05-08-2010, 11:54 AM
رقـم العضويــة: 45431
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2010
المشـــاركـات: 3
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
Mystic Tan Reviews
cheap wig One of the most popular articles on About.com - Skin Care is my Mystic Tan review. (read review) Now, I do realize that some people love the look of their Mystic Tan. And in theory, the idea is fabulous! You spend less than a minute in a booth and come out with a tan that builds over a few hours. Gorgeous tan skin without the harmful UV rays. What could be bad?
[size=12pt]hair wig[/size] Except, in my experience, it was pretty much all bad. Despite giving it my best effort, I was a mess for a week or so after my tan. If you'd like to compare yourself with me, I'm very fair skinned, red hair, freckles. I don't tan from the sun. I was given the option of 3 shades of tan (just by description) and I chose the lightest.
So I knew I needed to hear what readers thought of their Mystic Tan experiences, and I set up an area for them to do so. And it appears, by some of the reviews, that Mystic Tan has updated booths and has added new tan options.
wholesale wig And while there are some who hated Mystic Tan as much as I did, there are also quite a few who loved their Mystic Tan experience. Check out their reviews and if you've done it, go ahead and add your own!