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أرشيف قسم البرامج هذا القسم خاص لجميع المواضيع القديمة والمنتهية من جميع الاقسام، وبالإضافة للمواضيع المخالفة للقوانين العامة والخاصة .

قديم 03-02-2010, 06:40 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي كرهة شكل الوندوز وعايز تغيرو هنا مكتبة تغير شكل الوندوز وكل انضمة التشغيل

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبراكاتة
البرنامج الاول

BumpTop Pro 1.50
BumpTop Pro 1.50 + Patch

BumpTop Pro 1.50
BumpTop Pro 1.50 + Patch

BumpTop is a fun, intuitive, 3D desktop that keeps you organized and makes you more productive. It combines the look and feel of a real desk with the power of your PC. You can pile your files, flip through websites and toss your photos up to Twitter or Facebook quickly and easily, right from your desktop. Advanced search and sort capabilities make sure you can find your files when you need them. Personalize your desktop with custom themes, sticky notes and photo slideshows and turn your desktop into a useful, fun space instead of a graveyard of lost or forgotten files.

Hotfile Links :-

Rapidshare Links :-

البرنامج التانى
WindowBlinds 7.0 Build 230 (2010)

hat's New in This Release:

� Native support for Windows 7
� Native Aero skinning for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users
� Native 64-bit support for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users
� Auto-conversion of Windows XP era skins to Windows Vista or Windows 7
� Ability to apply textures to skins
� A new, easy to use configuration program
� Native Clear-Type support for better font handling
� New Skin format called UIS0 for skinning Aero (takes hours instead of days to create a new skin).
� New WindowBlinds 7 skins included such as Submline, Aero Metals, Corporate, Aero Woods, Aero Clay, Sabertooth along with new WindowBlinds 7 skins being released soon after to the public such as Altitude.
� Option to have a random skin applied each logon
� Much better customization of fonts
� Massive performance improvements in applying of skins.
� Optimization of Windows Vista and Windows 7 DWM drawing to improve battery life on laptops.
� Aero skinning (UIS0) is 100% compatible (it�s Aero) with all Windows programs.

Download Link:

البرنامج التالت
WinStep Xtreme 8.5

An integrated workspace environment, Winstep Xtreme is a powerful suite of applications that merge incredible usability and performance with breathtaking eye candy.

Transforms your desktop:
? Lets you have a desktop that becomes the envy of whoever looks at it? everybody loves a pretty face!
? Organizes your Applications and Reduces Desktop Clutter
? Winstep Xtreme allows you to eliminate the huge clutter from your desktop and quickly organize the applications and ********s you use more frequently.
? Enhances your productivity
? Puts the things you need the most at your fingertips, allowing you to work better and faster. Your ********s and applications are always just one or two clicks away.
? Simplifies every aspect of your daily work
? Instead of a generalist User Interface that compromises in order to accommodate millions of users, with Xtreme you can customize the Interface so it suits you, and the way you work.


البرنامج الرابع
Visual Task Tips 3.4
Visual Task Tips v 3.4

Visual Task Tips v 3.4

Visual Task Tips is a lightweight shell enhancement utility. It provides thumbnail preview image for each task in the Windows Taskbar, as seen in the upcoming Microsoft Windows Vista

direct Download



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البرنامج الخامس
Real 3D Desktop 1.9

Real Desktop is one of those PC applications that aren't really that useful, but have such an attractive effect on your system that you want to install them anyway.

This app turns your Windows desktop into a three-dimensional environment where all your shortcuts look like small pieces that have been dropped on the floor - and they actually behave like that. You can move them, rotate them, lift them a bit from the floor and mix them all around the desktop surface. The only icon that remains somewhat apart is the Recycle bin, probably to help you find it faster.

This precisely the main drawback in Real Desktop: finding icons. The 3D effect is really amazing, as well as the icon behavior almost as Lego pieces. But having them scattered all over the places doesn't exactly make your PC easier to use - especially if you're anything like me, who likes to have as few icons as possible, and always perfectly organized.

With Real Desktop you can apply an amazing 3D effect to your Windows desktop, although you'll lose a lot of icon usability on the way.


البرنامج السادس

Stardock ObjectDock Plus 1.90.535

ObjectDock� is a program that enables users to organize their shortcuts, programs and running tasks into an attractive and fun animated Dock. By allowing users to have more control over how they organize their desktop, users can take control of their desktop icons and shortcuts to have them be available when where and how they need them. With ObjectDock, you can make your computer more usable, and more fun at the same time!

New in v1.9! New Stardock "ReadyView" weather flyouts, minimize animation in Vista, smoother / quicker drawing with smoothness settings and a variety of improvements. New plus-exclusives include all new improved taskbar status area handling, special taskbar modes, and more.


* Easy to use shortcut organizer
* Simple drag & drop operation
* Convenient autohide and "keep in background" modes
* The most popular program of its kind - 3.5 million users to date
* Fully customizbale - tons of backgrounds and images freely available
* Low system resource usage
* Smooth animations
* Designed to run smoothly even on older computers
* Weather flyout showing your current conditions & 5-day forecast
* The universal standard for Docklet extensions
* Helpful support team and message boards
* Consistent updates - will continue to be updated and improved for years and years to come
* We listen to customer feedback - new features and abilities added to each revision
* Running programs show up on dock, can minimize to it
* Super-smooth minimize animations in Vista
* Many languages supported, unicode compliant

System Requirements:

* Windows 7/XP/Vista (32 bit versions only)
20MB free drive space
Impulse must be installed in order to download and update software
* Languages supported:
English, French, German, Italian, Polski, Russian, Spanish, Serbian (srpski) Note: The interface has been localized for these languages, but the ********ation and help (where available) will be in English.

Size : 12.5 MB




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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع كرهة شكل الوندوز وعايز تغيرو هنا مكتبة تغير شكل الوندوز وكل انضمة التشغيل:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
سؤال لكل عضو لماذا تركت الوندوز اكس بي ووندوز فستا وتحولت الى الوندوز 7 ؟ العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 1 07-16-2010 12:38 AM
طلب اريد المساعده في كيفيه عمل الصوت في الوندوز لان لا يوجد لدي صوت في الوندوز وشكرا العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 12-14-2008 03:11 PM
جعل الوندوز اكس بي يسترجع المجلدات الأخيرة قبل اعادة التشغيل العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 12-11-2008 07:00 PM
طريقة التخلص من التنبية لأعادة التشغيل الذي يظهر بعد تحديث الوندوز العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 10-26-2008 09:52 PM
الوندوز الذي سيحل محل جميع نسخ الوندوز لعام 2008 XP Dark Edition v6 سارع بأقتناصه.. Al3asq أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 09-13-2008 10:38 AM

الساعة الآن 03:42 AM.

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