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قديم 09-19-2008, 07:11 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي حصريــا:تم الانتهاء من رفع لعــبه Re.volt +رابط واحد+موقع Zshare..!

أخوانى الكرام .. أعضاء وزوار ..

ومن جديــد،، نتابـــــع سلسله رفع العاب The Games مع لعبه Revolt كامله برابط واحد،،الى الاعضــاء الاعزاء ارجوا منكم (اذا اراد اي عضو من الاعضاء نقل الموضوع) فارجوا منه ان يكتب منقول من العضو The Games ومن منتديات ال*****،، ارجوا ان تقوموا بهذا الشيئ.طبعا هذا من بعد اخوذ رأي في نقل الموضوع مني.وانا سأكون راضي اذا التزمتم بالشــررط،،استمتعو الان بالروابـــط،،والموضــوع،،

غلاف اللــعبه:

تاريــخ الاصدار:
December 18, 1999


صور اللــــعبه:

فيديوهات اللعبه:

الفيديــوا رقــم 1

الفيديــوا رقــم 2

الفيديــوا رقــم 3

الفيديــوا رقــم 4

تقييـــم اللعبه:

معلومات عن اللعبه باللغه الانجليزيه:

December 9, 1999
- If you've heard one "Momma" joke, you've heard them all. From " Yo momma so dumb, she installed a peep hole in her screen door" to " Yo momma's so fat, she can't even jump to a conclusion," there are more than a few dooseys out there, but the thing is, after a while, they just stopped being funny. The same could be said of the way people are going after PC ports on the Dreamcast. With games like ExpendableSlave Zero leading the way, it's no surprise that some people have a slightly bad taste in their mouths, but it almost seems as if they refuse to accept the idea that a game that started on the house that Bill Gates built could possibly be worthy entertainment. And when you add the **** Acclaim into a discussion on PC ports, it gets ugly in a hurry. Between their evil port of Chef's Luv Shack and the unforgivably abysmal NFL Quarterback Club 2000, someone in quality assurance certainly deserves a good lashing with the wet noodle. and The thing is, that person is not the trigger-man on Acclaim's newest entry into the Dreamcast market, Re-Volt. This pint-sized racer tore up the tracks on the PC earlier this year, and despite shoddy console translations on the Nintnedo 64 and PlayStation, early looks hinted at an impressive Dreamcast translation. So what's final verdict? Is the Dreamcast version of Re-volt as good as it's PC counterpart? Well, yes and no, but it is certainly entertaining, and worth a look from any racing fan. Here's the skinny:
Obviously, a key issue in Re-Volt's success on the Dreamcast would be in an area that all the other console versions fell flat on their ill-equipped faces: frame rate. The PC version roared along at 60 FPS on a high-end machine, and previous console iterations ran more like a slide-show than an actual game. The Dreamcast version, while slumming more realistically at around 30 FPS, is not exactly up to par with the PC version, but it's certainly nothing to scoff at. Minor slow-down takes place on many of the tracks, but nothing so disturbing that it becomes distracting or unplayable, and for the most part, these little cars zip by at a break-neck pace.
The sense of speed is one of the best to be had on the Dreamcast, and even with slowdown, manages to send a shot out to the likes of Psygnosis' WipeOut series for their patented sense of nail-biting urgency (In fact, you could draw a safe comparison between the two titles' slow-down issues, if that helps at all). To top it off, Re-volt comes sporting some of the best artwork of any racing game I have ever seen. Cars look incredibly sharp and shiny, with reflection effects that would make a mirror blush, and the level of detail and realism on each of the tracks is certainly something to behold. From the way the ship level actually seems to sway in the water as you scream across the deck to the dirty draws hanging from the beginning of the "Toys in the Hood" level, this game has a style all its own in the visuals department, and Acclaim London should be proud of its baby in that regard.
Speaking of track design, I can't say enough about the variety and life found in Re-Volt'sBeetle Adventure.creative courses. Moving objects, shortcuts, and the way each level makes you "feel" like you're piloting an RC car, along with the way your car reacts to different surfaces - it's all just awesome. If the tracks were a bit more clear on your path and shortcuts were a bit more prevalent, this one would be neck and neck with the likes of
One area it does manage to keep up with the head of the pack is control. As much as I marveled at it, the PC version was a bit too realistic at times. Yeah, the cars controlled like the real thing, but is that really what I wanted? Hell no! Gimmie speed and gimmie sloppy turns! And as if to answer this call, Acclaim made good on their promise to give a slight injection of arcade racing to Re-Volt, and the pay back is oh-so-sweet. Not only does each car have its own feel, but thanks to the way the physics engine distinguishes different surfaces such as hardwood floors in the Toy Store or the freezer in the supermarket, you'll really learn to appreciate the intricacies of Re-Volt's precise control after you get the hang of things.
Of course, making your way up the learning curve ladder won't be easy, because Re-volt's AI can be a beast. It's routine-****d (meaning the cars run a set route each time), but the computer controlled cars do a great job of faking it in that their combat AI is excellent. They'll really go for the throat some times and, when they get wrecked, these guys rarely get discouraged. Almost every race is tight, right down to the wire, and if you keep at it, you can almost always make a run at the leader should you fall behind.
The only problem (and probably my chief gripe with Re-volt) is that some times, the game can be too hard. Eventually, you'll unlock better cars and figure out the handling system, but if you are a slow learner, there will be times when you want to break something. Wrecking can be quite easy at times, and since each car handles differently, you can expect to find new and amazingly evil ways to flip over your car with every lap. Considering the game's theme, you'd figure they would have taken it a bit easier, but I guess not. Just know that patience is key and that you won't want to challenge your younger siblings and still expect a good race. If you're cool with that, then you should have a blast.
I say this because if you have friends that can handle a learning curve, Re-volt has one helluva multi-player mode. Even with 4 players, the game runs smoothly, and thanks to the combat system, includes tons of opportunities for hi-jinks. If you're looking for a good multi-player racer on the Dreamcast, this is it.
And while I'm on it, let me touch on the way of the wee wheeled warrior. Basically, take all your favorite items and weapons from RC Pro-AM and throw in some new tricks, and you've got Re-volt in a nut*****. Weapons are well animated and the way they affect gameplay is priceless. My one knock is that with all the offensive weapons, there really isn't a shield of any kind, which is kind of a pain when you have a few cars on your tail looking for any way to get ahead. Maybe next time, eh?
Lastly, a fun side-note about the game's track editor. I played around with it and made some killer courses with the easy-to-use interface, but note that these will not go over well with the aforementioned routine-****d AI. Just a hunch, but it seems that these guys have no clue when they encounter a non-******ed track. The ones I made caused them to turn around and basically run in place. Ooops. At least you can design something cool for multi-player, but it's a shame this game was pushed out the door before this got settled up.
The fact that this game wasn't completely optimized is the only thing that keeps it from being the best racing game on the system. The frame rate could have been optimized with a few extra tweaks, and if they fixed that and the create-a-track AI, this game would have been damned-near perfect. All things considered, however, the game is extremely solid, and is worth a look. Rent it if you're a little iffy on its issues, but otherwise this would be a tough one to pass up for any true racing fanatic.

اخبار عن اللعبه:

Grab your radio controller (or in this case, your controller) and get ready for RC action. You have more than 28 different cars to choose from (each rated differently for speed, acceleration, and weight), though most of these are locked at the beginning of the game. As you progress through the game's four championship circuits, you'll gain access to more cars.

رابـــط التحميل:

حجم الرابط:62MB وبعد فك الضغط 126MB




طريقــه التحميل :

ارجو أن يكون الموضوع نال رضاكم..
لاتنسونا من صالح الدعاء ..
ولا تنسوا التقييم والردود..
ولكم منا جزيل الشكر والتقدير والأحترام..
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

جميع الحقوق محفوظة © The Games
منتديات ال***** 2008 – 2007


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع حصريــا:تم الانتهاء من رفع لعــبه Re.volt +رابط واحد+موقع Zshare..!:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
ممكن مساعدة في تحميل رابط من موقع zshare العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 01-07-2009 12:30 PM
حصريا / تم الانتهاء من رفع لعبة SlikRoad برابط واحد على ال zSHARE + مفاجأة بالداخل .! Al3asq أرشيف قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 3 10-22-2008 10:46 PM
تم الانتهاء من رفع اللعبة الرائعة والقديمة : Lego Racers على موقع Zshare وبحجم 55MB العاشق 2005 قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة 0 09-26-2008 08:00 AM
الان وحصريا لعبة Re-volt كاملة على ZSHARE ... ارجو التقييم والردود لتعبي على الموضوع العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 0 09-19-2008 11:50 AM

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