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قديم 02-14-2013, 03:53 AM
الصورة الرمزية XBOX-GAMER  
رقـم العضويــة: 183755
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2013
العـــــــــــمــر: 34
المشـــاركـات: 27
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10

[XBOX360ISO] Aliens Colonial Marines [DVD]-[REGION FREE]-[XGD2]-[ABGX]-[COMPLEX]

ABGX360 Report

\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/█\\//\ \ \/ /┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
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Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...

* About to connect() to abgx360.net port 80 (#0)
*   Trying * connected
* Connected to abgx360.net ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /Apps/Stealth360/abgx360.dat HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: abgx360 v1.0.6 (Windows)
Host: abgx360.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
If-Modified-Since: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 12:28:07 GMT

< HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
< Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2013 14:03:33 GMT
< Server: Apache
< ETag: "997a925-714-4d00f8d62ec80"
< Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
* Connection #0 to host abgx360.net left intact

     Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

-alienscm\A-C-M-BKOOsidod30j.dvd needs to be created
-alienscm\A-C-M-BKOOsidod30j.dvd was created

Checking Game
     ISO: "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Aliens.Colonial.Marines.XBOX360-COMP
     Size: 7838695424 bytes
     Game partition offset: 0xFD90000
     Root sector: 3192210 (0x195859000), 2048 bytes
     default.xex sector: 3150423 (0x1906BB800), 27574272 bytes
     Files in ISO: 609, Folders in ISO: 12
     Total bytes used: 6744703968 (92.41%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
     Module Flags:          Title Module
     Image Flags:           Original Media Only
                            64 KB Pages
     System Flags:          Uses Game Voice Channel
                            Pal50 Incompatible
                            Cross Platform System Link
     Title ID:              5345080C (SE-2060)
     Ver / Base Ver:        v0.0.0.3 / v0.0.0.3
     Disc Number:           1 of 1
     Original PE Filename:  PecanGame-Xe-F.pe
     Original PE Timestamp: 2012/12/08 23:53:19
     Min Kernel Required:   v2.0.15574.0
     Allowed Media Types:   Xbox 360 Original Disc
     Game Ratings:          ESRB:    M (Mature 17+)
                            PEGI:    18+
                            PEGI-FI: 18+
                            PEGI-PT: 18+
                            BBFC:    18+
                            USK:     18+
                            OFLC-AU: MA15+ (Restricted 15+)
                            OFLC-NZ: R16 (Restricted 16+)
                            Brazil:  16+
                            FPB:     18+
     Compression Info:      Uncompressed and Encrypted
     Title Type:            Full Game Title
     Dashboard Languages:   English (default)
     Game Name:             Aliens: CM
     No Avatar Awards
     Achievements:          50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
     XEX CRC = 2A89F70E
     XEX Media ID: 56376E2EF9C68DCA88878E76-4FB3C8B1

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
     Region Free!

Checking SS
     04FB20h ─────── PSN ──────> 20339Fh DFCC60h ─────── PSN ──────> FB04DFh
     │  L0 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  │  L1 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  │
     0x000FD90000 ────────> 0x00E99CFFFF 0x00E99D0000 ────────> 0x01C360FFFF
     <───────────────── 3567872 sectors (7307001856 bytes) ────────────────>

     Timestamp of Authoring: 2012/12/13 00:00:00
     Timestamp of Mastering: 2013/01/09 16:35:02
     SS Version: 2 (trusted)
     CT RT CID Tol Mod Typ Data          CD       Response   Angle Deviation
     ── ── ──  ──  ──  ──  ───────────── ──────── ────────── ───── ────────────
     14    3C  00      00                2A2C1531 5956F3B9
        03 3C      00      04A9B0 04B9AF 2A2C1531 5956F3B900
     15    CA  00      00                0397CE8B 4018A2FC
        01 CA      00      20D7F0 20E7EF 0397CE8B 4018A2FC00
     14    16  00      00                B7F0F12E AC600A2A
        03 16      00      DF8600 DF95FF B7F0F12E AC600A2A00
     15    0F  00      00                E5F1BC1B 1024DDC1
        01 0F      00      FB5B80 FB6B7F E5F1BC1B 1024DDC100
     24    81  0F      00                B77280B5 B7720001   1
        07 81      00      04A9B0 04B72F B77280B5 0100000100
                           v1 deviation from CCRT            1      0   (00.0%)
                           v2 deviation from CCRT            1      0   (00.0%)
                           v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)
     25    77  0F      00                6A6A945F 6A6A005B   91
        05 77      00      20D7F0 20E56F 6A6A945F 5B00005B00
                           v1 deviation from CCRT            91     0   (00.0%)
                           v2 deviation from CCRT            91     0   (00.0%)
                           v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)
     24    20  0F      00                F451FFBF F45100B5   181
        07 20      00      DF8600 DF937F F451FFBF B50000B500
                           v1 deviation from CCRT            181    0   (00.0%)
                           v2 deviation from CCRT            181    0   (00.0%)
                           v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)
     25    7F  0F      00                18D29CA6 18D2010F   271
        05 7F      00      FB5B80 FB68FF 18D29CA6 0D01000D01
                           v1 deviation from CCRT            269   -2   (01.1%)
                           v2 deviation from CCRT            269   -2   (01.1%)
                           v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)
     01    F0  00      00                87FE369C B42BDF79
        00 F0      00      B9B42B 7CDF79 00000000 0000000000
     E0    61  00      00                98BC2EC8 D6577CEB
        E0 61      00      09D657 AB7CEB 00000000 0000000000
     CPR_MAI: 87FE369C
     SS CRC = 5AA0109B (RawSS = B1F5D86E)
     SS Media ID: 56376E2EF9C68DCA88878E76-4FB3C8B1 (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2012/12/13 00:00:00 (matches SS)
     Catalog Number: SE-2060-01-W0-3X1
     DMI CRC = 4C302AFC
     DMI Media ID: 56376E2EF9C68DCA88878E76-4FB3C8B1 (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
     030000h ─────── PSN ──────> 03AB7Fh FC5480h ─────── PSN ──────> FCFFDFh
     │  L0 Data Area = 0043904 sectors  │  L1 Data Area = 0043872 sectors  │
     0x0000000000 ────────> 0x00055BFFFF 0x01CDDE0000 ────────> 0x01D338FFFF
     <───────────────── 0087776 sectors (0179765248 bytes) ────────────────>

     PFI CRC = AB25DB47
PFI matches known data (16th Wave)

Video partition found
     Volume ID: "15574"
     Volume space size: 43852 sectors (89808896 bytes)
     Volume creation date & time: 2012/06/21 17:00:00 (GMT-07:00)
     Video CRC = 58FA256C (V0 = 78AF3C86, V1 = 3D1DF9C4)
Video partition matches known data (16th Wave)

Basic Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification
     Looking for 5AA0109B2A89F70E.ini in the online verified database

* Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host abgx360.net
* Connected to abgx360.net ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /Apps/verified/5AA0109B2A89F70E.ini HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: abgx360 v1.0.6 (Windows)
Host: abgx360.net
Accept: */*

* The requested URL returned error: 404
* Closing connection #0

     There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Attempting to at least verify the PFI, Video and game data
     Looking for Xex_2A89F70E.ini in the online verified database

* About to connect() to abgx360.net port 80 (#0)
*   Trying * connected
* Connected to abgx360.net ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /Apps/verified/Xex_2A89F70E.ini HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: abgx360 v1.0.6 (Windows)
Host: abgx360.net
Accept: */*

* The requested URL returned error: 404
* Closing connection #0

     There is no verified rip of Xex CRC 2A89F70E in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex
Verification failed

Press any key to exit . . .

DOWNLOAD LINKS: RECOMMENDED TO BUY A PREMIUM ACCOUNT via PAYPAL CHEAP! http://wantload.com/c38k7j14e2k1/Aliens_Colonial_Marines_XBOX360-COMPLEX.rar.html

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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع [HOT'n'LOL] ❤ [LATEST XBOX360 RELEASES] ❤ 100 MB/s+ SUPER SPEED ❤ UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD]:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
❤ღ❤ الانمي الكوميدي الرومانسي الرائع ◄ Nyan Koi ►مترجم كامل للتحميل ❤ღ❤ kakashi02said قسم الأنمي المترجم 46 06-11-2012 02:34 AM
°❤°❤° الانمي الرومانسي | White Album | كامل للتحميل°❤°❤° kakashi02said قسم الأنمي المترجم 14 01-04-2011 05:39 AM
|❤=❤| الانمي الكوميدي الرومانسي الرائع Fruits Basket كامل للتحميل + روابط حديثة|❤=❤| kakashi02said قسم الأنمي المترجم 26 12-18-2010 05:24 PM

الساعة الآن 11:26 AM.

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