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قديم 11-21-2010, 03:08 AM
الصورة الرمزية farfor767  
رقـم العضويــة: 60825
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 34
المشـــاركـات: 175
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي Sisulizer v2010.310 Enterprise Edition Multilingual

Sisulizer – This program is designed to contain a variety of software. The localization process is performed by scanning applications and identify all parts of the text. Support the work directly to C + + Builder, Delphi, Visual C + +, Visual Basic, java, XLIFF. Allows you to visually work with HTML and XML, as well as selected text from text files and databases. Program are providing support for mobile applications:. NET for Smart Devices, Pocket PC, Windows mobile, Symbian, and J2ME. After the scan is converted text using the visual editor and then save the project with localization. After installation, you can immediately begin to transfer your favorite, but not localized program – you are only required knowledge of languages. This program has a feature Taxpayers text, but this possibility will be useful only for transferring small phrases. The program is intuitive and multilingual interface, with support for many languages, including Russian.

Localization of software allows your design to enter the broader market of consumers, thereby increasing your revenues, the popularity of your software and the influx of new users. With this useful, easy and convenient program, you can do a quick translation of its software on a host of other languages, having spent a minimum of effort, time, and getting a good final result. Localization of software, with the help of this program is in three stages: the first step – scanning applications and identify all parts of the text. Sisulizer can work directly with C + + Builder, Delphi, Visual C + +, Visual Basic, Java, Windows, or a binary file, or with XLIFF. Sisulizer works visually with HTML and XML. Sisulizer can also select text from text files and databases. Sisulizer can also support mobile applications. Sisulizer supports. NET for Smart Devices, Pocket PC, Windows mobile, Symbian, and J2ME; second step – translation, using the built-in visual editor, the third step – to build a localized version.

Scanning applications and translate the entire text will automatically
-Localization of HTML and XML
-Support in C + + Builder, Delphi, Visual C + +, Visual Basic, java, XLIFF
-Support for mobile applications:. NET for Smart Devices, Pocket PC, Windows mobile, Symbian, and J2ME
-Scan all text files, even those that are not supported
-Ability to transfer only the part that has changed
Supports file formats:. NET assembly,. NET resource, CodeGear. NET, C + + Builder, Delphi binary file, HTML, Ini, Java, JBuilder, PO / POT / MO, and many others
Supports databases: Access, Access 2007, ADO / ODBC, dBase, DBISAM, Interbase, MySQL, Oracle, Paradox, SQL Server, Firebird
-Translation of the text with built-in visual editor
-Full support for pages with all existing encodings
-Full support for Asian languages
-Full support for Unicode
Save-a localized version in the binary file formats: EXE, DLL, OCX
Re-translation – no need to translate the application for the second time
Print-transfers in the form of reports to the printer, or any other printer
-Multilingual interface

What's New in This Release:

Improved features:
- Databases: Sisulizer can localize field that contains the primary key.
- Access: You can pass optional connection string parameters.
- When exporting into XLIFF Sisulizer adds custom namespace if sl:xxx tags are used.
- HTML Help: Sisulizer scan localized standalone script files (e.g. .js) that are inside .chm files.

Bug fixes:
- Databases: Sisulizer sometimes caused an error if the string in database started with <.
- Access: When you typed password for an Access database Sisulizer showed an error message after each key press.
- HTML: Trailing slashes of translations were missing in some cases.
- Format string validation sometimes failed when applyed for Python string.
- HTML: "Copy original to translation" menu comman keeps the text format is it has been set on.


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Sisulizer v2010.310 Enterprise Edition Multilingual:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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