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قديم 09-20-2008, 03:30 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
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افتراضي Ashampoo WinOptimizer 5.05 عملاق الصيانة بإصداراته الاخيره

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 5.05 عملاق الصيانة بإصداراته الاخيره

الإصدار الأخير من البرنامج الشهير في صيانة الحاسب

Ashampoo WinOptimizer

عملاق الصيانة بإصدارته الجديدة البرنامج الذي يعتمد عليه الملايين منذ سنوات ويقييم أفضل التقيمات منذ بدايته لسهولته وإمكانياته الرهيبه برنامج متميز للصيانة والتخلص نهائياً من مشاكل الحاسوب يحاول قدر الأمكان تقليل المشاكل وتنظيف القرص الصلب من الملفات الغير ظرورية التي تتكدس في نظام الويندوز وقد تسبب لك الكثير من المشاكل له الكثير من المميزات لصيانة الجهاز ومنها الجديدة ترتيب القرص الصلب المتبعثر وتقليل مشاكله نهائياً الحصول على افضل أداء للحاسوب أيقاف النوافذ الغير ظرورية التي تسبب في إبطاء إقلاع النظام وتأخذ مساحة كبيره جداً من الذاكرة والتخلص من جميع مشاكل سجل نظام الرجستري

والعديد العديد من المهام والخيارات المميزه للبرنامج

مايميز البرنامج توافقه مع الفيستا

10 years of experience at the professional level is what Ashampoo has to offer in what is a very important topic for daily PC use, ****ly, Windows optimization. This extensive pool of knowledge is now the basis for the new and completely improved Ashampoo WinOptimizer 5. The program is designed to enable both novice and advanced users to cleanse and optimize their Windows system and adapt it to their own needs. The tool feels equally at home optimizing the Windows XP and 2000 operating systems as it does under Windows Vista.

The extremely easy-to-use menus present the individual modules of Ashampoo WinOptimizer 5 and make it possible to measure system performance, deactivate annoying autostart entries, or delete unnecessary files, all with a click of the mouse.

The latest version, WinOptimizer 5, boasts two new modules. They restore mistakenly deleted files with the click of a mouse and save the arrangement of icons on the desktop. And a lot has also been done in the realm of Windows optimization.

* Drive Cleaner: Drive Cleaner searches the hard drive for files that are no longer needed so they can be deleted upon confirmation from the user. The search algorithm for this module has been considerably improved for increased efficiency. What's more, comprehensive information is now available for the objects that are found.
* Tweaking Tools: Hundreds of settings can easily be switched on and off in this module with a click of the mouse. Not only the visual appearance and general behavior of Windows in certain situations is addressed here, but also topics such as security, Internet, and multimedia. The integration with the real-time backup makes it possible to undo all changes at any time here as well.
* Process Manager: Now, frozen windows from crashed applications are no longer a problem. The Process Manager deals with these applications in short order, kicking them out of memory and off the screen. Suspicious applications can also be immediately terminated in this manner. What's new is that the module not only lists all active processes, but also provides corresponding information on them. A new visual aid also shows which system processes are absolutely necessary so that they are not deleted.
* StartUp Tuner: This module displays all autostart entries, allowing users to deactivate irritating programs so that they are no longer executed when Windows starts up. This module also now ****s the autostart entries that are absolutely necessary and should not be switched off by the user. An overview and recommendation for unnecessary services is now also available for Windows Vista. Requested by many users: Now, Internet Explorer plug-ins can be viewed and deleted if necessary.
* File Wiper: When Windows deletes files, they're not really removed, but rather made available for overwriting. In short: Any data thief can easily restore them. The File Wiper deletes data with sensitive *******s completely, making it impossible to restore them even with specialized programs. The new version is fully integrated into the Windows Explorer con**** menu and can accordingly be opened from that ******** without starting the main application. In addition, performance has been noticeably improved.
* One-Click Optimization: No time for anything? One-Click Optimization cleans up any area desired with the single click of a mouse. What's new is the ability to optionally display lists of results.




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505, ashampoo, الاخيره, الصيانة, بإصداراته, عملاق, winoptimizer

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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Ashampoo WinOptimizer 5.05 عملاق الصيانة بإصداراته الاخيره:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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