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قديم 12-22-2008, 10:30 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي Multilizer 2007 Enterprise لتعريب البرامج اصدار (الاثنين 22-12)

Multilizer 2007 Enterprise

أقوى وأفضل برامج التعريب أو تغيير اللغة للبرامج والجافا و Html وال **** وكثير جدا من الأنواع الأخرى . وهو أسهل برنامج برأيي وأفضل من برنامج Rc-winter الذي يعرفه الكثيرون . فهذا البرنامج بديل له. حيث أن البرنامج يتميز بمميزات كثيرة ورائعة جدا. كمثال تستطيع أن تضع أكثر من 20 برنامج سويا في نفس البرنامج وتعربهم وتحفظهم في البرنامج . 2 : جميع اللغات موجودة.3- معرب آلي للنصوص المتشابهة.4- يدعم الكثير من الأنواع غير البرامج .5- سهل الاستخدام .6- يعمل على جميع الأنظمة.7- يعطيك تقرير شامل لكل عملية تعريب قمت بها.8- كل نص تم ترجمته يقوم البرنامج بوضع تقرير خاص لمراجعته أو الاحتفاظ به . وغيره الكثير .
MULTILIZER® 2007 is a family of localization products, which is designed to improve localization productivity; with these powerful yet simple tools you can easily make existing software and ******* multilingual. MULTILIZER® 2007 products help companies produce different language versions of their applications and ******* faster and more efficiently than ever before. In addition to the productivity features introduced in earlier versions, Multilizer 2007 boosts translation, validation, and project administration productivity by introducing 50+ new features. Multilizer 2007 Enterprise is designed for enterprises that want to get maximum savings in localization; this product is optimized for multi-format projects and for automation of repetitive tasks. Multilizer 2007 Enterprise includes a command-line tool that allows users to automate nearly every aspect of localization process. The tool can be automated to create new localization projects, scan, build, import/export translations, share translation work, display projects statistics, etc.

Multilizer 2007 Enterprise supports following software and document formats:
- . Net
- Delphi/C++Builder (including Turbo Delphi, and Delphi 2007).
- Localization of standard executables: .exe, .dll, .ocx, etc.
- HTML, PHP, ASP, etc.
- Custom**** (virtually any ****file can be localized by using regular expressions).
Unlike other products, there's no limit for supported formats; Multilizer 2007 plugins are available for data**** localization, localization of PowerPoint presentations, etc.

More functionality, more possibilities
- Multilizer 2007 Enterprise contains all the features and support for file formats needed in most localization projects.

If these are not enough, the functionality can be expanded with plugins;
- Scanner plugins; support for localizing additional formats
- Importer plugins; support for importing translations from a wide range of 3rd-party formats.
- Translation Memory plugins; support for integrating Multilizer 2007 with translation memories.
- See Multilizer 2007 Feature Matrix for availability of plugins.

Automation of localization process
Multilizer 2007 Enterprise includes a command-line tool that allows users to automate nearly every aspect of localization process. The tool can be automated to create new localization projects, scan, build, import/export translations, share translation work, display projects statistics, etc.

Multilizer 2007 Enterprise key benefits:
- Automation of localization process.
- Support both for software and document formats.
- Additional features with plugins.

Key features
1. Experts for better productivity and quality. Multilizer Experts are designed to improve translation quality; Language Expert, Pseudo Language expert, Quality Expert, etc. are there just to minimize your work.
2. Smart detection of changes. Multilizer products are optimized for projects, where localization source changes regularly. Multilizer smartly tags any changes (string removed, added, changed) and allows user to filter them. Whether you localize software or *******, you'll always see the changes in a glance.
3. Wizards for sharing the work. Multilizer Wizards help to share translation work between team members. Send for instance free Multilizer Translator Edition along with your translations to your translation partner to ensure maximum process fluency.
4. Localize Visually. Visual Editors (Wysiwyg) for dialogs, menus, and other resources ensure that translations are always done in correct con****.
5. Open Project Format. Multilizer's XML-****d project format improves flexibility in common project maintenance tasks, and enables integration in enterprise's own systems.
6. Great support for file formats. Support for most of these fileformats (See product specific pages for more information); .NET, Visual Studio, Delphi, C++Builder, Turbo Delphi, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Java, Palm, PowerPoint, Excel, MSAccess, SQL Server, Inter****, MySQL, Dita, .exe, .dll, .ocx, .bpl, .rc, .resx, .vbproj, .csproj, .sln, .xml, .html, .asp, .php, .txt, .ini, .properties, .xliff, .tmx, .tbx, .csv, etc. (Still missing something? Contact us: [email protected]).


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Multilizer 2007 Enterprise لتعريب البرامج اصدار (الاثنين 22-12):
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
حصريا برنامج Lingobit Localizer لتعريب البرامج العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 06-09-2009 06:40 AM
برنامج لتعريب البرامج العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-29-2009 06:10 PM
برنامج لتعريب البرامج العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-29-2009 05:40 PM
أوفيس 2007 ( بورتابل ) يدعم اللغة العرببة Portable Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 11-06-2008 02:21 AM
برنامج الاوفيس 2007 - النسخة الاصليةالعربيه Office Enterprise 2007 حصرياً العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 10-19-2008 02:50 PM

الساعة الآن 10:09 AM.

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