stainless steel sheet 316l stainless steel sheet stainless steel metals cold rolled stainless steel stainless steel alloy aluminum stainless steel 17 4ph stainless steel stainless steel aisi 316 316l stainless steel 316l stainless steel plate 316l stainless steel pipe welding 316l stainless steel 316l stainless steel tube stainless steel aisi 316l stainless steel aisi 316 stainless steel aisi 304 stainless steel aisi 420 stainless steel aisi 303 aisi 304 stainless steel aisi 316 stainless steel aisi 316l stainless steel aluminum steel alloy aluminium stainless steel alloy 20 stainless steel stainless steel alloy composition alloy steel forging stainless stainless steel alloy properties stainless steel alloy chart chrome stainless steel api 5l line pipe stainless steel pipe drill pipe carbon steel pipe line pipe sizes corrosion resistant alloys nickel corrosion resistance corrosion resistance titanium 316 stainless steel corrosion resistance copper corrosion resistance carbon steel corrosion resistance cast iron corrosion resistance corrosion rate stainless steel ferritic austenitic stainless steel microstructure austenitic stainless steel welding austenitic stainless steel austenitic stainless steel grades 316 austenitic stainless steel austenitic stainless steel magnetic austenitic stainless steel composition austenitic stainless steel properties chrome alloy steel aluminum steel alloy magnetic stainless steel alloys alloy 20 stainless steel stainless steel alloy composition alloy steel forging stainless stainless steel alloy properties stainless steel alloy chart maraging stainless steel stainless steel nickel ferritic stainless steel aluminum stainless steel stainless steel fittings stainless steel copper stainless steel plate stainless steel alloy seamless stainless steel tubing seamless carbon steel pipe seamless stainless steel pipe seamless pipe dimensions seamless pipe manufacturers seamless pipe specification astm pipe specs stainless steel pipe specifications galvanized pipe specifications seamless pipe specification erw pipe specification pipe specification chart carbon steel pipe specifications pipe flange specs astm a106 pipe astm a312 pipe astm a53 steel pipe astm stainless steel pipe astm pipe specificationsPrecipitation hardening stainless steel. With good formability and good weldability, high strength materials can be used in the nuclear industry, aviation and aerospace industry applications. System components can be divided according to Cr (SUS400), Cr-Ni system (SUS300), Cr-Mn-Ni (SUS200) and precipitation hardening systems (SUS600). 200 Series - Cr - Ni - Mn austenitic stainless steel 300 Series - chromium - nickel austenitic stainless steel 301 - ductile, for formed products. Can also be machined to rapid hardening. Welding is good. Abrasion resistance and fatigue strength than 304 stainless steel. 302 - 304 with corrosion resistance, due to relatively high carbon intensity and therefore better. 303 - by adding a small amount of sulfur and phosphorus to more than 304 cutting. 304 - that is, 18 / 8 stainless steel. GB grade for the 0Cr18Ni9. 309 - 304 better than the heat resistance. 316 - Following the 304, the second most widely used of steel, mainly for the food industry and surgical equipment, add Mo to obtain a special corrosion resistant structure. Than 304 because of its better resistance to chloride corrosion and thus a "ship of steel" to use. SS316 is often used to fuel recovery. 18/10 stainless steel is often found that the application level. [1] Model 321 - Apart from added titanium reduces the risk of weld corrosion performance than other similar 304. 400 Series - ferritic and martensitic stainless steel 408 - good heat resistance, low corrosion resistance, 11% Cr, 8% of Ni. 409 - the cheapest model (BAR), usually used as a vehicle exhaust pipe, is a ferritic stainless steel (chrome steel). 410 - martensite (high strength chrome steel), good wear resistance, poor corrosion resistance. 416 - sulfur added to improve the processing properties of the material. 420 - "Cutlery Grade" martensitic steel, similar to Brandt's first high-chromium steel of this stainless steel. Also used for surgical tools, can do very light. 430 - ferrite stainless steel, decorative, for example, car accessories. Good shape, but temperature resistance and corrosion resistance worse. 440 - high strength cutting tool steel, carbon slightly higher, after appropriate heat treatment can obtain a higher yield strength and hardness up to 58HRC, are among the most hard stainless steel column. The most common application example is the "razor blade." There are three common models: 440A, 440B, 440C, plus 440F (trade processing). 500 Series - heat-resistant chrome steel. 600 Series - martensitic precipitation hardening stainless steel. 630 - The most commonly used precipitation hardening stainless steel models, usually called 17-4; 17% Cr, 4% Ni.liayuan: seamless carbon steel pipe seamless tubing suppliers seamless pipe specification
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