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قديم 01-11-2010, 07:10 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي اسطوانة الصيانة العملاقة MultiBoot DVD v7.0 afin 2010-01-09

اسطوانة الصيانة العملاقة إنها إحتوت الكثير من برامج الصيانة الهامة ونسخ الويندوز بمعنى انه لا قدر الله في حالة انهيار نظامك أو حدوث مشكلة في جهازك فبواسطة هذه الإسطوانة تستطيع حل المشكلة أياً كانت حتى لو جهازك اصيب بالكثير من الفيروسات وكل متسطب نسخة ويندوز تصاب هي الاخرى ولا يكون لديك وقت كاف لازالة الفيروسات فبواسطة هذه الاسطوانة تستطيع فعل ذلك لانها بتحتوي أهم برامج الأنتي فايروس والمزودة بأخر التحديثات بالاضافة الى اهم برامج الصيانة في العالم

Information about the software
Year: 09/01/2010
Version: 7.0
Developer: afin
Compatibility with Vista: Yes
Language: Russian + English

De******ion: multiboot DVD-ROM to work, backing up and repairing the hard drive partitions, treatment of viruses, the dumping of "forgotten" passwords, etc.

What is new in version 6.0:
- Active @ Boot Disk Suite 5.0.5 Windows Edition (in version 6.0: Active @ Boot Disk Suite 4.1.8 Windows Edition)
- Active @ Boot Disk Suite 5.0.5 DOS Edition (in version 6.0: Active @ Boot Disk Suite 4.1.8 DOS Edition)
- DrWeb Live CD from 09.01.2010 (in version 6.0: DrWeb Live CD from 27.12.2009)

Disc is not placed and executed from the operating system! Exception is Startup Tools from the Hiren's Boot CD.

MultiBoot DVD v7.0 CONTAINS

1) Alkid Live CD full of 21 December 2009 - without any changes!
Universal boot disk (CD / DVD / USB) to work and restore the system. Supports all media - CD, flash drives, USB-HDD ...
Contains a set of fresh anti-virus, utilities for disk and images, backup and lifting systems, restore lost information and passwords, creating new administrator accounts, return to the point of rollback, your system info and etc. Works with SATA disks and RAID arrays, mounts a volume Linux, provides a rich set of networking and SATA / SCSI / RAID drivers.

HDD Utilities
Recovery Information
CD, DVD utilities
Antivirus (base on 11.11.2009)
System Utilities
File managers

Integrated drivers
Drivers Network Card
Drivers SCSI / SATA / RAID / IDE
Sound (only for Full-version)
Videos (only for Full-version)

2) Hiren's Boot CD 10.1 - en banc (Keyboard otpatchena for the Russian language)

Hiren's BootCD - stunningly competently and professionally assembled, the most popular boot "all-in-one" disc, literally everyone, including системщиков and administrators for repair work on the computer. With its small size, contains a large quantity of the best world-class programs that do almost everything for "pulling out" of the data and return your computer to life, identifying and testing different devices PC and meets the highest requirements. Also includes anti-virus software with the ability to update databases, anti-spyware, programs to work with the disk: formatting, partition, repair, testing, etc., the cloning system, a block of data recovery after the collapse of Windows, the tools to identify hardware, work with the BIOS, and much more .

3) Acronis BootCD Reanimator 6.2009 - in full, except for Windows Key Enterprise 8.3.2867 RU - removed due to nesovmetimosti Alkid Live CD, but also because of the disk isActive @ Boot Disk Suite, which allows you to work with passwords.

Boot disk for backup, and repairing the hard drive partitions.

Contains the program:
Acronis ® Backup & Recovery ™ Worstation 10.0.11105 EN with Universal Restore - a new generation of products Acronis. Designed for the protection of intellectual property, which is in desktops and laptops. It creates an exact disk image of your computer and creates backup copies of the operating system, applications, files and folders. The simplified system is restored. User mozhett perform self-service without administrator intervention. Even the whole system of Windows can be restored in minutes.

Acronis ® True Image Home 2009 12.0.9769 EN (full + safe) - allows you to backup and restore data to a gesture of disk, including operating system, applications and all user ********s: pictures, videos, emails, etc. The effectiveness of the program Acronis True Image Home 2009 is confirmed by many prestigious awards, which is not surprising - the product not only protects your files, but also allows them to recover after a virus attack, hardware and other failures is literally one click. Create a complete copy of the hard disk for a few minutes, or just to save critical data and recover them even faster.

Acronis ® Disk Director Server 10.0.2169 RU (full + safe) - provides powerful tools for managing hard disks and partitions, ensure reliability and performance of your servers. This program is based on received numerous awards technology company Acronis ®, enables you to managepartitions and format the hard drive.

4) LSoft Technologies Active @ - boot disks and floppy disks:

A set of boot disks and diskettes to solve problems with a computer's operating system.

Active @ Boot Disk Suite 5.0.5 Windows Edition includes a powerful set of tools to recover lost data, reset passwords, user accounts Windows, back up your system and securely erase data beyond recovery.Active @ Boot Disk Pro is a bootable CD, and can even be used for computers that do not load the main operating system.
Includes Microsoft Windows © PE 2.1 and the following Active @ utilities:
Active @ Disk Image - a tool designed to create and copy images of hard drives. This can be useful when copying data from one computer to another, as well as for data backup. The program works in a pure DOSe, that is, from a bootable floppy. Image backup can be stored on a USB drive, network storage, recorded directly to CD / DVD / BR discs, or kept on other media formats. The decision to reserve for your computer or any PC disks, including operating system, applications and user files. In the case of computer failure, a backup image can be used to restore your computer system or to find and restore any desired file from the image.
Active @ Password Changer - utility that allows you to reset or change the password on the system installed Windows NT/2000/XP/VISTA/2003, no matter where the user is either the administrator password will be simply deleted or changed and you do not have because of their or someone else forgetfulness reinstall the system.
Active @ KillDisk - utility for destruction of data on various nositeleh. Supports devices connected to an IDE and SCSI. The disc can be used by the file system FAT or NTFS. As a result of processing the drive (and it can be not only a hard disk, but disk and optical disk) is filled with meaningless combinations of ones and zeros, reliably supersede any files were on it.
Active @ File Recovery - utility to restore deleted or corrupted data. Supports file systems FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, NTFS5, NTFS + EFS, can work directly with thehard drive (for cases where the violation of its logical structure), can create disk images for data transfer to other HDD or backup.
Active @ Partition Recovery - utility to recover deleted partition and logical disks on your hard disk kopyutera. Can recover MBR (Master BootRecord), the table files, boot sectors, as well as the data after their destruction as a result of viruses.
Active @ Disk Monitor-a very convenient tool for obtaining detailed information about all the physical data drives. The program checks all possible ways to leak information from your hard drive, whether a simple physical error or error on the same logical level.
Active @ Partition Manager - a set of tools to work with hard disk partitions. The program performs a wide range of functions: resizing partitions without losing data, maintenance of different operating systems on one computer, copying partitions to a spare hard disk, solving boot problems, converting file systems and other operations.
Active @ Hex Editor - A utility for editing / correction of data on your hard disk. Information is displayed in the editor in binary and text modes simultaneously. You can use it to analyze the *******s of the data on yourhard drive and its partitions.
Active @ Data CD / DVD Burner - is a program for recording files and folders on the hard drive to CD-R, DVD-R, DVD + R, CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD + RW, HD DVD and Blu-Ray-drives .
- Network Utilities
- System Utilities
- Internet Utilities
Utilities for network configuration, Internet browsing, downloading hardware drivers.
Active @ Boot Disk Suite DOS Edition - boot disk for problems with the computer's operating system.
Includes the following utilities:
- Active @ UNARASER - utility to recover deleted data on hard drive.
- Active @ KILLDISK - utility to destroy data on the hard drive.
- Active @ Partition Recovery - utility to recover deleted partition and logical disks on your hard disk kopyutera.
- Active @ Password Changer - utility that allows you to reset or change the password on the system installed Windows NT/2000/XP/VISTA/2003.
- Active @ NTFS Reader (Free).
- Active @ Disk Image - a tool designed to create and copy images of hard drives.

5) DrWeb Live CD on 09/01/2010
Dr.WebR LiveCD - it is an antivirus solution to restore the system shown in inoperable by the actions of viruses or any malicious software.

Hiren - for his tremendous drive and regularly updated.
Alkidz - for his very good and regularly updated CD.
The developer drive Acronis Boot CD Reanimator.

CRC32: 1F80F0F6
MD5: 76AB2C1936188C61339029E3E917744E
SHA-1: C3BFA035259E59357C6BC10E61B40EC8C7C05AE9

On the file:
Enabling | reg code: not required
Size: 1.4 Gb
File Format: iso
Platform: Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/Linux

قديم 01-12-2010, 09:35 PM   #2
عاشق محترف
الصورة الرمزية عاشقة انيمي ناروتو
رقـم العضويــة: 30773
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 26
المشـــاركـات: 455
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10

افتراضي رد: اسطوانة الصيانة العملاقة MultiBoot DVD v7.0 afin 2010-01-09

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع اسطوانة الصيانة العملاقة MultiBoot DVD v7.0 afin 2010-01-09:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
Windows 7 Ultimate Live Loader & Recovery ISO 2010*اسطوانة الصيانة الشاملة لويندوز7 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 02-28-2010 08:40 PM
حصريا اسطوانة الطوارىء العملاقة من افيرا Avira Antivir Rescue System 23.02.2010 للقضا العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 02-24-2010 09:50 PM
أحدث اسطوانة صيانة MultiBoot DVD v7.0 Afin 09.01.2010 العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 01-17-2010 02:10 AM
Tiger team : إسطوانة الصيانة الرائعة RRStoneAge Multiboot CD لن تفوتكم العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 02-02-2009 10:40 AM
اريد عمل اسطوانة Multiboot DVD العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-21-2008 11:20 PM

الساعة الآن 05:48 PM.

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