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قديم 01-08-2013, 10:28 PM
الصورة الرمزية El-MaGhRiBi  
رقـم العضويــة: 100314
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2011
العـــــــــــمــر: 37
المشـــاركـات: 2,377
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 1072
افتراضي تحميل برنامج الصوتيات Winamp Pro v5.63 Build 3235 + كراك

اسعد الله اوقاتكم اعزائي اعضاء وزوار منتديات العاشق
في قسم البرامج الحصرية سوف تجدون كل ما هو جديد وحصري مقدم لكم من منتديات العاشق
لطلب برنامج مرجوا مراسلتي عبر زوار مع ذكر اسم البرنامج باللغة الانجليزية " لا يهم حجم برنامج"

Winamp Pro v5.63 Build 3235

Winamp is more than just a player. It's  your window to the multimedia world. From MP3s to streaming video,  Winamp is the one place you go to feed your audio/video habit.

Here are some key features of "Winamp":
- Winamp can use both Modern and Classic skins, so you can be both hip and retro at the same time.
- Winamp gives you easy and organized access to your favorite media. That's what you call mass media
- Winamp can play a huge variety of audio and video formats right out of the box... err... out of the installation.
- You get access to hundreds of free audio and video channels in the Media Library. This ain't your father's library.
- Winamp can burn your music to CDs.
- Winamp makes it easy to create and manage your favorite songs through playlists. Yes, you can be your own DJ.
- Winamp allows you to extend it's functionality through the use of "plug-ins" Its like the Mr. Potato Head of music.
- Winamp will allow you to alter the sound of your music through a built-in Equalizer. An audio receiver right on your PC.
-  Winamp allows you to watch visual effects that are driven from your  music with Visualizations. From flaming fireballs to screaming strobe  effects, its all there.
Winamp Main Window
- Winamp 5 features our new Modern Skin that's easier to use and more powerful than ever
-  Easily access the Media Library (ML), Playlist Editor (PL), integrated  Video or Visualizations (Video/Vis Drawer), or the EQ, Skin Options, and  Color Themes (Config Drawer) from the Main Window
- Includes over 50 color themes that suit nearly every mood or occasion!
- Winamp 5 carries forward the unobtrusive "Window Shade"
Winamp Playlist Editor
- Drag and drop media directly into a Playlist from Windows Explorer or the Media Library
- Jump directly to an item within the list by double clicking it or selecting the item and press Enter
- Sort Playlists by title, file name, or path and file name
- Easily Open and Save Playlists from the Manage Playlist button
Winamp Library
- Organize and find your favorite songs and videos in ONE place
-  Rip your favorite music CDs into AAC or MP3 (Ripping limited to 2x  speeds for free users. MP3 encoding is only available in Winamp Pro)
- Burn your favorite music compilations to CD (limited to 2x for free users)
- Media Library "Views" allow you to easily create rule based lists of your media
- Easily modify your music collections tags (Artist, Album, Song name, etc.)
- Internet Radio and TV
- Easily tune into user created Internet TV and Radio stations
- Over 4000 Internet Radio stations and 40 Internet TV channels to choose from
- Bookmark your favorite stations and channels for future access
- Winamp Now Playing
- View album art, artist biographies, discographies
- Keep track of your favorite artists by browsing fan sites and news articles presented in the client
- Easily buy your favorite CDs, memorabilia, or just sell your own
Winamp Video
- Play many major video formats (NSV, WMV, MPG, etc.) with ease
- Easily resize video playback using the 1x, 2x, and Maximize window buttons
- Watch your favorite videos in Full Screen mode
- Quick access to dozens of Internet TV stations created by users
- Detach the video window from the main player
Winamp Visualizations
-  Winamp 5 comes bundled with the latest version of the ground breaking  AVS (Advanced Visualization Studio) and Milkdrop visualizers
- Enjoy over 100 bundled visualization presets created by users
- Switch between presets manually or sit back and watch your presets on Random
- Easily jump to Full Screen mode
- Download new visualizations and presets from Winamp.com
Winamp Equalizer
- Shift the sound from both speakers to left or right using the Balance slider
- Enable Cross Fading to transition the audio smoothly from one song to another
- Select from the dozens of EQ presets to tune the sound
- Create your own EQ settings and save them for future use









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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع تحميل برنامج الصوتيات Winamp Pro v5.63 Build 3235 + كراك:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
تحميل برنامج Winamp 5.55 Build 2405 لمشغلات الفيديو والصوتيات حمادة المغربى قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة 1 03-09-2012 04:49 AM
عملاق تشغيل الصوتيات Winamp Pro 5.581 Build 2985 في اصداره الاخير artiste2008 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 07-13-2010 06:05 PM
عملاق الصوتيات في النسخة النهائية Winamp 5.56 Build 2512 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 07-02-2009 09:51 AM
البرنامج الرائع و المميز لتشغيل جميع ملفات الصوتيات الغنى عن التعرف Winamp 5.55 Build العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 02-06-2009 09:50 AM
تقرير حصريا اخر اصدار من عملاق مشغل الصوتيات Winamp 5.541 Build 2189 + الكراك Al3asq أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 09-15-2008 06:37 AM

الساعة الآن 11:24 AM.

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