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أرشيف قسم البرامج هذا القسم خاص لجميع المواضيع القديمة والمنتهية من جميع الاقسام، وبالإضافة للمواضيع المخالفة للقوانين العامة والخاصة .

قديم 10-02-2008, 05:00 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي Photodex ProShow Gold 3.5.2266 رائع واحترافي لعمل العروض التقديمية للصور والفيديو

Photodex ProShow Gold 3.5.2266 رائع واحترافي لعمل العروض التقديمية للصور والفيديو

الوصف: برنامج رائع واحترافي لعمل العروض التقديمية للصور والفيديو وإضافة التأثيرات والأصوات عليها بحيث تظهر على شكل عروض مليئة بالحياة، ويقوم بتقطيع وتحميع الفيديو والكتابة عليها، وصنع شاشات التوقف من الفيديو. ويعتبر منافس قوي للبرامج الأخرى في هذا المجال. وإمكانك تصدير عروضك على السيدي.
وقد استعمل هذا البرنامج في إنتاج برامج التلفزيون والفيديو كليب.

الميزات الرئيسية:
Photodex ProShow Gold 3.5.2266 :
ProShow Gold is the complete slide show software solution for sharing your best memories on DVD, PC, and the Web!
Bring still photos to life by adding motion effects like pan, zoom, and rotate. Add captions to a photo or video and choose from over 280 exciting transition effects. It's easy to tell your story with ProShow Gold.
ProShow Gold makes it easy to create a slide show with your photos, videos and music in a few simple steps. Just drag and drop your ******* into a show, edit photos, add effects, set the timing and you’re done! You can easily create a unique and personalized photo slide show for any occasion whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, graduation, holiday, wedding or just showing-off vacation photos.
Take your photos further! ProShow Gold gives you more output options than any other slide show software. Create DVDs and video CDs that play back on your TV. Stream your show on the Web. Generate MPEG video files for PC viewing. Build screen savers for yourself or others. Make self-contained executable slide shows (EXEs), perfect for e-mailing or posting online. Write PC autorun CDs that automatically play when inserted into a PC. ProShow Gold does it all!
Amazing Effects! ProShow Gold allows you to add motion effects to your images and video. Zoom in to points of interest. Pan around on a panoramic image. You can even rotate a photo or video while the slide show is playing.
• Combine Photos, Videos and Music
Drag and drop your photos, videos and music into ProShow Gold’s easy-to-use interface. There you can add borders to photos, crop and edit video and audio clips, use built-in editing tools like red-eye removal and more.
• Motion Effects, Transitions & More
Create spectacular effects by adding a pan, zoom or rotate to any photo in your show. Choose from over 280 transition styles including dissolves, fades, wipes, and shapes. Add custom captions and backgrounds to any photo.
• Output to DVD, Blu-ray, the Web & Devices
ProShow Gold will output your slide show to over 40 formats including DVD, Blu-ray, CD, the Web and dozens of devices like the iPod®, iPhone® and Blackberry®. You can even upload your slide shows directly to YouTube.
Add and Edit ******* Easily
* Add an unlimited number of layers to any slide
* Drag and drop to easily add ******* to a show
* Supports 100+ file types
* Transparency support for PSD, PNG, TIFF and GIF files
* Built-in video trimmer crops video clips precisely
* Make good photos great with editing tools including crop, red-eye removal, rotate, flip, sharpen, drop shadow, colorize, etc.
* One-click color correction automatically optimizes your photos
* Set custom timing for each slide or modify many slides at once.
Special Effects that Amaze
* Bring any photo to life with motion effects
* Pan photos, including panoramic; rotate photos to any angle
* Precise motion control—use composition lines for perfect alignment
* Scale/zoom photos to any size with increased zooming range
* Set acceleration styles for motion effects
* Choose from 280+ transition effects—specify the random transition effects feature to only the styles you want
* Control timing for each transition
* Randomize motion and transition effects for your slide show in seconds
* Add an unlimited number of captions to enhance your show
* Set captions to any font, size, style and color
* Add fun to your captions—choose from the expanded set of 100+ caption effects, including the iconic Galactic Scroll
Use Music to Set Any Mood
* Create a soundtrack instantly by adding any MP3, WMA or WAV file to your show - you'll see the waveform in the slide list
* Import music from any audio CD with the built-in audio ripper
* Use the built-in audio trimmer to crop songs and add fades
* Add audio clips, such as sound effects or voice overs, to any slide
* Record voice-over narrations for documentary-style effects
* Control volume for your soundtrack and audio clips independently
* Sync your slide show to your music with one click
Fast and Easy Show Creation
* Timeline view makes it easier to control the timing in your show
* Automatic show backup and recovery keeps work safe
* Collect show files to any folder, CD, DVD or burn to Blu-ray for archiving
* Built-in editing and output tools minimize the need to switch back and forth between 3rd party programs
* Favorites Pane makes important folders easily accessible
* Unlimited Undo and Redo
Share Shows Virtually Anywhere
* Fully-integrated media authoring for DVDs/VCDs/CDs & Blu-ray
* Enhanced Hollywood-style menuing for Blu-ray, DVDs and PC playback
* Combine both TV and PC playback on the same disc
* Custom aspect ratio controls support 4:3 and widescreen formats
* Anti-flicker filtering reduces flickering issues common in video output
* Avoid TV clipping with integrated Safe Zone preview
* Supports NTSC and PAL for international playback compatibility
* Upload and share your shows online for FREE at photodex.com
ProShow Gold Output Formats
* New! Blu-ray
* DVD (with PC playback)
* VCD (with PC playback)
* Autorun CD
* Self-contained EXE
* Share shows via email
* Streaming web shows
* Free online show sharing
* Streaming Flash video
* High Definition video (HD)
* Windows Media Video (WMV)
* Device Output
* Direct YouTube Uploading
* MPEG 1 and 2
* Screensavers
Changes in Version 3.5.2266 (October 1, 2008):
* Enhanced Blu-ray menus to improve playback on some devices
* Enhanced quality of Share Show output
* Fixed issue affecting caption highlights on executable ****d menus
* Fixed rare crash condition that could occur when using certain caption Fly In effects
* Fixed problem with missing Cancel button in Slide Options
* Fixed issue where Web Show HTML could use incorrect resolution
* Fixed problems with PAL ****d Blu-ray formats
* Fixed problems with caption spacing
* Fixed problem with resolution fields in View HTML dialog
* Fixed rare crash condition affecting Blu-ray output

الحجم: 16.1 MB

****: Rajeh
Phone Number: 963933625377
Key: DBB8111UF6E5Q

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Photodex ProShow Gold 3.5.2266 رائع واحترافي لعمل العروض التقديمية للصور والفيديو:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
Photodex ProShow Producer لانتاج العروض بشكل تجاري العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-13-2009 03:40 PM
أصنع من صورك أجمل الأفلام Photodex ProShow Gold 3.5.2268 كاملا !! والله اكثر من رائع العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 01-29-2009 01:40 AM
Photodex ProShow Producer 4.0.2442 صانع العروض السينمائية الاحد(28-12) العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 12-28-2008 07:40 PM
أصنع من صورك أجمل الأفلام Photodex ProShow Gold 3.5.2268 كاملا !! والله اكثر من رائع العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-06-2008 07:30 PM
Photodex ProShow Producer 3.5.2266 رائع لعمل البومات صور بشكل احترافي وجميل ومميز العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 10-02-2008 05:00 PM

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