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قديم 05-30-2009, 03:10 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي عملاق إرسال الفاكس مع ActiveFax Server v4.18.0218 إصذار جديد

أخوانى الكرا
م .. أعضاء وزوار ..

  • البرنامج مميز في ادائه وهو يقوم بأرسال

رسائل الفاكس ويرسل بالبريد الألكتروني.

يعمل على انظمة مايكروسف ويمكن كذالك

ويمكن ايضا ان يستعمل لأرسال رسائل

الفاكس والرسائل البريديه الألكترونيه من اي

نظام تشغيل اخر مثل UNIX

ActiveFax Server v4.18.0218

ActFax has been designed for network-wide transmission and receipt of fax messages, as well as sending and forwarding fax messages by email. The software runs on any Windows version from Windows 95 or higher and also supports terminal servers. Due to the client/server architecture of ActFax, all data is stored centralized on the fax server. With the integrated fax client and the ActFax printer driver, faxing from any standard application is as easy as printing. For the integration of the fax service into own applications, ActFax offers various standardized interfaces.Due to the intuitive user interface (see screenshot), the installation and configuration of ActFax is done in just a few minutes. Since ActFax automatically detects and configures the available hardware, the fax server is ready for operation right after the installation. ActFax is also available for free download through the download area for in-depth testing. A detailed overview of all features and functions supported by ActFax can be found in the features and functions summary below.

Features and Functions Summary:
* Runs on Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008 and Windows 7
* Support of 64-bit Windows (x64)
* Terminal Server and Citrix support
* Complete client/server architecture
* Centralized data storage on the fax server
* Data access from every workplace in the network
* Sophisticated user, group and security concept
* Support of all common fax modems (fax class 1, 1.0, 2 and 2.0), ISDN adapters and Brooktrout/Cantata and Intel/Dialogic fax boards (list of recommended modems)
* Support of V.34 Fax (Super G3) for transfer rates of up to 33,600 bps
* Support of VoIP/FoIP (Voice over IP/Fax over IP) with Eicon "Diva Server SoftIP" software
* Support of Venali Web Fax Service
* Unlimited number of fax lines (modems)
* Free technical support and software updates available for free download
* Faxing and emailing from any Windows application through native printer driver
* Faxing and emailing from UNIX and Linux through LPD/LPR, FTP, TFTP and RAW-TCP-Port connections as well as import from the file system

يدعم الانظمة


6.53 MB

تحميل البرنامج :

Win 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3/LINUX


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع عملاق إرسال الفاكس مع ActiveFax Server v4.18.0218 إصذار جديد:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
عملاق الاسطوانات الوهمية Daemon.Tools.Pro.4.10.0218.Advanced العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 12-06-2009 03:00 PM
برنامج ActiveFax Server v4.18.0218 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 06-02-2009 01:10 AM
برنامج ActiveFax Server v4.18.0218 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 06-02-2009 12:30 AM
عملاق إرسال الفاكس مع ActiveFax Server v4.18.0218 إصذار جديد العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-30-2009 01:50 AM
Portable ActiveFax Server v. 4.14.0216 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 09-19-2008 03:00 PM

الساعة الآن 02:35 PM.

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