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قديم 02-23-2009, 04:20 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي اصدار جديد من البرنامج الرائع Panda Internet Security 2009

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Panda Internet Security 2009


Panda Internet Security 2009 | Size 82.3 MB
Panda Internet Security 2009 is a security suite that lets you use the Internet with complete peace of mind. It protects you from viruses, spyware, rootkits, *******, online fraud, identity theft and all other Internet threats. The anti-spam engine will keep your inbox free from junk mail while the Parental Control feature ensures your children can use the Web safely. And thanks to the new Collective Intelligence technology, the solution is now much faster than previous versions.

Anti-Malware Engine
Automatically detects and eliminates viruses, spyware, Trojans, rootkits, bots and other malware before they infect your computer.

Scans files in real-time and on-demand.
Scans emails before they reach your inbox, regardless of your email program.
Scans Internet traffic regardless of your browser type.
Scans Instant Messaging traffic in MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and AOL.
Removes all traces of clutter left by spyware on your PC.
Advanced Proactive Protection
Technologies from Panda Security are widely recognized as the most effective against new and unknown malware.
Genetic Heuristic Engine combines advanced algorithms to detect new variants of the most dangerous malware families.
TruPrevent Technologies 2.0 silently analyze the behavior of programs, blocking those that try to damage your PC. This last line of defence blocks zero-day targeted attacks and terminates any malicious activity that has evaded traditional protection systems.
Personal Firewall
Protects you against Internet-borne worms and hacker attacks.

Smart auto-configuration allows good programs to run while blocking malicious ones.
Shields your PC from ******* on the Web.
Wireless Monitor protects your wireless network from intruders.
Intrusion prevention blocks known and unknown hacker attacks and vulnerability exploits.

Anti-Phishing Filter
Recognizes fraudulent email and protects you from scams while you shop, bank or pay bills online.

Anti-Banking Trojan Engine
Detects the most dangerous identity theft malware used by cyber-criminals to steal banking credentials. Specialized heuristics and generic detection techniques ensure maximum protection for online transactions. NEW!

Anti-Rootkit Technology
Detects and removes silently-installed rootkits used by malware or ******* to evade traditional antivirus products. The free Panda Anti-Rootkit, used by millions of people around the world, recently won the Editor’s Choice award from PC Magazine. NEW!

Anti-Spam Filter
Keeps your inbox free from junk mail. With the new spam engine detection rates are now over 97%, ensuring uninterrupted service and delivering the emails you really need. NEW!

Parental Control
Lets your children browse the Internet safely by blocking access to violent, adult, or racist *******, as well as other inappropriate websites. From the solution’s control panel –and regardless of the browser type- you can assign predefined filters (child, adolescent, employee…) to users or customize filter rules according to your specific needs, .

Web Filter
Lets you use the Internet safely without the risk of infections, vulnerability exploits, browser hijacking or phishing websites.By analyzing website *******, links and Web reputation scores, Panda Security provides protection against all types of Web-****d malware and scams. NEW!

Personal Information Filter
Prevents theft from your PC of credit card numbers, social security numbers and any other personal information you define. NEW!

Backup & Restore
Safeguards your most important files against accidental loss or damage. It prevents loss of important ********s either unintentionally, or through hard disk problems or other accidents. Backup and restoration from hard drive, CD, DVD, other external media or online are both extremely simple and easy.

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تحميل البرنامج



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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع اصدار جديد من البرنامج الرائع Panda Internet Security 2009:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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الساعة الآن 09:43 AM.

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