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قديم 03-07-2012, 06:57 PM
الصورة الرمزية Uchiha_Madara  
رقـم العضويــة: 26501
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2009
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اغنيه مهرجان الاحلام WrestleMania XXVIII 28

السلام عليكم اليوم جبت لكم موضوع صخره والله
حصريا الاغنيه المعتمدة رسميآ للرسيلمنيا 28


عنوان الاغنيه : Invincible
المغنيان : Machine Gun Kelly و (Feat. Ester Dean

كلمات الاغنيه

Voices in the air
I hear them loud and clear
Telling me to listen
Whispers in my ear
Nothing can compare
I just wanna listen

As my, world turns
The heart beats
Not only in my chest
But the heart of the streets
So when they feel this, they feel me
But I can't feel nothin', outside these dre beats
I am from the city of people who came from the bottom
Standing on top of what was supposed to be my coffin, whats up?
Except for shows we are the dead man walkin', but reflections show the kid's still got it
Better be known I got the throne like I don't know that there's a king
Never grew up around a family because I'm not a human being
And anyone... my spot, the top
Better stop it, cause when I leave, the whole world drops
Lace up Kells

I hear voices in the air
I hear em' loud and clear
Telling me to listen
Whispers in my ear
Nothing can compare
I just want to listen
Telling me I am Invincible (3x) - oh oh
Telling me I am Invincible (3x) - oh oh I am

Waking up sweatin from the stress of being caged out
Everything I write is played out like what is this ?
Tear the whole page out
Man I come from clothes on the wall but they don't know the path
Even if I told them at all they would know the half
So maybe I-(Too Fast)-and my black chucks and nothing in my jeans
It's just one , til the day come like Rocky's movie scene
And I'm on top of the world, look up the screen like this is me this is Kells
Crucified by the public without the nails
Do or die in my city but clearly I never failed
Lost myself from the game when I found myself from the cell
And I found myself from the fame when I lost myself to the pills
And you cannot mess with me still , seen the boys and they winnin
Underdogs of the year Cleveland boys in the buildin'
What the fuck is a ceiling I'm taking us to the top, and when I leave the whole world drops Lace Up Kells

I hear voices in the air
I hear em' loud and clear
Telling me to listen
Whispers in my ear nothing can compare
I just want to listen
Telling me I am Invincible (3x) - oh oh
Telling me I am Invincible (3x) - oh oh I am.....

مكان المهرجان المنتظر : ميامي:

حان وقت التحميل الان

الرابط :

و شكرا لكم


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع اغنيه مهرجان الاحلام WrestleMania XXVIII 28:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
حصريا تغطيه مهرجان Wrestlemania Revenge Tour المقام في قطر قناص الرعد 2 قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة 0 04-22-2011 01:44 PM
مهرجان يوم الميت او مهرجان الزومبي 3asq r القسم العام 3 09-10-2010 02:13 PM
لاتصدقوا ان الاحلام بلا ثمن فبعض الاحلام ثمنها العمر..... الاميره القسم العام 6 06-26-2010 08:55 PM
مهرجان / Wrestlemania 25 PPV HDTV XviD-KYR / جميع المباريات / رابط واحد. .Kilowa. قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة 2 06-14-2010 11:31 PM
مهرجان الاحلام WrestleMania XXVI عاشق ايتاشي قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة 15 05-25-2010 08:27 AM

الساعة الآن 10:44 PM.

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