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قديم 09-30-2009, 10:00 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي Symantec Norton Ghost 14 Recovery Disk Bootable - ISO

Symantec Norton Ghost

14 Recovery Disk

Bootable - ISO

Symantec Norton Ghost 14 Recovery Disk Bootable - ISO | 187MB
برنامج مخصص لعمل باك اب لجهازك ، و هذا البرنامج يمكنه حل جميع مشاكل الكمبيوتر ، فعند تنصيب نظام جديد لجهازك واضافة له برامج مثل الماسنجر او برامج صوت او برامج صورة او اي برامج اضافية بعدها بهذا البرنامج قم بعمل نسخة احتياطية لنظامك وعند حدوث اي خلل خلال دقائق تستطيع ان تستعيد نظامك بدون مشاكل وهذا الاصدار كامل Symantec Norton Ghost .

Norton Ghost 14.0 protects PCs-including all applications, settings, folders, and files-with advanced backup and recovery. It provides powerful protection with new features such as offsite backups and Symantec ThreatCon integration, as well as enhanced performance, one-to-one remote management, LightsOut Restore capability, and more.

With Norton Ghost 14.0, you have a choice of backup types: full system (disk image) or specific files and folders. Backups include encryption and error checking to help keep your data safe, while compression, incremental backups, and automatic backup file management minimize storage space. Plus, you can now copy recovery points to a FTP site for easier offsite backup management.

Norton Ghost 14.0 is ready whenever you need to recover, whether that involves restoring individual files or an entire system. The Software Recovery Disk allows you to start your computer, scan for viruses or hard disk errors, and start the recovery process even if your operating system won't start.

With the advanced tools included in Norton Ghost 14.0, you can take data protection to the next level. One-to-one remote management backs up other computers on your network that have Norton Ghost 12.0 or higher installed, and LightsOut Restore lets you install the Software Recovery Environment on your hard disk so you'll always be ready to recover. And now you can also take advantage of up-to-the-minute intelligence from Symantec's industry-leading Internet security research organization by having your backups automatically triggered whenever ThreatCon reaches a specified threat level.

Your PC drive now contains more than text files. There are contacts, financial documents, pictures, and (valuable) music and video downloads. They aren't as safe as you think. A glitch may accidentally occur to corrupt and even delete your files. That's where Norton Ghost comes in. It helps you backup your precious data automatically. Prompt it or let it work in the background like a ghost - quietly protecting your files, transferring them to backup drives, and even optimizing the performance of your PC's drives. There may be a ghost of a chance that you'll ever need Ghost 14 but it's far better to have Ghost fighting on your side. After all, your PC contains key aspects of your life. Protect them with Ghost 14.

Key Technologies:
* Full system backup and restore
* File and folder backups
* Incremental backups
* Event-based backups
* Advanced compression and encryption

* Full system backup (disk image)—Backs up your hard drive or partition.
* File and folder backup—Backs up only the specific files and folders you choose rather than saving an entire drive.
* File backup search—Finds and backs up specified file types such as photos, MP3 files, and documents.
* Incremental and differential backup—Backs up only files that have changed.
* Customisable, event-based backup—Triggers backups based on key events such as new program installations or sudden increases in data storage.
* NEW!: FTP backup—Copies recovery points to a FTP site for easier offsite backup management.
* NEW!: Offsite backup—backs up your files to network-attached storage devices.
* NEW!: Symantec ThreatCon integration—Leverages intelligence from Symantec’s industry-leading security research organisation by triggering incremental backups whenever ThreatCon reaches a specified threat level.
* Advanced compression and encryption—Minimises storage space and helps keep sensitive documents safe.
* System protection—Recovers your system and data even when you can’t restart the operating system.
* EXCLUSIVE!: Google Desktop™ integration—Makes data recovery even faster with searchable backup indexes.
* LightsOut Restore—Restores your system with an on-disk software recovery environment—no bootable CD required.

File systems supported for backup and recovery tasks:
* FAT16, FAT16X, FAT32, FAT32X
* Dynamic Disks
* Linux® EXT2/3 and Linux Swap Partitions

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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Symantec Norton Ghost 14 Recovery Disk Bootable - ISO:
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