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قديم 10-24-2012, 03:06 AM
الصورة الرمزية Frank  
رقـم العضويــة: 104191
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشـــاركـات: 83
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 14
افتراضي Prince of Persia Classic v1.0 Apk + SD Data

Prince of Persia Classic v1.0 Apk + SD Data

Prince of Persia Classic v1.0 Apk| 45 MB + 174 MB SD data |
Requires Android:2.2 and up


Game review:
You are the Prince of Persia on a daring rescue mission to save your Princess.
Fulfill your destiny, play this game, and experience the thrills and adventures of this classic tale


Old tale, New skin
Replay the adventure of the original Prince of Persia in a complete new skin as you battle your way through the dungeon to rescue the Princess.
Perform death defying stunts as you proceed from the dark and grim dungeons to the beautiful Palace tower.


Amazing Levels
The path to rescue is never simple.
Levels are filled with fiendish traps which will require unflinching resolve to be completed and with Prison guards who can only be defeated by excellent swordplay or trickery! Unveil the dark secret which will set in stone the legacy that will follow.

Multiple Game Modes
Normal Mode: Understand the game, learn different tricks and find the quickest way without having to worry about time or death penalty.
Time Attack: Race against the sands of time as you navigate through the levels fighting the guards and find the exit on your quest to rescue the Princess. Make haste… you have only 60 minutes.
Survival: The most compelling and challenging way of rescuing the Princess is the one in which the Princeremains unbeaten. Complete the game, in 60 minutes, without dying.

How To Install
Install APK
Copy ‘SD DATA’ to folder  ‘sdcard/Android/’
Launch the Game

Download Free Link + SD DATA

http://bit.ly/PPh3mo + http://bit.ly/SoZvdw


http://bit.ly/SoZGpc + http://bit.ly/SoZvdw


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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Prince of Persia Classic v1.0 Apk + SD Data:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
~>the prince of persia<~ bowa hancock نشأة مُبدع 18 05-26-2011 04:17 AM
Prince Of Persia 4 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 0 12-11-2008 04:40 PM
Prince of Persia العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 0 09-26-2008 03:10 PM
prince of persia 3 kgb العاشق 2005 قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة 0 09-25-2008 10:30 PM

الساعة الآن 11:07 AM.

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